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Clarke had felt responsible for what had happen, this was something Clarke tended to do, she'd blame herself for others getting hurt. Raven had explained it was probably cause she has an obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) as she was always has to have some form of control or believe that they have more control over what happens. When things tend to go sideways Clarke feels the brunt more so than others "Clarke?" Her mother's voice came as a whisper as she approached her daughter whom was standing in front of Lexa's room with one hand on the door knob that never moved an inch. 

"Mom," Clarke looked up to her mother who already knew that she was beating herself up.

"You know I didn't think you'd be catching your fathers OCD," the older Griffin woman chuckled as she laid a hand on her daughters shoulder "you are a great leader, Clarke. I say this as a friend but also your mother, I have seen you grow and I am proud of what you have become. You help found and build these cities but you should know as a leader there are going to be some casualties and at least this time around it wasn't as bad. Lexa is alive and alright. You don't need to beat yourself up and the kiddo is more than fine he will be healed up and good to go in a week."

Clarke took a deep breath in and exhaled "I know it's just hard not too. I feel like I can't mess up and if I do it will have severe consequences. I lost so many founding this city and and even before that as we hit the ground I just can't help it sometimes."

"I know that is why you have your council, " her mother smiled "they are here to help with those burdens. I will let you visit with Lexa now she should be awake but a bit groggy." Her mother walked away as Clarke walked into Lexa's room who was awake and sitting up looking out the window.

"Took you long enough," Lexa turned to give the blonde woman a full smile "how was the meeting? I expected that you all had one while I was taking a rather long nap?"

"Yes we did," Clarke took a seat drinking in Lexa "we've decided to put a tracker into our captive then release him with our elite stealth team behind him. Jasper will be heading the team with Indra as his second then whomever else who chooses to accompany them they were ordered to not fire. Only to observe."

Lexa nodded running a hand through her brunette locks as she thought the plan over "Will there be back up in case they are caught?" Clarke shook her head no to the question "What if they are found then?"

"I have faith that they won't."

"I feel like there should be a team behind them in case of anything at least a mile out as to not give them away."

Clarke thought it over thinking it was the right thing to do just in case something was to happen "I'll have a quick council meeting with the change of plans."

Lexa nodded glad that she had considered her advice "I just don't want to lose anyone but that won't leave us naked here will it?"

"No," Clarke shook her head "everyone within the city is trained and has knowledge of combative and how to wield a weapon. Some of the children and teens are also in the academy whom are very adept to situations by now so we will be fine here in case anything happens. Also we have a militia so they aren't the only advanced soldiers we have at all so I am sure we will be fine and can spare another team."

"Will you be letting Octavia know so that she can pass it on?"

Clarke nodded and just then a knock had come to the door "Come in."

"Clarke," Raven gave a soft smile toward Lexa then looked to Wanheda "the family that requested is awaiting your presence."

"I'm going," Clarke stood up not before giving a kiss to Lexa's forehead then making her way toward the door "get some rest and I will have my mother with a nurse aid to bring you to your room." 

Clarke left the room and Raven gave a curt nod to Lexa then following out the room "How is she doing?"

"Well I am guessing the pain meds Mom has given her are helping a lot," Clarke smiled toward Raven "also I have a message I need you to pass along to Octavia and Bellamy."

"What is it?" Raven asked curiously "Is it about the team?"

"Yes and No. I want another team to follow Alpha team in case anything does happen they do have back up but they are to be 1600 meters away from Alpha team."

"Is that a good option?"

"I'd like to think so," Clarke stated "its in case since we don't know much about what we are getting into and I do not want any casualties or any KIA." 

"I will pass along the message anyone specific to be on Bravo team?"

"Is Echo back from Azgeda?"

"She is."

"She will then head Bravo team and she is to take Maddi with her."

"Your mom will not agree with that, Clarke."

Clarke stopped suddenly turning on her heal to face Raven who stopped abruptly "She is my daughter and she will go. She will need to learn if she is to follow in my footsteps, Raven."

Raven bit her tongue knowing she was to not doubt Clarke's decision but she felt this was not the time to send out Maddi as they were being attacked "We are being targeted, either the cities, us, or you and if they find out that you have sent your daughter away from safety they will not be kind."

"My daughter has trained for this, Raven. I will not make her be helpless and we live in a time where war is always around the corner we knew the from the very beginning when we established these cities. We knew that we'd be targeted whether it be then, now, or later on but I will not make my daughter be helpless and not be able to fight so my word is final. Maddi will go with Bravo team, understood?"

"Understood." Raven sighed as they parted ways heading to Bellamy and Octavia's office where she knew she'd  find them going over plans with Jasper on how and where to approach from. "Clarke has stated there will be a Bravo team following behind Alpha team."

"What changed?" Jasper looked up as well did the others.

"She does not want casualties or KIA."

"So Bravo team is there as backup then." Octavia stated although she notices that there is a change in Raven's mood "Are you alright?"

"Yes," Raven cleared her throat "Clarke also wants Echo to head Bravo with Maddi on Bravo I am guessing the last two are free range."

"Maddi?" Bellamy rose a brow to this statement "We have yet to really send her on missions and she is to young as well as there is no need for her to go." 

Octavia shook her head as she knew what Clarke is thinking "It doesn't matter too; Clarke. Maddi is being prepared to soon take over for Clarke if anything does come from this, am I right?" Raven nodded in response to her question "Maddi also is not to young there is things that she needs to see if not she will not know how things are operated then."

Bellamy sighed "Fine. You will be on Bravo team then Octavia and I will grab Murphy."

"I am fine with that." Octavia looked over there plans "Bravo team will be 1600 meters out then from Alpha that way they have space to operate and we are not to far just in case they need help. When do we leave?"

"We will leave at sunset tomorrow." Jasper stated "We all need to get some rest but Octavia I expect you to let Echo and Maddi know to prepare and be ready by then. Make sure Maddi gets some well needed rest we don't know how long we will be out there for so make sure each has rations."

"I am going to see Abby." Raven dismissed herself.

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