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Lexa had noticed for the better part of the morning Clarke had been running around either with the young ones in training or with Maddi practicing. It was almost as if she was avoiding her yet again she also had her new duties to finish and she had been running around as well. It wasn't until almost lunchtime that she caught a break "I'm taking this to my chambers, Indra." Indra nodded as she left, Maddi and Aden were having lunch together, which made her wonder if Clarke had even eaten lunch yet. Lexa grabbed an extra plate in case she ran into Clarke she'd give her the plate if she hadn't had one yet "Has the Wanheda had anything to eat yet or been by?" The cook shook his head 'No' so her next mission was to find Clarke before she found her Octavia passed her "Octavia."

"Hmm?" The BlodReina turned to face Lexa as she was headed to get her own lunch before being dragged to even more boring meetings by Clarke. 

"Where can I find Clarke?" 

Octavia quickly noticed the second plate that Lexa was holding and gave her a soft smile "She's in her chambers I'm guessing you are taking that to her? Cause if so you just saved me the trip."

"Yeah I am. Thanks Octavia." 

"Of course!"

"Tell Lincoln I'll need to see him later." Lexa said

"Got it!" 

Lexa made her way toward the tower and up to their floor as she came to Clarke's room her door opened "Lexa," Clarke gave a her a smile that was something she noticed was only reserved for Maddi "is that for me?"

"Oh uh yeah I was actually wondering if you'd like to have lunch with me?"

"Come on," Clarke opened her door as Lexa went to set their plates down on the table "I'll grab us a drink do you want water or?"

"Water," Lexa took a seat as Clarke came back over "so how are the hunting plans going?"

"Good," Clarke handed a glass to Lexa and sat down beside Lexa "once we get back from the Clan tour it'll be a break for a day or two then I'll head out with Alpha team first."

"Alpha team?"

"I'll lead then Octavia, Lincoln, Yourself, Indra, Maddi. I was going to ask about Aden." Clarke was used to taking Maddi out and not have to worry since the kid wasn't like any other good and a good shot. 

"Aden can tag along with us." Lexa bit her lip "Let's not talk about work." 

"Okay," Clarke nodded as she looked at the food that was brought to her then toward Lexa "So before all this Lexa what did you like to do?"

"Photography," Lexa said easily "and then reading was another it was mostly what I didn't do if I wasn't running around doing errands." 

"I like to draw and paint."

"Are some of the paintings on the walls yours then?" Lexa said she stood up to walk around the room looking at the many different paintings on the wall all that held a beautiful image of some scenery. 

"Yeah," Clarke got up behind her "I tried to stay on it well drawing or painting with all the chaos I didn't wanna lose every bit of myself to it."

Lexa turned to give her a smile "That's good," they were now face to face "I still have my camera but I haven't really taken any photos or anything I felt like I didn't have time."

"Do you have any of your photographs?"

"A few," Lexa shook her head "not as many as I first did."

"Maybe we can trade?" Clarke smirked a bit "Or have a sleepover." Clarke joked as she heard Lexa give off a giggle that she tried to hide herself. 

"Maybe we can." Lexa shrugged the distance between them closed in it was as if they were sharing the same air, their lips lingered, neither sure of what do. "Clarke!" Octavia came storming in catching them about to kiss but their current situation wasn't the best right now. "Maddi was spotted outside the walls and there is a horde not even a couple of miles out."

"Grab my guns and swords, we gotta go."

"I'm coming with you." Lexa stated.


"Clarke, let her come we are going to need help. I can't spare more than just the three of us in case that horde decides to head toward the town." Clarke sighed and Lexa was right behind her as they ran for the walls "Open the gates!"

Bellamy reluctantly had his guard do so "Where was she last spotted?" Clarke asked Octavia who didn't speak but merely led the way at this point they were behind the horde. "Wanheda we are going to have to separate the horde is to big not to and we will cover more ground like that."

Clarke nodded "Be careful and make it back to the walls I will shoot one shot into the air or anyone will if they have Maddi." Everyone was quick to separate and Lexa had went left making sure she stuck to the horde it was then she spotted Maddi hiding up in a tree but both were to close to shoot the shot that Clarke wanted. Lexa made it up the tree and before Maddi turned around to stab her Lexa had grabbed her arm "Shh," the horde was right in front of them "we need to get down quietly without being heard, okay?" Maddi nodded her eyes were red and puffy and it made Lexa wonder why "What's wrong?"

"Aden," Lexa's whole body was lit on fire "he's out there Lexa. We weren't going far but he saw something, someone else, and he ran before I could catch him." 

"Okay," Lexa stayed calm "which direction?" Maddi had pointed straight ahead and just there, there was an abandon building that the horde was heading straight for. "Go back to the..."

"No I'm coming with you."

"No you aren't Maddi," Lexa stated with authority behind her voice "you are going to the wall and Bellamy should be there let him know of the situation."

Maddi nodded reluctantly and both of them climbed down it was then that Lexa fired off the shot to alarm everybody else that she had Maddi. "Run!" Lexa said and like that both of them ran in opposite directions. 

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