6. Exploring.

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And then my lips landed on hers. Her face is shocked and red. She was not pushing me. I pressed them more aggressively from my encircled hands I pulled her more inside as she trembled and fall on my chest, I held her and supported her, my lips still on hers, I started to move them and tried to push my tongue in her. She didn't move or used her tactic and fighting abilities on me, her lips weren't syncing with mine and she didn't instantly reciprocate in sharing the French connections of the tongue.

But then I crossed my hand from her head and pulled away. Her face was red and shock visible because of the light of the elevator.

"Made out with two boys. Crap!" I murmured in my mouth and walked away from her. I couldn't help but keep smiling like a fool though.

"What the hell??" She finally spoke and broke out of deep silent slumber.

I looked at her face "You haven't even ever kissed a guy and you act as if you know so much and tough." I said and chuckled. "When I kissed, you didn't collab with me neither did disagree, when I got aggressive you didn't follow the track along with me and rather stood stiffly. You didn't sync with my rhythm nor did you know what to do when my tongue was inside your mouth. If you are experienced why were you kissing like a 5th grade school boy?" I said and chuckled. But she walked towards me and slapped me out of the blue. She pulled my hair off behind my head, I yelled but then she smacked it and kicked my knees and made me fall on the ground on my knees.

" That's how you apologize for committing grave sin. Not by talking crap." She muttered and squatted to my level. "How can you try to assault me like that?" She asked me.

Assault? I?

"Can't even I kiss my fiance?"

"No, you can't. Not your fiance, girlfriend, friend or even wife. You can't even touch them without her consent."

"Well, you wouldn't have been so mad if Rehmaan have done this." I scoffed at her and tried to stand back.

"Damnn!! Not again. Not again the same thing. Can't you understand a little thing called friendship? I and him are just friends we don't have anything between us. Do you understand me? Nothing. But why am I even explain-"

"Exactly. If you want me not to get married to you why are you explaining things to me? From what I  see you didn't ask me why did I say or did what I did. So that means you know about the rumours about your bug you don't bother to clear them. Yet you are making sure I don't misunderstand. You can just use this opportunity to break things off with me but you are not trying to. Why?? Maybe because you don't even want to break this marriage? Don't you?" I asked her everything that was making sense to me right now.

"If your craps and shits are over. You can leave. It's five in the morning. "

"And you didn't leave me alone. You stayed. "

"God! How much do you like to interpret things on your own? " She said and sighed. "Look I am leaving. If you want you can come. And if thinking crap makes you feel better. Keep doing it."

She said and went inside the elevator. I followed her inside. "Aren't you going to open them now?" I asked her while she was lost in her thoughts. I shook her as she came back to her senses "Open this," I said to her and she sighed as if I was tiring her.

She put her hand in her hair bun and removed the long pencil-like thing she had in to tie hair bun. As she removed it from the bun her mid-length brown hair opened and fell on her shoulders. The key was hanging at the butt side of that pen. She opened it and my hands felt release and relief.

Do you know? You keep your hands joined together while playing video games using mobile phones and much more. But when it's tied together you want to do every other thing in the world.

Exactly when I was kissing her I didn't feel it but now when I look at her face I want to do it again. Want to teach you how so do it right!

The elevator stopped and I was on the ground floor. We both came out as I walked with her towards our way out. After coming out finally I saw my bike and my phone. But then she crossed the other side and walked the other way.

"Siya!" I recalled her as she stopped and turned to look at me with shock plastered on her face. Again.

"It's Siyansha. I guess apart from garbage your mouth also has a hole that slips out words. Now I wonder is it a dustbin or commode?"

God. Her.

"Do you want to come with me on my bike? I'll drop you."

"No, I don't feel the need to poop right now. So I don't want to stick to a commode." She said nodded to me. While I laughed.

"Do you even want to call me Basin because whenever I speak it's like puke too or maybe you wish to vomit after looking at me?" I reciprocated with her words. And she smiled.



She smiled and not smirked, didn't she? She smiled right?

"Now get lost-"

"Wanna go out with me?" I asked her out of the blue. As her eyes widen and her about speak mouth was left open.


"Ms Siyansha Oberoi! Wanna go out with me? And be my girlfriend before my wife?"


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