54. She Never Stops.

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"Do you still like me?" I asked her when the whole crowd was more interested in listening to her answer. The club went silent, and everyone forgot about her bleeding hand. And kept looking at her, relentlessly for an answer.

"Do you still crave for me?" I again asked playfully at her silence.

She didn't meet my eyes and kept looking at the blank space between the door and the DJ stage.

"God! I hate the poor security system in here." She murmured, when the next minute, she pivoted towards the bar and grabbed a bottle. And broke it on the counter. When this time I wasn't shocked. And was rather aware of where it was going to attack.

"Does anyone else hear a dog barking?" She loudly asked when the crowd was only looking at her, shocked at the top.

She approached me, "Hell, I regret not learning a hundred different languages because I think you don't under 'No'" She murmured to me when she raised the broken bottle towards my face, and gave me a beautiful smile. And, I scrunched my eyes in fear of the stab she was about to do, while she shook the bottle in the air. And was expecting a hit. But no pain. The crowd gasped. But nothing was feeling in my stomach.

I opened my eyes in shock. When I saw her hand straight stretched behind me, I turned to find the man, she was dancing beside earlier and a knife in his hands.

And the picture of worst that could have happened here, came in front of me.

"Petty of you Reeta! But choose the wrong target." She suddenly yelled. When the man with the bottle, fell back on the ground unconscious.

And then I saw the politician's wife. Walking towards us from the door.

My eyes stuck on her bleeding hand. And then the woman came towards us. The crowd provides space for them.

"How dare you show up after what you did?" She asked Siyansha. Her eyes too going at her forearm.

"Oh come on. Don't make it sound, as if I made a mistake. It was stupid of you to even draw my signature 'W' on the dress."

Woah! Burned...

"Siyansha I thought you were pitiful. But you don't deserve mercy!"

"Mercy? Me? Who the fuck are you to show me mercy?" And her words hyped up Siyansha. I have never seen Siyansha angry. But I think I am looking at it right now.

Is this the angry Siyansha?

She grabbed her neck without hesitation when others came on Siyansha to drop her dead, and that alarmed me, as I followed up holding the necks of the opposite side, much to my shock, there was another man in the crowd who joined me and Siyansha's team following our track, holding others neck. Ten of us holding the necks of the other side ten. As well as Siyansha on the grab of Reeta.


"Nobody shows mercy to me. Because I don't fucking need mercy. Pitiful? Me?" She gritted when she shifted her lips closer to her ears. Murmur-yelling, "You will be much more when there will be, a rod in your asshole, and broomstick in your ******, while you have no idea, how the fuck you will be tied in the cage at my abandoned building with my hundred men. "

And even my nerves stood at her remark. This sounded very very violent and not fine.

But I am still at Siyansha's side because that woman dared to kill her.

"Oh for that you need money, because you have lost the abandoned building and also the man you grovelled on to? Who are you gonna beg it from? Your sister's husband?" she asked with an 'Oh I won't look. But then, Siyansha from her angry face turned into a smirk.

"Oh, not with my sister's husband. Maybe yours." And of course that was a zipper.

"Reeta Darling, what are you doing?" I heard the Bastard asking when he entered from the door behind us.

And the men who were on our side were alerted, straight.

Okay. So they were his man?

"Baby! She dared to threaten me with words I can't tell you." her so-called wife ran towards him and hugged, complaining, when Siyansha too turned.

"Really? But I heard you tried to stab her, first?"

Woah? Is he going to take her Siyansha's side?

"Yes. I did." And she coyed to him. Hoping for a better response.

He smiled at her, his hands on her neck, and grabbed it tightly, everyone was shocked except Siyansha.

"I have told you Reeta Darling, go and kill anyone but never dare to lay a finger on my people. Because one unloyal friend is scarier than a hundred dreadful enemies." in a minute his wife started choking which didn't even make him falter. But he left her.

Wait. That means, with a job, money, power of a powerful man, she got security.

That's why there were men, where she was dancing.

This is not normal, is it?

And his eyes went to her Siyansha. His dirty eyes, as he then looked at her white not any more band-aid, all red.

And he gestured something when the bartender came with first-aid.

He went towards her, and before he could extend his dirty hands, I stopped.
"I'll help her," I said taking the box from the bartender's hand. And turned towards Siyansha.

"Whore!" I heard the wife say it. Which wasn't much liking to Siyansha. So Siyansha raised her hand, with her middle finger up to her face. "Enough. Siyansha. Just because I am taking your side doesn't mean I am against my wife." I heard the man say.

"Well just because I'm a dog of Oberoi, doesn't mean I am not Mannan. And you know, how wild Mannan blood is. We were the empire, you are just part of." I threatened this man, on his remark. Because I can't take someone talking down to Siyansha.

Someone like this asshole.

"Well, not anymore!"

"Until we are determined to ruin the shit out of someone."

Well, even I don't know, on who's power am I shitting on?

"Let's leave loser," Siyansha spoke in between to me. Which was a total letdown. She looks down on me.

And I don't like that.

"Where is your doctor friend? Ask him to dress it. It seems serious."  That bastard asked her. Taking care of her more than me.

"Don't worry. I won't die until I spend your money." Spitting that, she walked passed me and him, and out of the door.

She is wild.

UNDESIRED BRIDE. (Darkened Brides Book Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now