The Academy

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"What's this place?" Indra pointed to the Academy which was their most important school of all and it was more brutal as well.

"The Academy of Assassins," Raven began to explain "it's were our most elite soldiers would go to join our spec ops or black ops. Our Wanheda, Clarke, graduated here and at the top of her class even though she didn't need too; most of the council will go through it's required to be on the council."

"Why is that?" Lexa asked in turn.

"It's so that we know stratedgy and can be silent as well as be able to know the hardships," Clarke took over as Raven smiled at her "we can't have a weak council or not have anyone not know how to fight or move silently."

"Your town might not see danger though." Indra put in seeing how well secured the little town is "So why so much?"

"To ensure the safety and security of our people," Raven continued their walk toward the tower "we cannot make promises and not be able to keep them at all."

Indra and Jasper stayed side by side with Raven as she explained more of the Academy to them with Lexa and Clarke falling behind "So Wanheda?"

"Commander of Death," Clarke nodde as she had earned the name way before the town was established "the tongue that Raven was speaking we call Trigedasleng. We basically made english more complicated but it was better since at the beginning it was the founders and me so in order for no one to understand us."

"You made a language of your own. It's smart."

"Ai laik klark kom the skai kru." Clarke turned face to face with Lexa "I am Clarke from the Sky people."

"Sky people?"

"There is 13 cities or towns like this one including mine." Clarke decided to let Lexa in on their orgin seeing as Lexa would be here for a long while "There was 14 up until yesterday but each town or city has a leader we all meet once a month and have a certain name or symbol to represent ourselves."

"You chose Sky People?"

"Skaikru, really."

"So what are the other twelve clans and where are they located cause I've never run into another place like this one." 

"That's because they begin after this one, so the next fifty miles would be the next one, the close city that we had to ours was the 14th. My town and that one were considered the front line cities anyways the other clans follow behind mine afterwards the biggest one is Trikru or Trigeda. Azgeda, Floukru, Sankru, Yujleda, Ouskejon Kru, Delfikru, Trishana Kru, Podakru, Ingranrona Kru, Boudalan Kru, Louwoda Kliron are the other cities."

"So do they speak Trigedasleng as well?" 

"Yes," Clarke nodded "your room will be next to mine and Indra will be across from you." They made it into the tower and every one of them into the large elevator making it to the top floor. "The other's on the council stay on the floor below us if you don't mind I'm gonna take a shower before the meeting tonight but I do have to meet with you and Indra before that sya fifteen till."

Lexa nodded as Clarke then took that as her 'okay' to leave and entered her own room it was then that Indra came up beside her "What are you thinking, Commander?"

"I think we found our home."

"Are you sure? If we do stay that means..."

"I know, Indra. I might not know Clarke but I think she would let me help out and such she did make me an ambassador for our people and they have a school for the kids. They need to be able to be normal for a little bit and this is the place to do it along with if anybody wanted land they can settle."

"I'll follow you," Indra reassured "I don't mind staying here it does seem nice. I will go ahead and dismiss myself Commander I do need a shower and a change of clothes before we meet with Clarke before the meeting tonight." With that both retired to their own room and Lexa found herself looking over her own room which had a balcony view of Skaikru or Maine. It was beautiful and it was peaceful something she hadn't had in a year but why had it taken so long to find this place? Lexa thought she needed to go through the hardship and as well as her people that she needed to find before getting here it must be weird for them just as it is for her. 

Lexa went to her own restroom and took a shower making sure to make a mental note to not stay in long because of the meeting. Once she was done she had made it back to her room to find a long black dress occupied by a note on top of that "Hope this fits, this is my first gift to you, I hope you wear it tonight. - Clarke." She didn't know why but it made her smile and set the note in the dresser beside her bed, she slipped the black dress on, letting her fall into waves brushed to the left of her shoulder. The dress had a slit going down the left leg, it was a good thing she had shaved, it was a pleasure she hardly ever got. Lexa slipped on the black flats that were also put out which fit her perfectly, the dressed showed her tattoos, along with the wounded left arm she had gotten before arriving. 

Lexa left her room to come face to face with Indra who was wearing a simple pair of black pants and a black blouse "Did Wanheda leave that for you?"

"Shut up, Indra." The older woman laughed at her Commander "Well I think she might have taken a liking to you Commander what do you think?"

"I think I am fine with it," Lexa poked her tongue out "I do have to speak with her about getting an extra bed to put into my room for Aden." Aden wasn't hers by blood but she had found Aden alone when everything first began and she took to him like he had to her and eventually began calling her mom.

"I already informed Raven," Indra stated "while you were getting a history lesson but she said it will be done tonight during the festivities so that way he can be with you tonight."

"Thank you." Lexa nodded and notice a girl who looked Aden's age came running down the hall past her with raven hair and into Clarke's chambers. "Who's that?"

"Raven mentioned that Clarke did have a daughter." Indra stated "I think her name is Maddi, Raven stated that the girl is exactly like her mother, she's actually already graduated the Academy. Apparently Maddi is trying to take her mother's title as Wanheda."

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