67. The Better Me!

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The darkest years of my life were when Dad betrayed us! It was like a truck that hit me at the time I was smiling the most.

It taught me many things too. I learned and grew. Into not so amazing a woman but a savage and life-changing one. I never really thought, that even though I survived those days. I will die like this.

And I will die taking everyone with me!

I looked at the cage room, "I understand that the rest are there. Why is Aria in there?" I asked him, raging at the fact that she was just a fucking little girl!? Everyone was unconscious, Saya, Dad, Kritika and Anshuman. Lying as if they were dead but only Aria was sitting and playing. She was big enough to sit now.

" Why? Weren't you the maleficent type?" He asked, joking about what I said earlier, okay! Fine! Let her die too, because it will only be harsh on her if she solely will survive! Right?

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked walking towards my old couch and sitting my legs hanging from the hand rest, while I rested on the other one. "Oh that, to show you how I will kill every one of them!" He joked, when I laughed, and saw Chaya behind him. I am sure she drugged them. That's why in an hour, he managed to bring them all in one place.

"What about others? Aren't they gonna enjoy this view too?" I asked him when he shook his head. "No! They are busy doing their work!" He shrugged and moved towards the gate of the cage. And pushed the button of the shower. As soon he clicked, different pressure from all the sides of the cage started pouring.

Damn!! I regret making these things. I never really thought that it would be used on my own family.

Who cares though!?

Wait! Aria?

I ran towards the cage when she was shocked by the water, I stumbled upon the buttons and tried to switch it off but he took my hands and shoved me away. I stood again but this time I didn't start to retry, I instead. Grabbed his hair and pulled him back. Catching his leg by mine, I made him fall. And leaving him behind I ran and went to the main switch and shut it. I saw all of them were shocked by the pressure. And we're waking up. As for Aria. She was lying down breathing heavily, her eyes closed down.


Rehman stood again, and I walked towards him. I grabbed his collar. "Get the little girl out of it! Or!"

"Or what?" He asked me when I smirked. And he instantly stopped!

"Fine! Fine! Not that smirk, please! I only like weird things when you do it to others. Not me," He backed off.

"Siyansha!? What's going on?" Kritika and Anshuman asked me together. When I turned to look at them.

"Nothing! Just Rehman was an asshole and he has been betraying me all this while." I made two two-line explanations for three-page reasons. And moved on. I looked back at Rehman as he smiled with very dirty eyes.

"Just do whatever you want and get over with everything!" I said. And crossed my hand, waiting for him to continue. But he didn't move. And just stared at me. But then yelled no! Loudly!

"This is no fun!" he shook his head. And opened the cage as Saya went to him and grabbed his neck. Trying to choke him, Kritika took the pin of her head and was about to dagger in his heart but Anshuman caught his hand.

"What do you mean? Siyansha?" he asked me, when I frowned, "I know that you lack common sense but I already told you. Dumbass!" I said when he sighed.

"What are you doing Rehman? Is someone behind you? Is someone forcing you?" He asked him. Little innocent cat. Can't even understand this little thing.

"Nope. It's only me." Rehman chokingly, said when Anshuman left her hand away. And yes Kritika better not try anything.

"Saya leave her!"  He screamed but she didn't react back!

Dad looking at Aria. While everyone was shocked.

"Rehman! Send Aria to the doctor. And do whatever after that!" I declared. And  he did hear me, "But you have to do something for me to do that?" He kept a condition.

"What?" I instantly asked, when he kept his hand on his face and widened his eyes like a psychopath. Well, standing up to his name.

"Bring the gun you have kept below the couch," he ordered me, and I didn't like his tone at all. But still, I went to the gun out from the floor. And nodded, "Keep it on Kritika's head." He continued, my eyes shot open, and I was shocked. "It's either one person you save or let both die?" He shits from his mouth.

I turned to look at Kritika. "So, do you wanna die or save your daughter?" I asked with no regret.

"How can you even consider? Do something to save both of us!"

"Am I? Magician? How can I do that?" I asked when she made a puppy face. She still has her hopes on me? But I don't appreciate it. I didn't ask for it!

"Fine! Both die!" I spat when Ansh hyped.

"No! Siyansha! Not Aria! She is innocent. You want one life. Let it be me!" Ansh volunteered, "Why are you dying she is not even your daughter?"


"What? Did I say something wrong? We are verge of dying and you want to protect a lie? Are you stupid?" I asked back when she shook her head! Requesting to shut. "He already knows sister! Stop acting?"


"Yes!" I laughed and kept the gun but she won't understand.

"You told him?" She asked when I shook my head to her, "He was in the room when you spat!" I explained when she stood in shock. She won't turn to look at him. But rather was staring at me and then at the gun.

"Just shoot me!" She said when I gladly pushed the hit of the trigger to shoot!

UNDESIRED BRIDE. (Darkened Brides Book Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now