22. New Phase.

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The blood was still dripping from my hand, and I was deeply lost in shock at what the hell just happened.

He left my hand as it fell with blood dripping. Everyone was shocked and happy as well.

"Happy wedding!! SIYANSHA!" Chaya came running towards me as she hugged me. Usually, I was supposed to twist her hand and make her fall to the ground.

But the suddenness of the situation had me crazy right now.

What the fuck just happened.

I turned to look at the man beside me. He too was not smiling and was more of a dead face with only annoyance visible on his face. While his family was dancing with joy and happiness.

His eyes were stuck on my dripping hands.

And mine was,

This is not Anshuman. Because Anshuman is sweet and calm and looser.

He would never dare to do something like this.

Who the hell was this man then?

All the blood dripping, started to now make me a little dizzy.

"SIYANSHA!" I heard a loud voice before I could fall on hard ground, and instead, I fell on a chest.

I looked up at the man, and it was,


"What the hell did you do!" I heard him yelling.

But the next moment the chest I was on was shaken and now I was on some other chest, "She is my wife now. We are married now. So take your FUCKING HANDS AWAY FROM HER!" Anshuman yelled, while on his chest, the vibration of how loud he shouted, was clear.

Come on! Come on!

You are Siyansha! Get a grip of yourself!

Come on Siyansha!

"I don't care if you are married or not!! Just let me see her."

"Why? Should I? I can care about my own woman now!!!"

"Your own woman? Care? Who are you fucking with? She is bleeding and you are busy fighting with me. If you cared about her, you would have taken her to the hospital. Not letting her die!!!! Give her to me before she dies!!" I heard Rehmaan yelling again.

"Even if she is dying. She will die in my hands!!!" Anshuman said.

And that's it.


I tried to stand on my feet. And I did. My breathing was hard and it was taking me all my strength to stand.

As I stood. The first thing I did was pushing the fuck away Anshuman.
"Don't worry, Anshuman... Even... If I am dying-- I will die after drawing out your blood." A little stuttering, I managed to say it out.

I am not that weak.

"Let's take you to the hospital," Rehmaan said as he grabbed my arm to make me stand tall.

"I don't need to go hospital. Chaya, just get me first aid." I ordered her and she with embarrassed that I called her by name, She went to pick out the box.

My sight was still faltering here and there. One was looking three and three were looking nine.

Get a grip!

"You all continue the deal. I don't want anything to stop because of me." I took the box from her hand and sat on the couch, while everyone was standing.

UNDESIRED BRIDE. (Darkened Brides Book Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now