Something Told Me...

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Wanheda had been attending to meetings all day, Lexa was with her the first few, until Wanheda had dismissed her to go explore more of the town and enjoy her day with Aden. Maddi also went along with her, Indra, and Aden to show them certain spots along with good hunting grounds. Clarke had dismissed everyone else in the council room having been fustrated with things that needed to be done with the town that she needed a break from everyone for now. Octavia had walked in though in all her glory, confident, and it was something about that, that turned Clarke on. "Wanheda." Octavia grinned as she had made sure to let the guards know not to let anyone else in "I came to give you my report." 

"BlodReina," Clarke tilted her head "you may stand and give your report."

"We accomplished our mission and once it was clear we swept through the town on my orders to make sure there were no survivors, Wanheda." 

"Good now come here," Clarke demanded needing to take her fustration out and what other person to do it than Octavia."

"As you wish." Octavia grinned smugly as their lips met they wasted no time shedding their clothes to please each other. They had gone at it for a good two hours until Octavia had been radio by Bellamy "BlodReina," Clarke had started to get dressed "do you come in?"

Octavia finished putting on her clothes "Bellamy." 

"You took a minute, are you with Clarke?"

"Yes," Octavia had straightened out her clothes "what is it that you need?"

"Lexa and Indra are searching for her."

Octavia sighed and shook her head which as something Clarke noticed "Copy that. Tell them we will meet them at the mess hall."

"Copy." With that the line went dead and Clarke could feel an oncoming question from Octavia. 

"Did you leave her a dress in her room yesterday?"


"Did you?"

"I did."

"So is this it for us?"

Clarke didn't want this to come up she was hoping to have more time but Octavia was known for her bluntness and honesty which was something Clarke loved about her. "Ai hod you, Oktevia Kom Skaikru."

"I know I just want to make sure you are making the right decision for your heart. Ai hod you, Wanheda although we both can't love each other the way we need too; but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt." 

Clarke nodded "I know," she took her into her arms "believe me I know but we'll both find someone whether her with me or me with someone else. You know I wish you nothing but the best."

Octavia smiled and shook her head breaking off the hug "I might have found someone," they began their walk toward the mess hall "actually he's in Lexa's group I spoke to him a bit before we left for the mission. So I guess Lexa coming in with her group isn't all bad at all for everyone then hmm?"

"I guess not," Clarke smiled "is your house built?"

Octavia nodded "It is I've had my things moved from the tower to the little cottage house out in our woods," she had announced that Wanheda had entered and everyone welcome Wanheda along with herself "don't worry though I will still come to annoy you or kidnap you. I still am your personal guard."

Clarke smiled and shook her head she wasn't to happy about Octavia moving from the tower but then again she was happy that Octavia could have a place that was all hers. "Wanheda, BlodReina," Bellamy bowed "a messanger was sent from Azgeda but it isn't urgent I just wanted to inform you, Wanheda."

"That's fine I will get to it before I go to bed tonight." Bellamy nodded and took a seat next to them as they sat at the council table "How are the newcomers?"

"Happy it seems," Octavia responded as she took a bite of the rib "how's my sister in law and nephew?"

"Good and happy to see that I was back in one piece," Bellamy smiled "when is the clan tour, Clarke?"

"In a weeks time," Clarke sighed "it's going to be what a week trip?"

"Just about," Octavia stated "have you figured out who you are taking and who's staying?"

"I was going to ask if you were wanting to stay or go."

"Well if I go who's going to watch over?" Octavia stated "I'll stay here. I think it'd be better."

Clarke nodded "I was going to take Raven, Lexa, Maddi, Aden, Indra, Finn, and Monty. I'd take Jasper but I need him to stay here with you guys, it is enough that I'm taking Monty with me, we should be setting up plans for this tomorrow. So I want a meeting called with the council so that everyone knows who is staying and who is going around noon because I am going to sleep in tomorrow."

"BlodReina!" One of the kids squealed that was part of Octavia's little fan club "How was the mission?" Octavia became occupied with the kid that Clarke got up to find Maddi who was seated with Aden, Maddi, and Lexa with Indra just a few feet away from them. 

"Nomon!" Maddi hadn't seen her Nomon all day besides the meeting and that was it her Nomon had looked fustrated earlier but looked more relieved now. "I was just talking about you, Nomon."

"Oh? What about goufa?"

"About how you got the title Wanheda and the other twelve Heda's."

"She was telling me that the original 14 were all part of your original group." Lexa said as she had learned a lot from Maddi basically she was given a history lesson of the 14 clans.

"Yes, we were the original 14 which was how the 14 clans came into play. The layout of the clans were really all luck in it Roan is head of our Capitol Azgeda, then there's Anya Kom Trikru, Alie Kom Flokru, Jaha Kom Sankru, Ontario Kom Yujleda, Echo Kom Delfikru, Fox Kom TrishanaKru, Murphy Kom Ouskejonkru, Becca Kom Podakru, Dani Kom Ingranronakru, Nathaniel Kom Boudalankru, and John Kom Louwoda Kliron, Klark Kom Skaikru, then our last clan James Kom WonKru. We chose our people from the gorup we had currently at the time and have then built a trade system between our clans and kept peace although there had been a civil war between the Flokru and the rest of the clans."

"Nomon was in that war!"

"Maddi," Clarke shook her head as her daughter merely shrugged "being a Clan leader when called upon you have to show your face."

"So you lead the war?" Lexa asked and Clarke nodde "Any casualties?"

"We had a few," Clarke was the one that took first blood but because she had to set an example as Wanhead "we have this saying 'Jus drein jus daun' it means 'Blood must have blood.' Flokru had already drawn blood and being as I was the one leading the war I had to draw first blood on Flokru." 

"Once Nomon drew blood and BlodReina was behind her with this thay surrendered."

"BlodReina?" Aden was intranced in the history of the clans that he honestly wanted to know more. 

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