27. The Truth Finds It Way In Lie.

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Sitting in Rehman's three-story bungalow, I was waiting for him to come out and tell me to go in.

He had taken a porridge for Siyansha and was going to tell her, that I am out here to meet her. Desperately waiting for him to come out.

Even though Kritika was fixated, she would not let me meet her. I requested her to bring me here. As she and she were waiting outside of the door on the couch.

Many tablets and medical devices are scattered in the entire living room.

Can say, Rehman is taking good care of her.

Hearing the door open, I stood and with fast steps, I went to him. He came out with half-eaten porridge in his hand, "Did you? Did you tell her? I am here?" I couldn't hold myself back for even a minute.

"Yes. I told her." He answered, and the questions in me rose ten multiple times.

"What did she say?" Managing my words, I asked him one single question.

"She said, she never wants to see you again." Grasping his words, something deep in me was broken down, as shock and pain took over my senses.

Why would she say that?

"What about me?" Kritika asked him too, and he said the same thing.

"Not you, for now. Either." He said to her.

It's just not me.

"How is she?" I asked him, hoping he would not be angry at me, and refused to tell me about her.

"Anshuman, I and her are going to America for her treatment. Can you please not bother us?" He said to me, and as expected. He didn't tell me. As he crossed me and started to walk away from beside me.

"I asked you, how is she?" I grabbed his arm and swayed him to face me again,  as the bowl in his hand, falls and shattered.

He closed his eyes, as he tried to take deep breaths, to control his anger. "Is that a question? Will anybody, will ever be okay after what happened?!!" I heard him yelling for the first time since he never raised his voice.

"But I deserve to know. So answer me. She is with you. Just because she trusts you. Or else, I  would have never, ever let her meet you again." I muttered, and he pushed me, I faltered a few steps back, but got a grip of myself before it could get extremes.

"Stay away!! Dude. Do you still not realize, that you are the one who pushed her in fire? If not because of you and your childish acts. She would have never burned that tree down!!"

"She burned that tree down because she is a psychopath!! She is mentally-"

"What?" I was interrupted by the familiar voice, My nerves stood straight at the voice, and I could see her from the corner of my eye. I can see the whitish thing covering her half face, in a short cotton sleep gown for patients. Her hands crossed and she was lingering over the door, even though they too were bandaged together. With her entire left leg covered in a bandage.

Gathering my courage, I turned my face to look at her. Looking at her life this. It shook me inside my core, as my eyes became watery.

"I am mentally what else? Anshuman?" She asked me with her tough but unstable voice, as I realized that in a fit of anger, I lost track of my words.


"Don't take my name. Don't." She instantly stopped me, before I could say more. "You know. I have always been known for my unique taste. But I don't know, where that taste went. When it comes to choosing between you and Rehman." She spoke as she took steps towards me, and she pulled the bandage from her face, in one go. Sending me goosebumps.

"Siyansha!! Please don't!!!" I screamed as I couldn't see her like that, so I covered my eyes.

"Ahhh" I heard Kritika screaming too with me.

"Get out!!!" As Rehman pulled my arm and started to drag me out.

Throwing me out of the door, he grabbed my collar, as he spat on my face. "You don't even deserve her sight. Because even with that scar, she is way too beautiful for ugly and  filthy you."


I saw Rehman dragging that living bastard out, as Kritika walked towards me and touched my burned area, tears skipping her eyes.

"Siyansha..." Her words escaped between her cries. She wanted to hug me but couldn't.

I saw Rehman walking inside again, he looked at me and Kritika, and he gave us a one-sided smile, as he went near the table and brought some other bandage with ointment, coming and standing near us. He kept the bandage again on my face. "You shouldn't have pulled it out like that. It must have hurt a lot."

"Less than his words."

And taping them, "Kritika why did you buy him??!!" He yelled at my poor sister.

"I had no choice, but I had no idea, he will be such an asshole." He always was.

Applying the tape on me. Rehman went to pick up the fallen bowl, "Rehman, why didn't you tell me he was out when I asked you?"

"Because I didn't want it to happen, what just happened." He said as a smile came on his face, after a long time.

"Rehman, send the divorce papers to his family. Ignore Saya and we will look for Dad later. And for the divorce skip the 6 months necessary. Anyways." I said as Kritika revolted instantly.

"You promised that Dad would be out soon. Why are you going back on your words, and we don't know what will she do later!!" She yelled at me,

"Well what we promise, changes with circumstances. I will not now. And Rehman we are going to LA. Not for the treatment. But I want a little break."


Hey readers!!

We all hate him. Anshuman.

AND From the next chapter, the new and braver Siyansha will appear.

Because people with scars have two skin now.

UNDESIRED BRIDE. (Darkened Brides Book Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now