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Lexa made it past the horde, with a pain in her chest, she made a mental note that she needs to start going on runs again. The horde was right behind her so she jumped over the fence, she seen Aden run inside with a bundle in his arms, and a walker on his tail. "Fuck my life," she grabbed the walker by the collar yanking him back and beating his head him "Aden!" Lexa ran inside and found her son was behind a box with his head only peaking out "Aden, come here."

"Mom!" Aden ran out towards her with a bundle in his arms "I had to I'm sorry but I had too."

"It's okay," Lexa looked at the blankets and there it was a baby in her sons arms "how did you find her?"

"She was strapped to a walker with a white balloon," his eyes began to tear up "the dad left a note with the baby and her names Rheanys. He must have strapped her to his back since he was bit and had a bag of meat right in front of him you should have seen it but it looks like she is hungry I gave her the snacks I had." 

Lexa heard movement and grabbed her son putting him behind her "I need you to go find a roof entrance to see where the horde is at," Aden nodded and was off quick to find the entrance "how's it look Aden?"

"The horde is passing but we might have to wait it out up here for an hour until they are fully gone, Mom." Lexa sighed and sat down beside her son as he was making sure to keep the baby asleep so that the horde didn't head this way toward them. 

"Mom!" Maddi screamed as Clarke had made it back to the wall that was when Clarke noticed Lexa wasn't with her "Where's Lexa?"

"She went to find Aden," Maddi knew she was in some deep shit "Aden said he saw something or someone with a white balloon and took off. Lexa went to find him and I told her he must have headed for the abandoned building to get away from the horde." 

Clarke sighed and looked Octavia "I need you to take her inside Indra and I will be back." 

Octavia nodded snatching Maddi up by her collar not so happy with the pre-teen either it dragging her past the gates. "Indra," Clarke looked to her as they headed back the way they came "how many bullets do you have?"

"A full mag," the black woman had checked and then her sides having an extra mag tucked away "I also have my spear."

"We should be good then just don't fire it until need be." Clarke lead them a long way around to the building but the horde was still close by, jumping around the back fence, "Keep your eyes open." Indra nodded and neither said a word until they were inside quickly scoping out the area Clarke had notice the roof entrance was open at which Indra noticed as well. Clarke lead the way up her sword ready for contact to find a sleeping Aden and Lexa eyes met her "You came," Lexa smiled as Clarke came up and Indra did as well scooping up Aden along with the baby in her arms "be careful." 

Indra nodded as she was to go down first it was then that Clarke noticed that Lexa was hurt "You okay?"

"I got banged up jumping over the fence," Lexa threw an arm over Clarke's shoulder "nothing a few stitches should do." 

Clarke nodded and led her down as they left the way they came in "Happy birthday, Mom." Aden whispered as it must have been midnight now and Lexa shook her head at Aden who was holding the child in his arms tightly still. 

"Your birthday?" Clarke asked as they made it past the gates and into safety now at which Lexa nodded as they were now in medical. Abby was the one to tend to Lexa's wound "It's not bad but she did need a few stitches I put her under so Lexa won't be awake for another few hours." 

"Okay, I'm gonna check up on the kids will you let me know if anything changes with her? I'll be back in a bit anyways."

"Go take care of them and tell Maddi that she will need to be seeing me later." Clarke knew that her mom would be giving her child a stern talking too; it was something that Clarke would be doing once Lexa was better.

Clarke headed for the tower and made it to their floor then toward her chambers where Maddi was asleep on the left side of her bed with a hand on a bottle feeding the baby then Aden on the right side. Octavia was asleep in the chair on Maddi's side and Indra on Aden's side but she wasn't asleep "Wanheda," she stood up and bowed "they've been sleeping since we have returned how is Lexa?"

"Indra," Clarke nodded "she's fine my mother said she should be awake in a few hours I just came to check up on the children. Did Aden say anything else about the baby?"

"He said he found the baby strapped to a walker with a white balloon as well along with a note," Indra handed Wanheda the note "did you need anything else, Wanheda?"

"No if you and BlodReina can just stay with them until I get back from Lexa's room in the morning." 

"Of course." Clarke turned to leave and headed back towards the medical building taking the same seat she was in earlier looking the note over that was left with the child. It had told the story of a Dad who had gotten bitten and how he prayed for someone to find and look after Rheanys. Rheanys was a blonde hair, blue eyed, happy baby even though she doesn't know basically what happened but her father was smart with the way he took care of her even after his death. Clarke sighed deciding to take a nap since she hadn't slept all night and did it come easy for her to do so she'd deal with the kids after Lexa woke up along with what to do with the baby. 

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