43: Veil Reveal

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"Hello, I'm Kritika!-"

"It's my turn sister!" A voice rang in the room, making Siya visible. My eyes shot open to the normal outfit she was wearing, a white dress holding on her curves with loose three-fourths sleeves. A long oval cut on her chest.  Her brown hair was in a tight non-messy behind her ears. Not blonde. But the brown she had before LA, and a few strands of them lingering on her face.

Damn! How can she look so perfect even with half her face covered in tattoos?  She with her decent height, looks taller in her white three-inch pencil heels. Thinner than a pencil.  And how is she managing to walk in them? She never wore something like that before.

She walked inside, from beside me, giving me a corner eye and smirk, on the unblinking look I had settled on her ever since she came visible into the room. Her pace slowed while crossing me murmuring, "At this rate, you will dig a hole in me." And the realization hit me that I was not alone in there. She crossed and approached near Kritika.

"Isn't it my turn? I'm the next, in the introduction paper provided to our directors."

Well. I was expecting something sarcastic with her tough and always fun voice. But she rather came out sweeter. Something I had rarely seen.

"Of course," Kritika extended her hand to proceed with Siyansha first. "Thank you!" Siyansha gave a warm smile.

And Kritika sat back, when Siyansha smiled, at the seating crowd.

"Hello, everyone. I'm Siyansha Oberoi." She was smiling brightly. Everyone smiled back at her. Wow! It's an unexpected reaction for people's families or themselves, she was sent hospital too.

"Siyansha! darling, you are the reason half of us are here." A woman yelped in between when Siyansha smiled.

"I missed you all too. I mean, ever since Dad, we left all connections to join us. Or else you all are the people I have seen growing up from the age of 5."

No wonder she is like this.

"Aw! We thought something happened to you at the fire. But had no idea you were alive and fine." Another man said from the side. He stood and walked towards her and kissed her on her cheeks half hugging her. And no! She didn't dig the pen from the table to, his chest. She reciprocated.

Okay! So she can act like a rich normal child. Who is psychotic?

Apart from my surprise, every candidate was feeling already out of the game.

"Here, I bought you your favourite ceramic unicorn. You used to play with me in childhood." An old man handed her a unicorn with many ponytails on his head. "Aw! Thanks, Hilton uncle."

Woah! She was touched!?

She wasn't touched when I proposed to her with my locket. And she was touched by a unicorn? With ugly ponies?

Everyone smiled, apart from some people sitting at the table. It's like 70/30. Thirty were not interested in what was happening here.

"Anyways! Let's start the qualification." Chaya said, when one after another everyone started to tell their qualifications.

"I'm left!" Kritika screamed in between, when the man who came to kiss Siyansha on her cheeks, patted Kristina's shoulder. "No one wants to hear you. And we already know you. A betrayer and stealer." He taunted her when her face turned red half its size in embarrassment.

They agreed embarrassing her more. And started the qualification round.

One after another.

Some graduated from some college in London. Some Graduated In Germany. Some are curators in an Art Gallery. And others.

There were many with great qualifications. Again Kritika was shut and it was Siyansha's turn.

"My qualifications? I think you all know. I am a fashion designer." She said with a smirk and turned her gaze to the politician couple. "But I think. When we talk about qualifications, I'll tell you what I'm qualified for. I was 12 when my first design went viral online. When I was 14 my design was featured in a show. And when I was 18, I was working under the most prestigious designer. And owned my own multi-national million company when I was 21.  So I'm qualified with the will to grow, I'm qualified with efforts, I'm qualified with practice and I'm qualified with spirit."

I always kept wondering, why her dad and her mother were so crazy to make a psychotic person a chairwoman. But now I see, she is worth it.

"And my next qualifications, ever since I was 5, I have been kidnapped 25 times by my dad's rivals, I have been tried to murder 7 times, many reasons. And I have been sexually harassed uncountable times. So I'm qualified with a strong headset, I'm qualified with separating my emotions then my regular life. I am qualified with awareness and of course, I am qualified for standing strong and fighting back in zero chances.  So I don't know about my grades. But I am alive and fine with two legs and hands. So I guess I at least score 90+,"

I never imagined this. But she is best here. Not that she tells what qualifications mean but also how sheets are not the results but reality.

"That's our girl. She is the best. You are so strong. You and the best Siyansha." Again her favorables started to say and agree. When she was just giving a polite smile.

Wow! Only if she wasn't raised in a toxic environment. She would have been the inspiration for billions of women and girls.

She would be having the stars kneeling in front of her.

She continued now, removing some kind of remote behind the projector "And my very last qualification is loyalty. That I will prove to you, that I have for you all." she said and she clicked a button when the white wall behind the projector turned transparent revealing Saya Hari and her Dad sitting inside.

What the fuck!?


Did you guys expect to see her psycho side here???

But I believe she needs to reveal that she isn't just some rich-born girl living her life freely and getting an inheritance of millions.

I wanted to show, that she deserves everything.

Update for - ThavieshaPallawala

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