57. AND that's How You Do It.

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"Did your legs rot from standing? Because if they didn't, I am going to cut them. Because they are of no use. Why so many calls?" I asked him, when he walked towards my side, daring to raise his hands to hug me. I took his hand and twisted it behind him.

"Off me, always. Understood?" I asked him when he started to giggle.

"Okay, I'm sorry. Now leave me."

"How was the trip? It went well?" I asked him, sparing his hands to him. When he gave me a nod. "Yeah. It went well. And your work is done. So don't worry, we are going to make up for everything. With no worries. Understand?"

"I want it done. No matter what."

"Yes. I know. And in that case, I want to talk to you about something. So can we please go to my house now." he asked me, when my smirk, with my dead eyes, was the proof of fuck of... And a clear no.

"Okay, no hands on you. I promise." And I don't trust him. But I have my skills with me. "Sit, now. Please." he again, asked, and opened his door for me to sit.  I gave an approving nod and was to sit inside when I heard a yell.

"Siyansha." it was Kritika, her eyes widened with disbelief. Finding me with Ujwal. "Where are you going with this man? I thought everything was ended after the meeting. Why are you still joining him?" She asked me, with her hastily fast steps, and shocked expression.

Like she cares. Well. I know you don't. You must be just thrilled to find out that hey! Siyansha is with another man, so her's will be free.

"Don't worry, I don't into second-hand stuff, so your husband is free anyways,"  I told her when she scoffed and looked at Ujwal. From up to down.

"Do you know this man has no heart? And that he is an obsessive psycho?"

"And you know. I am just standing right here?"

"Who cares? What are you gonna do? Kill me in front of my sister?" She was very fast in that reply. And she still believes that I want the best for her. Well if that was the case scenario, I wouldn't let you be still married to a man. Who is stupid and out of common sense?

"Oh. That I don't need to do that. Siya will do it herself."

"Why are you calling her Siya? On what right?" and here comes, the little family of my sister. Her husband and her daughter.

"Oh were you all out for a family picnic?" Ujwal asked, ignoring how Anshuman threatened him. He handed Aria to Kritika and grabbed Ujwal 's collar. "Stay away from Siyansha. Don't you know, who is she?" he asked him. When  Ujwal started to laugh.

"And what right do you have to be angry? Where do you stand?" his words shut up him again. When he turned to look at me, for some kind of hope. Well, I'm sorry, I am good at breaking that.

"Leave him, Ansh. It's my fling. And I'll end it when I want to. Leave."

"Fling? You are dating this asshole man? You must be kidding me?" He was frustrated, but he did leave his collar and turned to look at me.

"As said earlier, you can't hope, for me to stay single forever. Just because your little d**K in your pants still thrives, when it looks at me?" His lips zipped together, when he started to laugh.

"Siyansha!" Kritika screamed, as she walked closer to me in more fury.

"Don't think, that the world is crazy about you. Because it's not. We have better things to do in our life."

"Yes. Number second princess. Better things, like fuck your ass in clubs?"

And, I know I promised that I would never bring this up with them. But well, promises are made to break. If someone doesn't want to do it, they won't anyway. But if someone wants to, they will.

She stood shunned, as well as Anshuman.

"Even if I sleep with a hundred different men, every day. At least I am not cheating at the one, I promised I'll stay loyal too?" And only if Anshuman hadn't known it earlier, he would have been so curious, about what we were talking about.

She took my hand and started to drag me towards the corner of the alley, when both the other men stood there with no further upcoming action.

"What are you trying to do? Break your sister's family? Why Siyansha? For the first time in my life, I am getting what I want. Is it so hard to let this sway away?" She practically begged me, when I started to laugh.

"No. It's not. The same goes for you, and your husband. Stay away from my life and my decision and my deals."

"What deals? Ujwal Sen? Don't you know, what kind of asshole man he is? He stood for nothing and no one. He has no face because he is worse than a chameleon! He changes girls like dresses?"

"Yeah. And I wonder, what Anshuman used to do? Before? Like, eat the same food every day!"

"He quit later. He is a nice man. Despite his past."

"Yeah. Well. Good for you. If that's what you want to hear."

"Siyansha! Snap out! At least tell me what you are trying to do when you just randomly decided to date Ujwal Sen? Mom's man. Is she trying to do something with you? Is something going on in the background?"

"stop pretending as if you care about that?" I asked not able to grasp the situation when she nodded.

"Well. I don't care. In hell. And right we are alive. So speak! Is Saya on something again?"

"Yes. She is on something. And that's called Fucking Boat. Because she is on her cruise trip with your husband's family. Offering me to know someone else. Because she has nothing better to do"

"And don't tell me, it's Ujwal."

UNDESIRED BRIDE. (Darkened Brides Book Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now