Hold On

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Octavia had gone to retrieve Echo and Maddi, catching up towards Raven first, "Hey, what's up? You seemed upset?"

Raven turned to look at Octavia shaking her head "I'm just not in agreement with sending Maddi out so early but I won't disobey, Wanheda."

"Yeah you seemed upset about that although there isn't much to do about it plus Maddi needs to know what's going on if anything were to happen she's to take over next. You had to know this was going to happen, Raven." 

"I did just not now. She's only 13."

"She's trained for this Raven but if it helps your thoughts settle I'm going along anyways to keep a close eye on her."

Raven shook her head, of course she wouldn't change Octavia's mind either, but settling with at least one of their best warriors going would have to be enough. "It soothes them but just keep an eye on her and don't let her out of your sight at all."

"Of course." They went their separate ways at the fork of the end of the hallways as Octavia wen to retrieve Maddi and Echo it would be dinner time right around now so they would be out in the cafeteria. Maddi was sitting with Aden and Echo was sat with a couple of council members, one being Jasper, so he must be informing her about their adventure. The BlodReina made her way towards Maddi "I hope you don't mind Aden but I will be needing to pull our Princess away for awhile if you don't mind." 

Aden shook his head "I don't mind. I haven't heard anything of my mother do you know where I can find her?"

"She is in the infirmary and should awake by now if you want to go find her." Octavia stated feeling the curious look coming from Maddi as they walked away from Aden with Echo trailing behind them. Octavia led them toward her office where she closed the door behind the three of them "We've been given an assignment by Wanheda. Echo you are to lead Bravo team behind Alpha team which are setting off at sunrise so you will need to pack essentials but not to much it is a stealth mission. Your necessities will include rations for at least a week, you will meet with Abby about these before we are to leave in the morning, your armor and weapons will also be with you."

"Wait, Mom is wanting me on a mission?" Maddi sounded surprised.

"Yes, but you are to be following behind Echo and in front of me. You will not be wandering as I said before this is a stealth mission, any other questions?"

"Why is she sending a second team and with you on it?" Echo stated looking over the brunette woman.

"To ensure if anything is to happen to Alpha team we will be there. I also volunteered for this mission which Wanheda knows of and also another thing, Bravo team will be 1600 meters away from Alpha, we are there to just sit and watch."

Echo sighed knowing she had just got back from vacation she'd probably immediately be put on a mission "Alright well everyone get a goodnights rest and prepare your things as we do not know how long we will be out, pack wisely, and out in formation an hour before we depart so that way we can grab last minute things."

Both Octavia and Maddi nodded, Echo took her leave, "Maddi,"

Maddi turned to look at Octavia as she was already at the door "You understand this mission is of grave importance, right?"

Maddi nodded "I know. I've been training for this so I will treat it with caution."

"Good I need you to be at your best this will effect you as you are the Wanheda's daughter you are to learn from this and begin using these missions as experience for the future."

"I will. Thank you BlodReina."

"Go get some rest." Octavia dismissed the miniature Clarke, only Maddi has brunette hair, but every other feature was the same even to their personality. Although Maddi didn't get her mother's OCD, Maddi was confident in her decisions, but she might learn as her mother learned way back when. Octavia only hoped that Maddi would never have to see what they had or experience the bloodshed that herself and Clarke had to go through even if it made them strong it left plenty of scars. 

Raven made her way toward Abby's office to give her the list of names for both Alpha and Bravo team as she would need them to calculate the rations that would be going out. It was dinner time right around now and her stomach is empty as she's been running around the tower all day "Raven, my girl have you ate anything? You look pale." 

Abigail always acted like a mother figure toward her and it was soothing "No, I haven't eaten since I've been running errands all day."

"Well sit down and eat with me and then we will deal with that list in your hands alright?" Abigail asked already having a plate ready for Raven as she sat down, setting the papers to one side, she grabbed the fork and began inhaling her food. As Raven did so she went over the list seeing the names "Maddi is being sent out?"

Raven only nodded as her mouth was full of food but after she finished chewing she looked at the older woman "Yes, it was Clarke who gave the orders for her to go."

"I figured this would happen just not so soon." Abigail sighed grabbing her own plate of food as she sat down to eat next the her "How are you? Mentally?"

Raven took a pause "Just stressed is all. Worried about Maddi."

"Maddi will be fine," Abigail hoped so "you've got to give her a chance I mean we gave all of the first 100 a chance and well it's gotten us this far."

"We lost a lot on the way."

"I know," she looked to Raven who had a glum look "but soon Maddi's generation will be taking over soon and I'm sure Clarke will want to step down when the time comes. There's always going to be some kind of loss on the way to what we are looking for and peace comes with a price in the end."

Raven shook her head but knew that she was right if it wasn't for some of the first ones that left the underground bunker to live on the ground "I understand it just feels like it gets harder sometimes."

"It doesn't get easier love, but it does get better." Abigail kissed Raven's forehead "Now go get some rest and I will see you tomorrow in the morning."

"Goodnight, Mom." Raven smiled as she headed out of the chow hall and towards the tower, there was some civilians out and about, more than likely switching for guard duty or headed home. Raven was proud of how far they've come but all she ever thought about was the ones that they had to leave behind or the ones that gave their lives for them to have all this. In the end the way to cherish the ones they lost was to enjoy what they had now and honor what their life gave them. 

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