39: Not shocked.

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"Did you try to find her?" He asked me next when the nurse left after injecting an antibiotic in him.

"No!" I told him, honestly. I just came to the ER after the airport. I barely know anywhere she can go apart from the home and that fighting club.

"Okay," he said as he tried to sit straight I grabbed his arms, "What are you doing?" I asked him when he shook his head and jerked my hands.

"We need to find her. Who knows where she is?" He said, and it would be cheesy and too much for me to force him to rest and lie down.

I'm not his brother or friend. Neither enemy nor well-wisher.

I'm just an ex-husband of his ex-girlfriend.

Wait. This doesn't make sense anymore now.


"Do you think you can walk in a situation and body like that?" I asked him, and he nodded. "Even if I have to crawl to assure her safety," he said and stood resting his arm on my shoulders. I didn't want to do so, but I did give my hand to him. So that he can stand. And he did.

"I'm sure we can find her, 20m/hour. Because that's how fast you are going to walk like this."

Okay, I hope I didn't sound worried. And concerned?

He glared at me, as he took his hands off my shoulder, and started to try stretching. He tried to extend his hands sideways and fold his legs backwards, bent his waist.

And the next minute, he was walking fine. His forearm hair was standing while the nerve in his head was visible from his forehead. It was paining. But he didn't care.

Yeah! He loves her way too much.

"Are you gonna stand there? Is that why you came from India?" He asked me, ahead of me. When I shook my head and walked towards his side.

We both left the hospital, the head nurse warning him to not get out, but who can stop the owner?

He took the keys from the desk, and I took it back from him, "You can't drive like that!"

"Who said? I will. You will drive. And if you don't want to, no problem." He stuttered at saying too many words altogether. But he was trying to stay strong.

"No! I'll drive" We both headed when it was not his car. The car he came that day with. "Who's car is this?"

"Employee!" He said, woah! He has influence. They gave him without thinking twice.

As we sat and left, he told me addresses, and navigating we tried all the possible places she could be.

We went to all the resorts they have been to, we went all the underground places they have been to, for fights. We went to all the other houses of Rehman. We went to some friend-related people we know.

We went to possible hotels, we went to possible hill locations she liked.

"You sure, do go to the bathroom a lot. Or is it because of some kind of damage?" I asked him when he came from the hotel's bathroom. Leaving for another destination.

We went to half of  LA. And nowhere she was.

"Don't worry, my son will marry your daughter."

"What? Never! Aria won't marry out of connections. She will marry the person she wants to."

He scoffed. As he took a huge turn.

"Where are leaving for?" I asked him for the next location.

She didn't have money so it was clear that she would only be at a place where she had influence and could go in without a problem.

But nowhere she was.

Where in the world possibly can she be??

While driving we both felt that a car was following us, all this while. The car kept changing at times. But always a car was behind us, we stopped, and they stopped. We move, they move.

"Rehman, do you think? That car has been following us for so long?" I asked him when he looked at the rare view mirror.

"I know, it's Saya's man car. They want to find her, so they are following us."

He was so calm, for a person who was beaten like a pulp and was getting followed by thugs.

"Don't you think we should distract them?" I asked him when he said no from his head.

"As if they will find her by following us." He said when I was confused. "They will find her when we will. Won't they?" I asked him when he smirked and scoffed.

"Do you think I'm that stupid, I know we won't find Siyansha. I don't know her exact location but she won't stay in the places we can predict."

What?? If he knows?

"Why are we roaming then? That too when you are in a condition like this?" I asked him, and he smiled.

Dropped, so many a card he collected from his pocket. It was an alien handwritten note.

Wait! Did Siyansha give this??

"This is where she is?? Is this why you were roaming around? To find this? In the bathroom." He nodded.

Wahh! "How did you know she would keep something like this?"

"We planned this. Even if we are going to disappear, or be grounded.  We are going to leave a trail behind."

Wow! They are like action movies. Fighting? Hitting? Kidnapping? Trail?

"Now! Mr." Get off, he said, when we both got off and went to a hotel. His whole body was aching. It was visible. And then we went inside the mansion.

"Wow! This is a huge mansion." I said to the 14-story half-like building-looking house when he nodded. "It's mine," he said when my eyes shot open.
Wow?? It's so huge!

Coming inside from one gate, he walked straight towards the other as he sat in a different car there, waiting for me to sit in the driver's seat.

"What are you doing?"

"Distracting the boys out." He said, as I understood his plan, we drive out of another gate probably fooling the man.

And as we did. I followed the information input in the navigator.

After thirty minutes of the ride.

Here we were,

Out of a small club.

Was this written on the card? "I think we are mistaken." He ignored me and started to walk wobbling.

And there she was.

Dancing in a club with a drink.

UNDESIRED BRIDE. (Darkened Brides Book Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now