929 Pt4

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Lexa sat in a gazebo with a glass of red-wine, a white sundress, white heels, and her hair falling naturally. Raven had helped her well really dressed up like a doll only she didn't mind because she hasn't felt like this in awhile. Lexa felt amazing, gorgeous, and not spilt with zombie guts all over her face and body. Raven had also been boosting her ego and keeping her company. The small party that was hidden near the south entrance of the tower in a piece of the forest was filled with people close to her. Indra was having a drink with Lincoln, Aden was running around with Maddi, Abby was carrying Rhaenys while talking with Marcus Kane yet Clarke and Octavia had yet to arrive.

"Don't worry they will be here in a bit with Bellamy." Raven said as she sat down beside Lexa as they were the only ones occupying the gazebo. "Did you expect this?"

"To be honest?" Lexa asked to which Raven nodded for her to continue "I'd think a little something from Indra and the group out there. I'm happy that I can actually celebrate another birthday with the people I care about but I was not expecting this."

It was then that Clarke showed up with a large box in her arms, another in Octavia's, and a smaller box in Bellamys. They all made their way toward her that was when everyone gathered around the gazebo but Aden, Maddi, Indra, Abby, Lincoln, and Kane entered. Clarke gave her the biggest smile as she kissed her on the cheek as she set down the box. Bellamy set the box down in the middle of the table opening the box fully to reveal a cake. "Happy Birthday, Lexa!" It had read making the smile on her grace even brighter and she hadn't realized they had started to sing Happy Birthday. "Make a wish, Mom!"

Lexa closed her eyes she wished for the earth to begin to heal and for the walkers to disappear with that she blew out the candles. "Here!" Aden handed her a gift which was a smaller box that Clarke had been holding when she had arrived. "Clarke help me get it done and I know you lost your favorite one about two months ago." Lexa opened the present to reveal a rainbow switchblade that also had a belt cutter and glass window breaker installed in it.

"Thanks. I love it." Lexa kissed Aden on the cheek the next one was from Maddi who was shy to give it to her. Maddi even hid behind Octavia a bit as if she might not like it, it was a necklace, well amethyst chip, with the Skairkry symbol on it. "It's a welcome to the family gift." Aden explained for Maddi as he showed her mother his chip as well.

"Thanks, Maddi." Lexa gave her a soft smile which Maddi returned happy that her gift was not a let down. Indra has got her a new pistol, Lincoln had gotten her a new book that he bought at the market, Octavia had given her a sunflower that was preserved as a bookmark along with a poetry book. It was when Clarke finally passed the two large boxes to her "Are you gonna help me?" Lexa asked with a grin and Clarke shook her head as she help Lexa removed the bow on the first one.

The first one held the two twin blades along with the sheaths for them, the gemstone in the middle of both blades was a sapphire stone, both blades were exactly the same. Lexa fell in love with the blades immediately, she then moved to the box that was an inch or two smaller than the other; it held a 20 pound sword but fit well in her hands. "I love them and this thank you, every single one of you, I didn't think I'd make it to celebrate another birthday." Lexa turned to Clarke a question in her eyes that Clarke didn't even have to wonder. Clarke kisses her and everyone was happily excited in the background along with Maddi and Aden.

"Alright! Let's get this party started!" Octavia howled and their little crowd roared with excitement. Lexa was stolen from Clark though by Octavia leaving Raven with Clarke "Want to bet she's giving her the talk?"

"I bet you two shots they aren't." Clarke said as she hadn't even given Lincoln the talk so she hoped that Octavia gave her a break. Neither female had said they were together yet or established anything.

"Oh you are so on! If I win they are body shots." Raven shook on it with Clarke and she knew Raven only betted that if she knew she would win. She was personally screwed.

Octavia walked alongside Lexa as they both had a drink in their hands away from the crowd so they could hear the others voice. "Octavia?"

"Lexa." Octavia stopped them as she looked over the pond with the swan family swimming around. "Look you know I'm Clarke's personal guard, not only that but her best friend, I don't know your intentions with Clarke. I don't know if you've established a relationship with her but this is a warning." Lexa let her speak taking a sip of her red wine "I know hurting each other is also inevitable because it will happen but just don't break her heart. Don't leave if you promise to stay because if you do I will hunt you down."

Lexa nodded "Same goes for you. Lincoln is my big brother and he's been like a father to Aden so I will do anything for him. So don't make promises to him you can't keep and if you break his heart. Well I know where to find you, right?" Octavia grinned at this and both females embraced each other with a hug.

"Happy Birthday, Lexa." Octavia said and lead them back to the party where Raven and Clarke awaited them.

"What was that about?" Raven asked at which Octavia smiled "We just had a talk is all."

"Body shots!" Raven yelled and Octavia laughed, Clarke groaned, and Lexa was slightly confused. Octavia had went to clear a table then made sure the kids weren't as she had a bottle of vodka in one hand and three shot glasses in the other. "Victim, Wanheda?"

"I'll do it." Lexa said at which Clarke blushed at mumbling that was something Lexa didn't see often. Octavia laid down the shots with the last one in Lexa's mouth and Clarke took the first two on Lexa's stomach easily. Clarke hesitated on the last one but did it either way and the rest of the night went with the group getting drunk.  Maddi and Aden assisted most of the adults to their rooms as everyone began leaving then helped their own mothers back to Clarke's chambers. Abby has stayed with Rhaenys making sure to let Maddi know that way Clarke didn't freak out in the morning.

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