929 Pt3

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Clarke was the first one to wake up noticing how they fit perfectly in her bed putting a smile on her face, the kind of smile that could light up a whole room, Lexa was asleep soundly beside Aden. She went to fix back a rogue strand of hair before getting up and going to her own shower to get change so that she can plan a small something for Lexa it was then that raven quietly snuck into her chambers. "Clarkey-poo?" No one, no one ever called her that name, not even her daughter, the only one allowed to is Raven "Oh you are finally taking a shower stinky." Clarke poked her head out of "I'm just kidding."

The Latina grinned as Clarke shook her head and stuck it back into the shower "What's up, Raven?"

"Lexa's birthday is today so I've heard any plans?" Raven asked although her blonde friend, her commander, already had something planned for Lexa.

"I was about to ask you."

"Good!" Raven said happily "I already have Lexa's day planned out so you should wake her up soon and get her showered I will be helping babysit Rhaenys and the two youngest ones will be around. I spoke to Octavia and Bellamy about their punishments starting tomorrow that way Lexa has Aden around and you have Maddi as well."

The shower went off Clarke took a deep breath in after last night she needed a day because afterwards she still had the clan tour to finish up. "Okay. Rae?"


"I've been having dreams since she got here."

"You too?"

"You're having dreams?"

"Very vivid dreams and I thought I was the only one having them but Octavia is having them too." Raven stated as Clarke had gotten dressed, neither woman was shy, they'd seen the other naked multiple times before.

"I didn't start having such vivid ones till Lexa."

"Do they involve her?"

"Yes, with you, Bellamy, Octavia, Lincoln, Indra, Aden, and Maddi. Except I think Maddi isn't mine by blood but I know Lexa like the back of my hand in these dreams; the night before last I had a dream of losing her."

"Octavia said she was there for a dream like that," Raven sighed "that Lexa was shot and you held her in your arms as she died."

"What do you think it is?"

"A memory of another life," Raven knew she was a scientist, engineer, bomb maker etc. "there are parallel universes but I've never heard of them mixing in with another timeline like that."

"So we aren't being paranoid then?"

"No," Raven stood up "but look lets worry about these dreams after today and the clan tour because we need a break from all this right now at least I know I do."

"Okay." Clarke had finished getting dressed "Will you wake them up and grab Rhaenys I have to stop by the black smith."

"Of course, Clarkey-Poo." Raven grinned as her bestfriend rolled her eyes "Go and get out of here I will send Jasper to find you and Octavia also she's waiting outside your door." Clarke nodded and walked out with her leather jacket resting in one hand that was slung over her shoulder as she met with Octavia.

"Morning, Wanheda." Octavia wasn't dressed in her usual war or training outfit but casual clothes which was a rare site sometimes as Octavia was almost always professional. Octavia wore torn jeans, black combat boots, an army green blouse, with her BlodReina leather jacket on top, with a pair of sunglasses. "

"Morning, BlodReina." Clarke grinned as she shook her head both were equipped, Clarke had her side arms, a knife hidden in her own boot, and an extra .22 revolver in the other boot. Octavia was armed a tactical shotgun that rested strapped to her back, two berretta's that were on strapped to her shoulder, concealed under her arms, which was covered by her jacket. Octavia always carried heavily for the fact that when she first became Clarke's personal bodyguard there was an attempt on her life. "So what did you get her?" Octavia asked curiously as they knew their first stop was to the blacksmith already knowing to get there because it was her favorite spot.

"Two twin blades, a four foot long sword that weighs 20 pounds, and a small dagger. I would have got her a mode gun but she already has one so I figured blades along with a cake later on."

"You mean your cake?" Octavia grinned and Clarke slapped her upside her head who merely rubbed the offended area but didn't regret it at all. "Hey Mike!"

"Wanheda and BlodReina. I am guessing you are here for those weapons you asked for?"

"Yes, are they ready?"

"They are almost, they will be done way before tonight, I promise that. I just needed to put in the engraving that you've asked for."

"Okay, thanks Mike." Clarke then made her way toward the medical hall knowing she was going to see her mother "So how did you know about her birthday?"

"Aden slipped up about it so I made the preparations. I gotta ask Ma if she finished the cake so that way everything is done by tonight." Octavia watched her and the last she had seen Clarke this way was when Pamela had gotten pregnant with Maddi. The gifts as well were over the top, Clarke only did that for people she cared for, Octavia was satisfied and happy as well for the blonde. They arrived to where they'd find Abby and Clarke asked about the cake along with details.

Octavia was lost in though mostly everything that happened before this from high school till now. Octavia and Clarke's friendship has been rough from the beginning neither party had favored the other at the beginning. It was maybe a year into their friendship that it had clicked. All fell into one place. Clarke was scared of her relationship with Pamela and Octavia had reassured her. Although as they had gotten close through their friendship she gained what she though were feelings.

Octavia has never done Clarke wrong and kept her "feelings" hidden only after had they slept together did she figure it out. Both knew, they only kept going, going because they were both lonely in the world. Now they were both happy, Octavia had Lincoln, Raven has Finn, now Clarke would have Lexa and Aden. Clarke would have the family she's been wanting and the one she could have had if Pamela was here. Octavia figured with Lexa showing up was something of Pamela's doing which she was glad for.

"Ready, O?" Clarke asked a bit confused as to why Octavia was zoned out "Something wrong? Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Octavia smiles "everything is fine actually." Clarke only smiles and they ran around running errands up until they would have to be at their rendezvous point.

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