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Clarke had just finished her last braid when her daughter came into her room like a hurricane and tackled her from her seat. "Maddi!" They fell to the floor, it was a habit, her daughter would come in and begin a wrestling match that she would lose to her mother. It was tradition for them and it made Clarke just as happy, Clarke was tough on her daughter, but for good reasons seeing as she would be Wanheda someday. Wanheda had pinned her daughter "I give!" Maddi grunted out and shook her head "I finished class that is why I am slow today."

"Like every other day ai star." Clarke straightened.

"I've seen we've gotten new people," Maddi sat beside her mother who was putting on her war paint "two of them are waiting for you, Nomon." 

Clarke stood as she finished "laik yu coming?"

Maddi only nodded at her mother and followed her out to meet with the two newcomers "Lexa and Indra," her motehr smiled mostly toward the other woman who wore a dress "this is my daughter, Maddi."

"Welcome to Skaikru," Maddi bowed before straightening out "I will meet you downstairs Nomon." 

Clarke nodded dismissing her daughter who was off like a bullet "My apologies she is a very hyperactive child."

"No need to apologize Wanheda." Indra stated as they began their walk "What was it that you want to talk about?"

"We give our newcomers the choice to either stay in this town or move onto the other cities but we have been having trouble with some bandits. I had mentioned to Lexa early we were 14 clans but now we are 13 some trouble had struck the 14th clan that we had not come to know until this morning. I advise if any of you do wish to move further into our cities to wait at least a week until we can get rid of these bandits completely because traveling to another city take half an hour but gets longer as you get further into the cities."

"Of course, " Lexa nodded "I will ask our people but once this threat is over."

"We usually have stayed together." Indra stated as they got to the first floor and stepped out a male had joined Clarke at her side "We will see you later at the meeting, Wanheda."

"Great," Clarke smiled "I will be seeing the both of you later." Wanheda stepped up to Lexa and took her hand kissing the woman's knuckles "Enjoy the festivities. If you need anything Raven my mother, Abby, will be at the festivities she looks like myself bu much older." 

Lexa blushed and Indra gave a grin as the Wanheda left "Oh, she defintely likes you Commander." 

"Shut up!" Lexa said as she pushed at a laughing Indra who had led the way toward the new building that Clarke's people had built and where their people occupied now. "Mom!" Lexa heard and turned around to find Aden running towards her with his face painted and a wooden sword sheathed at his side. "Aden," Lexa captured him in her arms, kissing his head, "have you been causing trouble?" Maddi ran up behind him, Clarke's daughter, "Maddi."

"Lexa," Maddi bowed as she was use to doing so for her elders or those in power "we've been keeping out of trouble I cannot seeing as who my mother is." 

"You've met Maddi, Mom?"

"Yes," Lexa gave him a soft smile "she is Wanheda's daughter."

Aden looked to Maddi than to his mom and shrugged "Is it okay if I go with Maddi?"

"We promise to be at the meeting," Maddi stated "I have to attend."

"Go ahead." Lexa watched them go off and Indra came back after having seen that most of their group was already out and exploring "She has her daughter in meetings already?"

"I would figure," Lexa shrugged as both woman merely walking taking in the scene of people "she is Wanheda's daughter and she has to know the ins and out of her home along with the other clans. Maddi is more than likely to take over if anything were to happen to Clarke."

"They run this like a governed kingdom." Indra pointed out although it was bad because Clarke's reign wasn't that of a Tyrant and her people looked happy and healthy. It seemed that Clarke put them first when it came to happiness even her daughter seeing as she wasn't a caged off or to strict child. "The people are happy that's always good," they stopped at a stand to grab a hot dog and a sweet tea which felt weird "I'm happy being here I can't remember the last time I saw a hot dog."

Lexa laughed as Indra sounded like a child but she was happy , her people were happy, that was everything she had been wanting. They had explored a bit more, enjoying the sounds of children at play, a baby crying without having to worry about a walker, seeing a dog or cat it was weird because it hadn't been normal. It felt nice. Time came that they headed to the meeting and sure enough Aden and Maddi were there before the two of them were in the town hall, Clarke was speaking with Raven, although Lexa noticed that Octavia was nowhere to be seen. There was a throne made of wood sitting in the middle of the stage where she assumed Wanheda sat, next to her on each side were wooden chairs, then below her were another row of chairs. Once Raven gave the signal everyone got themselves situated with two chairs beside Wanheda vacant "You two will sit beside her." Raven whispered toward Indra and Lexa, Lexa sat beside Clarke on her right with Indra next to her, to the left sat Maddi then Raven. 

The room fell silent as their attention fell to Clarke "Tonight we celebrate a year of peace," the room roared with this being said "we also welcome new people into our clan. Whether they stay in this clan or move further into our other clans they will be made felt welcome with open arms." The room was happy and Lexa wondered if Clarke was to inform them of the other clan "I do have some news though not one of happiness," so she was going to tell them an honest and great leader "Paradise or better known as Wonkru has been taken so if you had family or friends I offer my condolences but the problem that Wonkru had we will not have and I have already made the arrangements." The people whispered yet they all nodded knowing their Wanheda would take care of them as well you could hear a few cries in the crowd and hearts breaking. Lexa turned to Clarke who's face was blank only if you looked into her eyes you could see the tears building at the fact that her people were hurt by recent events. 

"Tonight we celebrate and grieve for our 14th clan!" Clarke roared and the room roared in content, Lexa was sure that people would be getting drunk, she wasn't even sure where they had gotten alcohol from at all either. Maddi stood up going over to her mother who sat regally in her throne "Go ahead, Maddi. Do you know when curfew is?"

"Be home before you do." Maddi grinned and her mother shook her head shooing her daughter away that was when Aden had went up to Lexa with Maddi right behind him "I already know,
" Lexa shook her head "you are to be in my chambers when Maddi goes to Clarke's, understood?"


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