49: Little of Anshuman.

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The door slowly opened when he hesitated and zoned out was sitting there, his eyes at nowhere. I won't talk much about it since this can make things worse.

"Do you want me to lend you a pillow and blanket?" I asked him, lightly. When he scrunched his eyes, he slowly started to stand, when couldn't handle himself and fell back. Struggling on the floor.

I extended my hands towards him, "You can't sit there forever." I told him, when he without taking my hand, stood from the support of a wall behind him.

He started to take a faltering pace when I went ahead of him.

"Nothing Siyansha. Please say Nothing." He requested before I could start to say anything. Or ask him anything.

And again started to walk. Well, not that I'm curious about your family life. But I need to make sure he says nothing to Kritika.

I again took my steps ahead of him.

"I SAID NOTHING SIYANSHA!" His loud voice rang inside the whole room, without making me flinch at them. But I didn't get mad here.

He is just frustrated.

Well, that doesn't make me a punching bag, does it?

"Okay dude, chill. Not to overreact." I tried to calm the storm but it was rather difficult.

"What? Chill??? Seriously Siyansha?? I get it that nothing matters to you. And that nothing is a big deal for you. But it's fuckiny a pretty big deal for me. And come to think of it, you are the reason for everything!! Everything from up to down. It's you who is responsible for everything." His yelling became louder and louder. And I wasn't whole fond of the situation right now.

"If you hadn't left me alone. I wouldn't have to marry her. And no one could have forced us. But no!! You had to mark your freedom that's why you destroyed someone else! And along with meeting you, I regret coming here and caring for you. Thinking and putting my efforts on your meals??? Why?? Because I wanted to ruin my own life. That's why I came here and hid behind it. Because I wanted to destroy myself and it's all because of you!! Because you are best at destroying someone's life!"

"I get it you are shocked. But I'm not your punching bag. So fuck off! If you are going to behave like this. Get lost!"
He looked at me, unhitched and not blinking once.

"Siyansha. Let's hope. That even I don't turn against you someday." He gritted on his words and pivoted to leave, "If you do, I'll spare you some forgiveness, for the KFC," I murmured. He heard it but then opened the door and left. This time not caring about who is on the door.

Well. Seems like he will say it to Kritika.



I furiously walked out of Siyansha's room not caring about who was there or not. Because I can't take this. I won't forgive Kritka for this. She cheated on me. That didn't hurt me a bit. But she is been lying to me about Aria. No!

I have never been so wise in my life. But that doesn't qualify her to make a fool of me. I walked inside my room, where Kritika was standing with her back visible to me, and the maid's back facing me. Only Aria's face was there, looking at me, smiling. When her little lips and hand were in them, she slowly started to say papa, papa.

And that's it. I couldn't control myself.

"I know! Baby! "

"Ma'am you know she doesn't drink milk without sir. She hates milk. And it's Milk time. Where is sir?" Aria's Nanny recalled.

And yes that's true.

I can't abandon Aria just because of her mother. Before I knew I used to love her. Like my own daughter.


She is my daughter.

Does it matter who his biological father is? I don't think so.

She is Aria Aria Anshuman Mannan. And she will be. Let's just let this slide. Once.

"Sir!" Her nanny screamed, Kritika, turning to look at me while I wanted to break her face. "Where were you? Aria is not drinking her milk again. She isn't taking the bottle inside." She screamed and brought her towards me.

"She hates milk. She is not taking the bottle! Papa Papa all the time." Kritika played with her. When I took Aria from her hand. This woman has the nerve to smile at me with that face of her.

I jumped her in the air, playing with her, throwing her over and over again while she was giggling. Right. I shouldn't be an asshole man to this little princess. Should I?

I took her in my arms, and I hugged her tightly when she handed me the bottle. She was murmuring Papa Papa with her tiny little face. 

Okay. I'm not going to ruin her life.

"SIYANSHA!!" I heard a loud voice from the floor. And the loud voice was of her father.

"Dad!!" Kritika screamed and ran. I handed Aria to the nanny, following her behind. From the oval staircase, we both were already running down, when I saw,

Her dad holding her and stopping her while she was all ready.

"Dad let me go!! I have to leave. I have a meeting and I can't let go of it."

"What meeting? Forget it. You are grounded. Do you understand it?" He asked me when she hysterically laughed.

"Yes, I know I am grounded. And I don't give a fuck about it. So!" She again smiled at him.

"Okay. I understand.  But I am your father. Tell me. Talk to me. I got released and you Aren't even talking to me already for a whole week" He begged her. And we came down.

"Because you don't give me any reason to dad." She said hurt.

"Talk with me, Siya. Talk, please. We are father and daughter. We don't need reasons to talk. We don't need any."

UNDESIRED BRIDE. (Darkened Brides Book Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now