Have we met?

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Have we met before? She asked herself in the post apocalyptic world, she could have sworn, those green eyes looked familiar as if she had met her before in another life. Clarke shook her head "Weapons down!" Her voice commanded her small town of Maine, the whole town was enclosed, and well protected. Octavia, her personal guard as well as close friend stood beside her, while Raven her advisor as well as close friend was on her left "They need help, Clarke." The blonde already knew they needed the help but she was waiting on the okay from her advisor then looked to her personal guard who merely nodded. "Open the gates." She told Bellamy who was the second head of their guard, the first was Octavia, she met them at the front of the gate with Octavia and Raven right at her side. "I'm Clarke, this is Octavia and Raven, if you may follow me and please don't point your weapons at anyone."

As the group of them walked past the gates, no one who walked around seemed to eye them at all, they were at peace and it was something the group had never seen before. Or in awhile at that. They were lead to a building all the children taking in their surroundings looking for exits but their were none or none that they could see at all. "Mom," Clarke smiled as her mother had been making plates although she's their head doctor she tended to find herself in the mess hall "we've got company do you think you could make them some plates?"

"Of course, I'll make a second batch they seem hungry." Abby stated having already served a couple of the newcomers, Abby handed her daughter two plates, she turned to find the leader of the group along with who she'd assume to be the advisor to her. "We may sit and talk." 


"I'm not leaving your side, Commander." The black woman seemed to be older than the one who lead the group but showed her the same respect that her own people gave her no matter her age. 

"That's fine, Indra." Clarke stated as she handed the plate to the Commander "grab yourself a plate and you may join us at my table." Indra was hesitant and the woman known as the Commander gave a curt nod to the older woman who dismissed herself to grab a plate. Clarke had sat down with the Commander right next to her, Octavia was seated in front of Clarke, and Raven on her left. 

"I am Clarke as you already know and that is Octavia and the one next to me is Raven." 

"Alexandria or Lexa or the Commander." 

"How did you get Commander?" Raven asked with a smug grin and Clarke was already shaking her head at her friend. 

"I had taken charge of the group and after that my people were calling me Commander as a joke but then it stuck I do have a question though?" Lexa asked looked to Clarke who nodded "How is it that this town is so secure?"

"It actually isn't as small," Clarke stated "we have farmers and such farther into the town but since it is small and the area we occupy to farm is not far off it only took us a bit to close off the town against walkers. We worked night and day into it."

"Our little town of Maine became sanctuary to 200 people well now 215 if your people stay." Octavia stated.

"Do you have room for me and my people?"

"We just finished building another building," Raven stated "you and your people may occupy a floor." 

"And that tower we seen." Lexa stated which over looked the whole town and was a great vantage point.

"Most of it is being worked on," Octavia stated "Clarke, those on the council, and Raven along with myself stay in the tower."

"It isn't because of the power we hold," Clarke started off knowing how that sounded or might have sounded to Lexa "we stay there because we still switch off shifts during the night even myself. Along with needing space away from our own people, we still house people in the tower, but the people rather have a home of their own. So we give them land, we have been expanding so our walls are actually beginning to extend seeing as it is a bit easy now if anyone wanted to start a family."

"They have security," Lexa stated it was something that her and her own people had been searching. 

"There is space for your people," Clarke stated "but the oldest ones that aren't inhibited do have to work, whether it be guard, medic, teaching at the school house etc."

"You have a school?" Indra asked as she had finally walked up to the conversation with her plate piled high with food and not at all embarrassed about it either. 

Raven nodded at Indra "We teach from kinder up to high school, we do have college professors, but we stick to basics and if the kids do want to expand their knowledge they are given one on one classes. We have another school that teaches the kids basics on how to fight and shoot weapons when they are of age to do so it helps so that we have a strong front in case of anything were to happen."

"That's actually good because they learn how to fight," Lexa nodded in approval "we do have a couple of kids I'll round up my group later but we are mostly adults."

"You and Indra are welcome to stay in the tower," Clarke put out "it would also be easier seeing as you are their leader you can become their Ambassador for the meetings we do have. We have one tonight, there we can introduce you and your group, after that we are discussing hunting plans. Winter is coming and we like to stock up on food as much as we can to avoid having to leave the town so much around that time." 

Lexa looked to Indra "We'd be glad to do so," she hadn't noticed the blonde already finished her food and was up from the table with Octavia at her side "will you be showing us to our room?"

"Raven will do so," Clarke stated "I have a small matter to attend too. I will see you later though for the meeting at town hall and she will also take you and your group there. Octavia." With that the blonde and her personal guard were gone from the mess hall leaving the three females. 

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