No Guidance

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Clarke had been woken up by Raven, crack ass at dawn, for the monthly meeting they would have before leaving for the tour. Wanheda had also woke up with the worst hangover that she had ever experienced. Lexa was still asleep but she would also have to be awake for the meeting. Raven handed her a bottle of water and four pills "Two are for her," she grinned like a mad man "you two have to be dressed within the hour. Meetings all day."

Clarke groaned as Raven left her chambers and went over to Lexa deciding on a way to wake her up. The blonde trailed kisses along Lexa's jawline as the other began to stir. Clarke knew they didn't hold any kind of title but she would bring it up to Lexa later on in the day after the meetings were over. "Why are you up so early?" Lexa mumbled out pushing Clarke's face away at which Clarke simply smiled at and Lexa opened her eyes giving Wanheda a smile as well. 

"We have a meeting to attend to at which you have to be at," Clarke handed her two Advil's and a bottle of water "if you have a hangover you might want to take those also you might want to get up and get dressed."

Lexa groaned as she rolled out of bed going straight for the door "I'll go shower in my room and meet you in the war room." she smiled heading over to Clarke to place a kiss on her cheek before exiting the room.  Clarke smiled then moved to get about her morning routine as she showered and changed into her casual Wanheda clothes which were different of those that she would talk into battle. 

Raven had popped back into her room "You feeling okay?"

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Raven had popped back into her room "You feeling okay?"

"Yeah," the headache was minor and the shower had helped Clarke with everything else "the kids where are they?"

"They are going to be with your mom all day while you, Lexa, and I are in meetings but I think Lexa will be free after the first two meetings. The other ones are mostly you unless you want to have her there then that's up to you completely your decision but its mostly to figure out hunting schedules while we are out."  Clarke nodded along to everything Raven said as she soaked it in, this was something she was used too; once a month since they started the clans. Raven would give her a rundown of the day to let her know what was in store along with what they would be going over or covering for the day, Octavia came to stand on her right side, as they entered the throne room. Everyone stood up to show their respect to Clarke, then once she sat down they followed suit, Raven would stay standing beside Clarke and so would Octavia to her right, Lexa was seated next to her but a person away right beside her were Indra. "So your second, Octavia will be in charge while you are gone, who is to cover her position?" Bellamy asked as it was the first thing to start the meeting of theirs. 

"Finn will be covering my post," Octavia answered for Clarke "he is my second and will be accompanying them on the tour."

"Do we have hunting and gathering schedules for supplies?" Clarke spoke up as she sat upright in her chair but an arm resting with her chin on her fist as she eyed her council. 

"Yes," Jasper spoked as he passed the paper over to Clarke "we have worked around times and such and are going to gather only what we need and if we come across extra as we are out then we will pick it up."

"What are we needing more of right now?" Raven then asked as this wasn't anything unusual it wasn't as If Clarke and her were attacking their council it was more of a preparation tactic. Clarke always wanted to make sure that her settlement was well protected and more than supplied but also cautious in the way that things would be done and run while she was away. 

"Fuel," Monty stated "we have enough but not for any raiding parties for when you return, Wanheda."

"Well concentrate on fuel," Clarke stood "is there anything else that needs to be addressed for this meeting?" Everyone was silent "This meeting is hereby dismissed the next meeting will be in 2 hours get breakfast and do whatever you need to do then be back into the throne room, Lexa and Indra, you are both dismissed from the rest of the meetings." Clarke watched as the room emptied out besides Raven, Octavia and Bellamy mentioned they'd return after checking on the agreed upon schedules that would be needed for the next meeting, then Lexa went to check on the kids and running her own errands with Indra. Clarke looked to Raven "What's the second meeting, again?"

"Second meeting," Raven looks over her tablet which held her notes "who's leaving with you and I have the list already as well, has it changed or is it the same?"

"Who do I have down?" Clarke asked as she slumped back into her throne looking over Raven, she hadn't noticed, but Raven had changed over the year. From facial expressions to the softness of her eyes, to the way she had her hair down which use to be up in a tight pony tail, to the way she carried herself now. 

"Clarke, did you even hear me?" Raven asked having noticed the blonde zone out while looking at her wondering what she was thinking of to have thrown her off. 

"To be honest, not really. Raven, we changed a lot hadn't we?" Clarke asked as the brunette haired woman was completely confused now wondering what had brought this conversation.

"I'd like to think we are evolving but we did change, how couldn't we?" Raven asked as Clarke nodded toward her reply "Why?"

"I zoned out obviously but I noticed how much you changed and realized even in the span of a year we changed a lot, drastically, really." Clarke stood up approaching the other woman who was a couple of feet away from her "I'm sorry for interrupting," she gave a soft smile toward her bestfriend "who did I have down?"

Raven just returned the smile and began listing off the people Clarke would be taking with her on the Clan tour. They went over summaries of the next meetings for the day and what the main focuses would be of them, their next meeting would be medical supplies and the guard schedule, afterwards would be smaller things. 

Clarke had finished up with meetings, Octavia had brought her a meal for dinner, Clarke had wanted some alone time, eating by herself in the throne room with the papers from the meetings right beside her. It was then that she went upstairs to visit the garden where Pamela lied at, she mostly went over everything that was in her head, her life had been a whirlwind the past couple of days. 

"Wanheda!" Octavia came bursting into the gardens, with a couple of guards behind her, "We have been attacked!" 

"By who?" Clarke asked so calmly looking down at the pond "And where are the children?"

"Raiders, the children are safe and hidden away in our under ground bunker." 

"How many?"

"From the looks of it about thirty men."

"Grab my sword I will meet you downstairs."

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