14. Difference Is A Scary Thing.

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I went on one knee in front of her. Extending the pendant in front of her, "Will you marry me?"

I asked her, her face shocked as she looked at me with her eyes widened. It was visible in her eyes that she was startled by what I did.

"I thought I will never get a chance to say this to you." Over her hesitating reaction, I tried to explain to her, what I was feeling right now and why I did this.

But then I saw someone who just ruined my mood. And was equally stunned at this. Rehmaan.

My eyes returned to the girl I have kneeled in front of while she was looking around at the people who too were watching us.

"So will you?" I asked her again and she.


Why is she laughing?

"Oh my God, you are so cute!!" Her sister recalled whilst she was laughing stock right now.

"Cute? My foot!! How tacky and cheesy this was. What were you thinking? Stand up!!" She reacted as if this was nothing. Can she just act like that?

I just proposed to her and this was her reaction?

Seeing myself getting embarrassed like that, this time I stood with flustered and mixed emotions in me.

"The earlier you understand what this is. The better it will be for you." She said and walked away, her sister looking at me with pity as she walked away in front of me. And sat on that asshole's bike. Behind him. Since the car seat is a little higher than the front one she was hovering over him.

And this burned something inside me. Which I can't name but I am feeling.

"Siyansha doesn't like things like feelings and all. She is very particularly aggressive over such this. She just laughed this time. I don't know what will she do next time." Her sister smiled with pity at me and started to leave with her car.

Her sister had the car? And she still went on that jerky bike with that bastard?

Siyansha! You are making me crazy!

Got to do something about that Rehman guy.

He is exceeding the boundaries of friendship.

"This is called, making fun of yourself. Stupid man. That's why she takes you as a joke," Veer said as he walked towards me. Taunting me too.

All I wanted to do was propose to her when we have time.

Isn't it too much of her to laugh at me like that?

I bet that wouldn't be her reaction if Rehmaan would have proposed to her.

Since it's visible in their relationship how much they love each other.


It was already midnight and no message or reply from her.

After my,

That girl

Where are you?
I am coming to pick you up right now.


She has seen it and is online right now. But no reply from her.

She is intentionally ignoring me.

And this is not tolerable.

She left with a guy in front of my eyes and isn't even bothering to reply to me when I am this worried.

I haven't winked asleep. When it's past twelve already. Haven't eaten anything as I have completely lost my appetite. Wondering what are they doing and where are they.

While I was lost in my thoughts of where and what of Siyansha. My doorbell of the penthouse rang.

Everyone is back? Isn't this too soon for them to be back? The cruise party usually lasts for at least 24 hours.

They were going to come after 2 pm tomorrow that too just for the marriage arrangements.

I came outside and went towards the door. The maids arrive to open the door but I dismissed them and opened the door



"Hii!!" She said randomly and I got confused for so many matters.

What is she doing here? And why is she here?

I asked myself. And then to her.

"What?" I asked her and she pushed me and walked inside. Looking around at the house.

"Gotta say that satyamseth is quite something. He has an excellent penthouse." She spoke while looking around the house. "How many workers do you have in the house right now?" She asked me.

When my mind was still stuck in that laugh.

What does that mean?

"I don't know. I have seen the faces of three. So I guess three. But why are you here? This late? And what the hell were you doing? Where did you go? And that too with Rehmaan? And why did you not reply to my messages when you saw that? And you were online, were you ignoring me?" I released all my confusion in one go. As she was surprised as she looked at me with a smile on her face.

"Are you my relative?" She asked me and here!

Another confusion.


"You ask me questions you have no right to ask! "

Her and her lame jokes.

But today instead of smirk, she laughed.


Was that a giggle?

"SERVANTS!!" She yelled as she turned after a few seconds of a beautiful smile. And recalled the servants of the house. And they came running. Well, there were seven of them.

God. And I thought we were poor.

"All of you can leave now. Your shift is over." She said to them, and


Is she going to kill me?

Is that why she is making them all leave??

"Siyansha? Why?" I asked her but she ignored me.

She handed them a card, and along with me, they all were startled.

"Leave the house for tonight. No matter what don't come back,"

Yes! God, this is my end.

Ciao adios.



Thank you everyone.

UNDESIRED BRIDE. (Darkened Brides Book Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now