For A Moment

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Maddi awoke before the sun was, it was out of habit, her mother and her would meet up on the highest balcony of the tower to watch the sunset. This was their normal also a way for them to catch up as either Maddi would have school or her mother was busy with meetings so it gave them their own privacy. Although this morning was completely different as this time she'd be taking a go bag and would be armored for a mission, lightly armored, as it was her first stealth mission. Maddi finished grabbing her weapons, sheathing her knife to her ankle, her sword which was slung onto her back, her small kunai's in a bag that hung on her side along with her smoke bombs. As she walked out she snatched up her go bag on the way out her door and toward the balcony which took some time but she made it on time as she spotted a glimpse of blonde as she opened the door. "Good morning, Ma."

Clarke turned to look at her daughter with a sleepy smile sent her way, "Good morning, I see you are ready for today."

Maddi nodded as she closed the door behind her, her go bag was sat by the door, as she made her way over to her mother "I prepared as soon as Octavia informed me that I would be joining the mission with her and Echo."

"Do you feel ready?" Clarke asked not that she wasn't confident in her daughter but wanting to make sure her daughter was confident in herself.

"Yes, I've prepared for this." Maddi smiled at her mother reassuring her "Are you worried?"

"I'll always be worried for you," Clarke moved to kiss her daughter on her temple "you're my one and only."

Maddi chuckled "Ma, you have Raven and Octavia."

"I know," she sighed resting her forehead against her daughter "but it's different with you. I'm your mother..."

Maddi cut her mother off "Its a different love. I know, Ma. You've always told me."

"I'll always be here," Clarke pointed to Maddi's heart "no matter where in this world we are. When you go out there today, you will be cautious, you will make it back to me." Its as if Wanheda was trying to convince her, not her own daughter, but this was the first time she was letting her daughter outside of the walls. Really outsides the walls. It scared her. 

"You are allowed to be scare, Ma. You don't have to be Wanheda with me, you know that right?"

Clarke teared up at hearing her daughter say this "I know." 

"I think I have to be down soon, Ma."

Clarke chuckled "I'll walk you down." They made their way out of the room, Maddi making sure to grab her go bag on the way out, both teams would be on the first floor of the tower in formation. As they arrived everyone was in position in formation besides the team leaders, who stood in front of their squad, they stood at parade rest (arms resting on the lower backs). Then the leaders faced Clarke "You will all be going out today," she looked around the faces in front of her "I am sure your team leader has gone over the specifics so I will not speak of that. I want you all to return home safely and do not take any risks that are not needed you are there to look Alpha and report back as Bravo is there to make sure you do make it back."

Octavia smiled at Clarke "We'll make it back your highness."

Clarke chuckled "I know you all will. I just want you all to know I care for your safe return if I could leave with you all I would but I think this mission has more than enough capable people to do without me." Raven made an entrance as well as Abigail making sure to stand behind Clarke "Alright with all that being said I release you onto your team leaders."

Clarke turned her back and followed out the door Raven and Abigail had come in with both woman following behind her leaving the teams to finish up any plans before they headed out. "Any news from the other clans?" Clarke asked as they made their way to the war room with Bellamy waiting for her, Raven handed her a cup of coffee, as they four took a seat.

"Polis answered," Raven handed her over the letter "the capital will be sending more people to us but wants to make sure we have a place to house them in case upon our discovery we will have to make plans. The rest follows as is, the clans will send more people, when necessary as they don't want  to overload us  with soldiers but they will be waiting to see what Alpha and Bravo team find."

Clarke nodded "We will send a letter with our report to every clan once we get one from both teams but this is good to hear do they know that we took damage as well?'

Bellamy stepped in "Floukru and Sankru are willing to help with our crops and replace what we lost and they will be helping us repair the front gate, re-enforcing it, so that way the damage if any won't be as bad next time."

"What do they want in turn?" Clarke asked 

"They would like to enter some of their children into the academy and house them until they are done." Raven answered at which Clarke nodded "It will happen once everything is done with our problems that the children will come and attend but we will be needing some mentors."

"If things go the way I hope then I think we have a couple of adults that will help with that," Clarke sighed as she sat back looking to her mother "how are things on the medical side?"

"We are sufficient so to say," Abigail sighed "but if things happen the way they do, or we have to go to war, it won't be enough."

"I can talk to the other clans and see if we can trade anything for medical supplies," Raven informed "I can ask Lincoln to make the trip with Finn, but it will take a few days depending on what we trade."

"What do we have to trade and what clan are you going to be asking?"

"Trikru would be willing but I'd have to see what they would want." Trikru, which was one of the closets clans, was the complicated one as well and sometimes were a bit greedy with their supplies as they had extra on inventory always. 

"What did we trade with them last time?" Bellamy asked. 

"We traded some livestock, but we won't be able to do that this time," Abigail stated "some of our livestock lost their babes to the winter storm we had earlier this year."

"Do we have anything they want?" Clarke asked with a sigh. 

"I will speak with someone on their counsel and see what I can do." Raven said with a smile and Clarke believed her as the woman can be quite convincing when she wanted something.

"Alright then this meeting is dismissed if anything comes up I need to be the first to know," Clarke looked between the three "I want everyone on top of their shit if you need help get an assistant this isn't the time to be slacking as we have two teams out and if this goes the way I think it will. We need to make sure we have our shit together before other clan members are invited into our territory, any questions?"

Everyone stayed silent and Clarke finally dismissed them staying in the war room as she rubbed her temples with the letter from Polis sitting in front of her. At times she doubted her own leadership even if she had been doing it for so long, the doubt sometimes lingered, maybe she was blowing this out of proportion. Clarke shook the thought out of her head, it was better to be safe than sorry, if the clan before them had probably taking the pre-caution they had maybe they would still be alive. It was the thought she had to keep in her head and for her to keep from doubting her choices "It's the cards I have." she told herself as she stood up, grabbing the letter, making her way to Lexa's room as her mother had dismissed her this  morning but still had to be on bed rest. 

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