929 pt 2

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Lexa had woken up with her side sore but it came back and realized she was back inside the walls in a room with a sleeping Clarke right beside her. In all honesty she figured it would have been Indra but she must be with the kids "Lexa," it was Abby's voice that came to her "I see you've woken up how are you feeling?"

"Better than I did yesterday so thank you," Lexa lifted her shirt to find the stitches were good "how long do i have to keep them in for?"

"A few days at the most," Abby stated "you'll have to take it easy till then so that you don't reopen them either." 


"Here," Abby handed her some pain meds "just for the pain until it's gone but it should subside by tomorrow or the day after in anything."

"How are the kids?"

"Good I checked on the baby, Aden was reluctant to leave her with just anybody, so the three of them are in Clarke chambers asleep. I had Raven take them breakfast seeing as Clarke told them not to leave the room until the both of you returned to them but you are free to go once you are ready."

"Thanks Abby. I appreciate it."

"Of course." Abby smiled exiting the room before looking back at her daughter who was still sound asleep without having to wake up screaming. Clarke woke up not long after Abby had left to Lexa just watching her "You know that's crepey you weirdo." 

Lexa grinned "Maybe a little bit but I figured it would wake you up otherwise I'd be waiting awhile to say thank you to my guardian angel."

"I would have went back for you." Clarke stated sitting up straight and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes all the while Lexa watched her wondering with questions going around her head.

"I didn't know that well a part of me didn't but another part had faith that you would go," Lexa sat up so that her feet were dangly off the medical bed as she faced the blonde "I'm use to not expecting no one to show up and in that situation I thought that was it for Aden and I."

"I was a little late," Clarke smiled and took Lexa's hand feeling the softness "but I got there and I wasn't gonna leave you behind at all. We didn't even get to..." Lexa smiled knowing what she was going to say and kissed her because yesterday they were interrupted for a good reason though.

"Happy birthday to me." Lexa hummed as they parted for a second but Clarke brought her back for another until they were interrupted yet again but this time by Raven. "See! I told Octavia! She owes me a beer!" Raven turned to find Octavia right behind her with her face in her hands and shaking her head but none the less with a smile for Octavia seeing as she finally let herself be happy. It was something the three girls had needed but they did use each other for comfort in all the chaotic apocolypse "I owe you one. Anyways sorry to interrupt but you two are being requested by the two gremlins." 

Clarke shook her head at her bestfriends "We are going do you mind taking two plates up for the both of us?"

"I'll be up with them here in a bit," Raven stated "come on Octavia you are helping."

Octavia rolled her eyes and looked to Clarke "Take it easy on her." She told Clarke knowing she was going to rip Maddi a new one but then again Maddi was being a kid in her own way which was something Octavia had noticed. 

"I will." Clarke said then went to help Lexa up as the made their way to the tower and toward Clarke's room where Aden was no longer holding the bottle for the sleeping infant and Maddi who was sitting there. Maddi looked as if she was awaiting to be told her punishment by her mother and it made Clarke's heart ache a bit for her daughter "Maddi Luna Griffin."

"Mom," Maddi's voice had dropped an octave from where it usually is with her head hung low and Lexa looked at Clarke "I'm sorry."

"I know you are," Clarke sighed as she sat in front of her daughter "but that could have gone differently which it didn't but we won't always have luck like that. Neither of you should have been outside of the wall but if it wasn't for either of you being there Aden wouldn't have found the kid. This doesn't mean you are getting out of being grounded, you are to do guard duty round the clock for three days with Octavia, understood?"

Maddi nodded "Yes, mom." she embraced her Mom with a tight hug and stayed there as Clarke ran a hand through her hair to comfort her child all the while looking to the infant who seemed to be one almost two maybe. 

"You get the same punishment, Aden." Lexa huffed out as she sat down on Clarke's bed holding her side as well seeing as it was still a bit sore and aching from the recent stitches only a few hours ago. "You should have known better especially having been outside the walls without an adult you are even lucky that Bellamy seen you guys. I'm just happy you are okay but you have guard duty as well for the same amount of time except with Bellamy, understood?"

Aden nodded and kissed Lexa on the cheek as she ruffled his hair he then laid back down beside the infant. It was then that Raven and Octavia walked in with food and drinks for Lexa and Clarke handing it over to them "So what are the gremlins punishment?" Octavia asked as she looked over from Maddi to Aden who huffed in response to her question.

"I have guard duty with you and Aden has it with Bellamy." Maddi mumbled out making Octavia grin slightly knowing she was going to give the gremlin some hell for what she had done last night. 

"Good, get another hour of rest or so and I will come fetch you we have a perimeter check and see if we can make a run for some medical supplies."

"Medical supplies?" Clarke said with a questioned look. 

"Your mom needs some more pain meds," Octavia shrugged "and I need some protection if you know what I mean."

Clarke groaned and shook her head "I do not need that info, O." Wanheda was a bit jealous mostly because Octavia was a great sexual partner but she was happy for O and Clarke also had Lexa. 

Lexa laughed although groaned in pain "Okay no jokes, O."

Octavia laughed and raven followed in suit "Okay little family we are going to leave you guys and will be back to retrieve the gremlins later."

"I'll be back to once the both of you are well rested," Raven stated "I wanna know what we are going to do with the child."

Lexa looked to Clarke then toward Raven "I'm going to keep her," Aden smiled at his mother "but you can come back later to see her though Raven if you want."

"Of course! Auntie Raven will be back to snatch her away!" Raven said happily and Octavia shook her head dragging the Latina out of the chambers. "Goodnight!" Raven screeched as she was dragged out managing to close the door on the way out and once Lexa and Clarke finished eating they fell asleep. 

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