61. The Game Of Unmasking

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"Subha, I'm gonna kill your nephew for this," Randhir said as everyone looked at her. "Oh come on guys. She is at no fault. Ujwal likes me way too much. He has photos hanging around the whole house of me. Leave him be. He reminds me of a teen little boy." I said as everyone laughed. But Not the Raja family. Well, this was their end. I can feel their pain.

"Also, he almost partially told me everything about Rehman. But I didn't want it to get revealed like that. I wanted some action you know." I made a pout and moved away from Reeta's boundry she made to protect me from Rehman. I took a step closer to him, and my stomach had some more bleeding because of the knife.

"You are dying let's stop it here. And continue later. " He said when he took a step closer, in a hand-lending manner, when I laughed at his face while looking at his hand. "Uh! Really? Quit your acting now Rehman. Things are out!" I yelped when he again looked down like before and raised his head, "Is it?" and his evil smile. "Who would have imagined, that the person who is known to be a psychology doctor is a qualified psychopath himself? Such an irony!" I laughed at him when he too chuckled with me.

"Yes!" He laughed and walked a step left and right.  "Funny right? Even I wonder the same! For like how? Maybe that's why I took psychology as my subject. And studied it. But found no cure for myself." he said and kicked the little pebble on the floor. With a big smile.

"God! Out of 7 billion people on earth planet must it have been me who had to be interesting for you?" I sighed, and laughed at my fate, my lips drying from what I felt and my body getting more white than usual brown. Partially my visions blurring.

"Well, not everyone can be Siyansha right?" He shrugged when I swayed in my stand but he grabbed my hand before I fell.

"There is nothing more funny and interesting in life than seeing the strongest person you know crumble down." He murmured in my ears and I smiled. Trying to stand myself back and took my lips near his ears, "The way I'll see your body turn into ashes. SOON." That was surely a challenge. Yeah, I know his mother has my family in his hand. But I can't do anything about it. Not that I care about them way too much. People should take responsibility for themselves.

Listening to my remark, he started to laugh more and took a step closer to me. "See this is the most amazing and fun part. When you belittle people with no fear. And scared for anything. Like man! Damn! You have got guts in those butts!" He made this weird face and made me laugh at it. Because it was so damn funny! He was showing his real side to me for the first time.

"Yeah, and your cheep play was sick like your d**k"

Well, staying quiet and sitting back is never my thing, who cares if my stomach is crumbling and I am going to fall on the ground?

"Let's see a doctor first Siyansha! I don't want to be dead until I kill you myself?" he made a puppy face. Making me twitch my lips on the side.

"Well, a dog always knows, how to act like a dog." And crossed past him. As my last remark. I could feel that I was lacking all the strength as well and my head was giving up on me with all the dizziness. And irregular breathing with my pumping heart.

Man! Must I die a sad death with a betrayer's best friend? Even I feel pity for myself! I wondered and kept walking when my knees crumbled and fell, but I was caught already.



"What's with your long face?" Kritika and Siyansha's dad came to me, while I was sitting on the couch with my laptop, reviewing files. "What long face?" I politely asked, when he said no to his face. "Sorry not a long face, a very long face. Why? Is Kritika too busy in Aria and giving you no time?" he asked me and I sighed.

Please! The last thing I want is advice from the man who messed up his own and his daughter's life.

"Chaya? Why are you looking at me from there? Come sit with us!" He screamed from the bed to his wife in the kitchen. While from my laptop my eyes kept going to the door. It's way past her time when she usually comes home. Did she sleep at that Ujwal? Or maybe are they still together? But she has a conscience to come home or call someone if she will stay the night. Well no! She is not like that. Maybe she thought that we already saw her so she didn't need to?

Well, stop guessing if you are bad at it.

Kritika came towards us from the room. And sat between me and her father. Firstly her hand started to crawl up my stomach but I made sure it was not noticeable to her dad that I swiped her hands away from me. Of course, she tried to come on me again. And turned towards her dad. And went cuddled with him.

Yeah, a few days ago you guys were fighting like a dog. When your sister cuts her wrist and looks at you. Not giving me fuck anymore. If she is home or not.

How insensitive!

"Where is my other daughter?" he murmured cuddling with her too. And asked,

"Yeah I forgot to tell you, do you know that Sinha family? The one with an average number of shares in the company. With that woman who has this long hair? And his nephew owns her inheritance?" She enthusiastically asked. When his dad nodded.

"Siyansha is dating him. Like I and Anshuman just saw them together."

"Is that so? Well, I gotta check that man."

"Come on Dad! Don't act like the nineties, you know he won't last long. Siyansha's always been like that." She muttered when his dad nodded. "And see we eventually make the best choices." She said and turned to look at me.

"On that, I agree. You did have a nice choice when you agreed to marry him. And in that case, I think Siyansha failed to recognise a commendable man like him."

Well! If it weren't for your daughter to burn her alive. I don't think Siyansha made a bad choice. I got frustrated by her and her father. As I stood with my laptop files and phone. I'll just wait at the door for her.

But, suddenly my phone started to ring. It was Rehman.

Why would he call me at a time like this? I immediately picked it up.

"Siyansha is in hospital."



UNDESIRED BRIDE. (Darkened Brides Book Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now