35. The life I couldn't dream off.

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I felt dizzy when I saw the van throwing a woman out from the van and that too, it was Siyansha. They threw a phone with her and drew away in haste. Before I could grasp the situation, Rehman had begun to handle the situation.

“Stretcher!”He yelled to the guards far away they all ran with the stretcher as they took Siya from the ground. Rehman took her in his arms and kept her on the stretcher. The nurses already running away with her. While he picked up the phone from the ground. On Speaker. “Hello, my daughter's friend.” a familiar voice of Saya Hari. “This time I sent her back because I have faith that you will bring her back. And if you don't. I am not sure her breath will be working while throwing her next time.” She was her mom. How can she say something that dangerous for her daughter?

“She will not come back to India. At least she has a chance she will be safe here. But not at all in India. She is not going there. Do you understand?” He wasn't scared of her.

“Rehman! Rehman! I don't even understand why are you obsessed with my daughter. She is total junk! You should find a better match!” She was blabbering, when I realised his nerves from his rolled-up sleeves and how much they were craving to rip her apart.

“I think you are junk!” his words made me and Kritika stunned. He doesn't fear an ounce. “Am I?” she asked, as the call was hanged.

Wait? Is she going to do something else? But Rehman wasn't alarmed, he threw the phone on the ground, it scattering into uncountable pieces.

He started to walk away from us. Inside the hospital again. While I was standing where I was. I'm the most worthless existence in her life.

Because I can never protect her.

It's just right for her to be with Rehman.

I was lost in thinking about Siya when is saw Kritika standing to escape. I grabbed her hand, “You are going to the police, you are not going to escape.” I warned her, she sneered at me. “Police? Who's gonna send me? You?” She started to laugh. “You can't send me to the police. Because we have to look after Aria. And Rehman will not do it either. Because he won't move a flinch without Siya's permission.”

“And what about the hospital? I'm sure they don't randomly take poisoned women?” I asked her when she started to laugh. “That hospital you see is owned by Rehman! If he says no. Then it is no.” She said pointing at the hospital making me scared.

“He is that rich?” I asked with mistrust.

“Rich? He is richer than Saya Hari! Or that Rathods, has his hospital chains in half of the American continent. His entire family lives in America. Only he lives in India for Siya. He is a doctor.”


I started to laugh. She is kidding me. How can this be? He smokes, he drinks he has tattoos. He is not at all like a nerd.

“Stop kidding me!” I laughed at her. “Doctors can't have tattoos.” I denied believing this.

“Says who? You? Have you ever scored more than 50?” She looked down at me.

But why am I even fighting?

Even if he is.

But does he stay in India just for Siya?

“He is a science genius. He lives there to help Siya with her diagnosis.”

Siya with her what?

“What diagnosis?” I asked shocked, she was surprised because she dared to slip her tongue. But while I was consumed in the situation she freed her hands and started to walk away from me, inside the hospital. When everyone can. Why can't I?

I too want to go inside. And want to know about Siyansha.

What is she diagnosed with? Come back to think they always keep talking about weirdness Octobers.

What is this?



I tried to open my eyes when something was kept in my eyes. “You shouldn't stress your body. You need rest so just. Rest.” I heard Rehman's voice, Sleeping back I stopped my attempt to open my eyes.

“Are you happy now? Drinking even when you knew it was poisoned? Why do you do something as stupid as that? And won't even stop for me?” He started screaming at me the next second.

I am a patient let me rest.

“If you are going to nag. Leave!” I warned him. As he became silent.

“You know you were kidnapped from OT by Saya Hari. You could have died.” he again started. Saya Hari kidnapped me? Not so surprising!

“And what was your staff doing during that time?” I asked him. Again silent. “Can't you just stop what you are doing?” He asked me. His voice was numb and slow. He was upset with me. That's when he talks like that. And never screams.

I don't know how he manages to suppress his anger like that. When he is so high-tempered.

“Do you think my stopping would stop everything? They will come back for me always.”

“That's an excuse.”

“It's not!” I opened my eyes. Half sat looking at him who was sitting with his head down tired. “As soon as I'm-”

“Just give up on everything. I promise I will give you everything. Much better.  You can have freedom and power and everything you love. Just please give up!” He begged me. Not meeting my eyes. “I am scared of this constant feeling of looking at you dead any moment, the fear of what if I won't be able to save you.” He tilted his head to look at me. “You don't care about me, Siya. How do I feel, looking at you playing with your life? I love you. But you don't love me. You never did. Even you got engaged to me because you didn't want me to leave. Do you think I didn't know about it? I do?”

“So you want to leave now?” I asked him. Finding conclusion in his words.

“No! I never want to leave. But at the same time, I want you to promise me that, YOU WON'T LEAVE ME. Between your playful games. Promise me.”

“It is ridiculous. How can I promise you that I won't die when people are sitting out there trying to kill me?” I asked him raising my brows,  “Jalandhar, Subha and Ujwal?”

UNDESIRED BRIDE. (Darkened Brides Book Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now