12. Life Always (doesn't) Gives A Good news

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Coming out from Saya Hari's office. I again ended up meeting the real asshole jerk in this life.

"Hii future husband!" I said walking towards them, "And future in-laws." I gave him a tight hug, which he was shocked at first. But then reciprocated. And I smiled at the man which was more of an indicator of the sarcastic bomb I was going to release.

"Are you ready to be sold?" I asked him in his ears but loud enough for everyone to hear. And from what I felt and sensed, his smile disappeared.
"Well, why should always girls get sold? Sometimes boys should get on the sale too?" I asked him and chuckled at my thought. Which came out more as sarcasm too. Pulling apart I looked at the guiltless monsters. "Imagine a tag on men... Wow!! Such a beautiful sight it will be." My clear target on everyone. "I wonder what is your price?" And now the gun pointed to my very own husband. "In how much my mother bought you?" I asked him. As his already perfectly featured drained face was turned into a dried squid.

"Your mom? Isn't she dead?" He asked me after a deep breath.

But his words were rather astounding.

"My mom is dead?" I asked him, my brow raised at him, my head tilted to the side. With my confusion lingering on my face.

But his face and his family's face were out of colour.

They don't know about Saya? Who do they know about then? How are they cracking the deal?

"If she is dead. Why are you all here?" I asked to know the details to know what was going on.

"We are here to meet Chaya."


At Saya's office.

OH! So wife and mistress are working together. To do what?

To combine I and Anshuman?


"So? Isn't she my mother? You said she is dead." I said to hide what they have kept hidden.

"You call your dad's mistress mom?"  He asked me surprised at my revelation. Which was a pure lie.

But if his family don't know. I don't want to reveal anything.

"Why do you expect me to call her? My dad's socket?"

He knew what this meant.

His poor Saint family.

He shifted in his spot in discomfort.

"OH hello, my brother's wife!!" His brother came and hug me out of the blue.

I guess his name was Veer.

And his shitty hug and attempt to touch me inappropriately were maddening to me.

'What should we do with this bastard, Siya?' I wondered to myself whether to decide either to break his bones or balls. But before he could do it, Anshuman jerked him away from me. 

"Veer! Hold your horses. That woman is -"

"Is what?" I asked the man and his words and mouth silenced. "You look best with your lips stitched together," I said to him and felt his mother shifting on the spot.

Well, mothers,

"Does it hurts to see your son as a dog?" I asked the woman. And she looked at the Daada ji.

Huhh God!!!

Dada, papa, mummy, bhai, daadi...etc, etc.

Even if for the deal. Must they all walk together? What are they?

UNDESIRED BRIDE. (Darkened Brides Book Series #3)Where stories live. Discover now