Don't Hold Your Breath

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When Clarke came downstairs, she looked as if she was ready to go to war, Lexa was wearing their war paint and so was Indra it made Clarke's heart flutter. The moment didn't last long as Octavia pulled her out of it "Wanheda, ready? They are banging at our front door. Raven and Bellamy are waiting for your orders." 

Clarke looked toward Lexa and Indra "Maddi and Aden?" 

"Are safe." Was all Lexa said as Clarke then took the lead, each woman flanking her as they their way toward the front gate, Bellamy was sitting at the top "Clarke!"

"Open the gates and do not waste any of your bullets!" Bellamy bit his tongue and obeyed Clarke's order, he trusted her, that was why she was their leader. Clarke had not once let them down "You heard Wanheda! Do not waste any bullets!" With that he opened the gates, each person on the ground taking a stance as the raiders had charged in although with look of surprise and fear in their eyes as they came into contact with Wanheda and BlodReina. 

Blood had been spilt, Wanheda's back had been met with Lexa's "We need one alive." Lexa stated as they were down to the last group of raiders, Octavia was all out with a blank look on her face, it was the same face Clarke wore. It was no wonder they had their nicknames, they killed without a care "Lexa!" Lexa being distracted had not noticed the person behind her has their weapon aimed, Clarke had tackled her, and Octavia's dagger met with the raiders head, the bullet went through her shoulder. 

"Fuck!" Lexa screeched holding her shoulder as if it would make the pain go away in that instant. Indra and Bellamy walked over with one of the raiders alive yet tied up. Clarke and Raven were on Lexa like flies to food looking over the wound making sure the bullet had gone through "Clarke?"

"It seems like it has gone through but get her to medical and Indra if you do not mind going with her. Bellamy, Octavia and I have this guy."

"Be careful." Was all that Lexa could manage out as Indra dragged her away as she watched the raider being taken by Bellamy with Wanheda and BlodReina in tow behind them. It had been hours and Lexa was in the medical wing with Wanheda's mother and Indra "Relax, Lexa she will come by when she can." Was all her mother said as she looked over her feeling as she was in this position a lot lately, but Clarke's mother kept asking random questions to keep her distracted or they were questions she needed to know answers too. 

"You know we can end you." BlodReina looked at their prisoner, Bellamy to her right, and Wanheda behind her merely observing, she hadn't said much for the couple of hours they had been in here. 

He spat on Octavia's boots "You won't you need me." It was then that Clarke stepped out and grabbed the male by the throat squeezing hard enough to cut off his breathing but not hard enough to suffocate him. "You better think again," she growled out "we don't need you; you are merely a useless soldier who got caught, I'm starting to think you really have no information. I'm thinking you are trying to drag this out as long as possible to find a way out, but you won't." Clarke tossed him to the ground the man choking on nothing but air as she looked to her right hand "Kill him or gag him. I'm going to check on Lexa then meet me in the war room so we can come up with a plan to move forward." 

Clarke left the basement that sat deep under the tower, it could be called a dungeon, but it sounded so medieval to her, she made it to the ground floor headed out toward the medical wing. Indra was outside as if waiting on her to show up "She's been waiting on you," Clarke merely nodded but Indra held her back looking at her hard "look this place is paradise and you've treated us well." 


"I see her as a daughter this isn't a warning but a threat don't hurt her." 

Clarke merely nodded having been waiting for this conversation from Indra knowing she was the closest to Lexa. "The prisoner didn't give us anything, but we are having a meeting after I meet with Lexa. If she's not up for it, I would like you to be her substitute."

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