This Is You

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Octavia followed close behind her leader as she was in a rush, the news she had gotten from the messenger must have been important, there are other little towns like theirs so something must have happened. The doors to the war room closed behind her, there was Bellamy, Finn, Jasper, and Monty all waiting for Clarke around the table which held a map and buildings were the towns were. "What happened?" Clarke's voice was commanding it was something that Octavia had noticed that gave the blonde the authority so to say she could speak to you as your friend or as your leader. 

"One of the towns," Monty pointed to the one only five miles or so away from their town "was raided by bandits which are the same ones that attacked Paradise." 

"I thought Paradise took care of them," Octavia stayed as she stated since they kept records of what happened "did they not?"

"They did," Jasper stated "a team of ours went that time but they must have come back but that's not our problem." He put out pictures onto the map which seemed that the bandits had zombies on leashes "I had a scout out on Paradise with permission from Bellamy to do so and this is what he found if they head this way with that we are in trouble."

"We are going to have to stop them way before they get to Maine and we only have five miles and some change to do that," Bellamy shook his head "and we still have to go hunting to stock up on food for the winter."

"Do we know if there were any survivors in Paradise?" Clarke asked and Jasper only shook his head it was a bad thing that there were no survivors but a good thing only the decision was not one she wanted to make. "They are more than likely camping out there and getting supplies," Clarke took a seat in her chair with her head in her hands before looking up to her people who she had to take care of them "we still have those bombs correct?"

"We do," Octavia stated knowing what Clarke was thinking "we can fly over and drop them but that'll leave us with four."

"We'll leave those for another emergency," Clarke stood up looking around her table "I'm not going to waste any of our soldiers so Bellamy you will lead this mission. I want that bomb dropped tonight."

"I can go." Octavia stated knowing she needed to make sure it was done and Clarke looked at her "Clarke."

"Octavia you can go," Clarke sighed "Jasper you will stay behind with me I want this done tonight it should also kill any horde close to that town. No survivors, understood?"

Bellamy and Octavia nodded as Clarke made her way out of the room with Jasper accompanying her to leave the others to ready for the mission. "You know no one can do what you do," Jasper said trying to comfort their leader "that's why you are our leader. I wouldn't have been able to do what you just did you are saving people Clarke."

They were outside as Clarke watched the children run happily across the street with their parents chasing after them as if there was nothing on the other side of that wall. "I know but it is still hard knowing I'm killing a few lives to save ours."

"They killed innocent people," Jasper stated matter of fact "this world will be better without them now don't we have guests to welcome?"

Clarke smiled "You are right," they continued walking finding Raven, Indra, and Lexa walking toward the tower "I have a question Jasper."


"Does she look familiar to you at all?" Clarke said pointing toward Lexa who was laughing at something that Raven had said to her.

"A bit, why?" Jasper asked with his hands behind him as if he was praying as they walked slowly toward them.

"She looks familiar to me," Clarke stated "like I know her."

Jasper grinned "Do you want to know her?" Clarke hadn't found love in anyone, sure she had her lovers, but that wasn't working for her anymore. Raven who is her best friend was one of her lovers up until Finn had come into the picture, now it was Clarke and Octavia, although their dynamic was different yet understanding. "I think you should get to know her but not like a lover just yet," Jasper wanted the best for Clarke in all honesty she deserved it "you deserve some happiness and not just a warm body for a night in your bed."

"Jasper!" Clarke hissed.

"It's true and I'm not trying to rub salt in a old wound but Raven and you only worked out until she found Finn. She loves you and you loved her but in neither way that you both needed it now you and Octavia it's the same what happens when she finds someone?"

"I'll find someone else." 

"Why can't you be happy too? What if Lexa is your one?" Jasper stopped her they weren't that far from the group now either seeing as they had stopped to look at a vendor.

"I have to take care of our people, Jasper." 

"You can do that and be happy, are you scared?"

"We live in a world where nothing is completely safe at all."

"We never did at all Clarke, we had to be worried about if our loved one would be in a car accident before, or they'd get murdered. If you are scared that's fine. I think that Lexa came into our lives, into your life, maybe to prove that you can rule over our people and find happiness. You deserve some normalcy and so does Octavia as well. I love both of you but neither of you are happy unless you guys are in between the sheets together which is fine, Lady Love and shit, but you guys are just keeping each other warm. Until one of you finds somebody else and whether it be her or you that shit is gonna hurt so think about it? Shit, it doesn't have to be Lexa it can be anyone here." With that Jasper walked off to join the others and Lexa looked up at her those forest green eyes catch blue and without a thought Clarke walked over to pull Raven aside. 

"What's up, boss?"

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