Ste Kom Me//Stay With Me

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"Ai think your goufa took a liking kom ai goufa," Clarke stated in turn got a confused look from Lexa "I think your child took a liking to my child." 

Indra had gone to grab alchol and was also dismissed by Lexa to enjoy herself "I think they did," she gave a soft smile "So you have Maddi taking classes already?"

"You notice huh?" Clarke grinned as she shook her head relaxing more into her throne "Maddi has always been an outgoing child actually by the time she was two that child was already swinging a wooden sword around."

"Really? Before all this?"

Clarke nodded "In another life I use to give mixed martial arts classes," she looked around to find her child swinging a sword around with Aden "by the time she was five I had her trained with her every weapon I knew then when she was old enough I had her trained with a pistol, rifle, and anything she wanted training in. Maddi insisted she start doing everything I do in case anything were to happen to me she wanted to ensure our people are well supported if she were to ever take my place." 

"Wow, I would not think a child would think that already."

"I didn't either when this apocalypse started I knew she'd be okay but when the clans were established the first year I would have thought she would have relaxed. Maddi decided to take the Academy on and finished top of her class with the most kills, she came pretty close to my kills, but she didn't it upset her." 


"Walker kills. There is a stage in the academy called the Conclave where the intiates are sent out to the field four three nights and four days where they will have to learn to survive, hunt, and kill on their own. They are still watched from afar just in case so don't worry we don't let them die but they gain recognition with how many walkers are killed while out in the field my number was 300 and she got 299." 

"Only one left."

"Then the sound alarmed and she killed one but it didn't count." Clarke laughed remembering that day so clearly that her fifteen year old came home fuming at her even though it wasn't her mother's fault at all. "So Aden?"

"He was the first of my group and I grew attached to him," Lexa sighed "he lost his parents right when it all started." 

"That's good that you took him in not many would have done that especially with the hardships you must have faced."

Lexa nodded "I want to know something," Clarke nodded for her to go on "if I stay where do I fit in?"

Clarke knew the question would come up it was something to be expected of a Leader with her people "You can stay amabassador and stay at my side be my other hand or advisor, Raven is my advisor, but it wouldn't hurt to have another. That way you can still look over your people until they are comfortable but you can help me, you are a Commander so I've heard, Heda." 

"Heda means Commander?" Clarke nodded at Lexa's question "Your people would not be upset about that?"

"No, I had already spoke to my people as it is about another head in charge and they'd agreed although it might take time seeing as you've barely arrived. No one see's you or your people as a threat so you are fine, Heda."

"It sounds like you've got it all planned out." 

"I try too." Clarke smiled then stood stripping herself of her sword, two pistols, and her coat leaving the Wanheda in a black coat, with a black blouse under that, with a red cape drapped over one shoulder and flowed downward. "Would you like to dance?"

On old song, way older than herself or the Wanheda began to play, "Angel baby?" Lexa was astonished yet took the Wanheda's hand leading them to the dance floor with everyone watching them. Clarke began to sway them softly and soon they were joined by others by couples young and old it was something Lexa thought to be straight out of a movie. "You can relax, Lexa." Clarke whispered into her ear with that Lexa relaxed but caught a certain view of Aden slow dancing with Maddi who's head was rested on his shoulder. 

"I guess that means don't talk about work?" Lexa asked and Clarke chuckled shaking her head "Okay I was just making sure." With that she relaxed into Clarke as they swayed to the music it soon ended "I think I am going to call it a night." Clarke said as the song came to an end but yet another oldie song came on, Try Me by James Brown, one of her favorite songs.

"I think I will too." Lexa stated 

"We have a meeting in the morning," Clarke stated as they walked back out by each other with Maddi on her side and Aden going to Lexa's side as well soon Indra followed as well "I hope the both of you had a great night and sleep well." 

"We did," Aden bursted out with a slight blush to his cheek "goodnight Wanheda." Her son bowed to Clarke as they came to a stop in front of Clarke's chamber, Indra had already dismissed herself having had to much to drink, Maddi had a smile for miles.

Clarke shook her head with a smile on her face "Goodnight Aden." she looked to Lexa with the biggest smile neither noticing that Maddi planted a kiss to Aden's cheek making him blush even more. "Goodnight Heda."

"Goodnight Wanheda." Lexa this time was the one to take Clarke's hand in hers and kissed her knuckles "Sweet dreams." With that Lexa and Aden retreated to their room, Maddi had to tug her mother into their's, her mother wore a smile that she hadn't seen in a long while. 

"You like her, Nomon?"

"You like Aden, Maddi?" Clarke looked at her daughter with a raised brow who simply held a blush on her cheeks. 

"I'm going to retire to my room, Nomon. Ai hod you." She kissed Clarke's cheek then walked toward her own room, closing the door behind her, leaving Clarke to herself. Clarke walked toward her restroom washing off her face and shedding her clothes, putting them back into her wardrobe. Clarke drank in her view over the town before she slipped under her furrs for once without a warm body in her bed and happily content with it. 

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