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"BlodReina or Blood Queen is known as Wanheda's counterpart," Maddi stated "wherever Wanheda was so was BlodReina."

"BlodReina also known as Octavia," Octavia said catching the last part of the conversation "are we having a history lesson?"

"We are BlodReina," Maddi smiled at her aunt "we are explaining the history of the 14 clans."

"So how did you get BlodReina as a title?" Lexa asked a curiously and a bit jealous of how close Octavia was to Clarke and she wasn't sure why it bothered her so much. Clarke wasn't hers.

"I shed just as much blood as the Wanheda but not enough to earn that title. I was always at her side seeing as I am her personal guard and bestfriend we make a great team out on the field."

"At one point they were known as the blood twin angels," Maddi stated proudly knowing her history "only the nickname didn't really stick."

"Yeah, we didn't like it so kind of glad that died down anyways." Octavia shrugged and noticed Lincoln along with Raven and Finn coming their way. "So Lexa are you seeing anyone?"

Clarke punched her and Lexa was a bit taken back but her son and Maddi were laughing like crazy at the reaction "I'm not actually," Lexa knew how to get her back as a small joke "Lincoln didn't you say you were seeing a certain brunette friend of the Wanheda's."

Clarke grinned and Octavia turned a different shade of red and began mumbling into her drink as she took a sip "Lincoln, I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you. I'm Klarke Kom Skaikru and this idiot's bestfriend hurt her and I hurt you I'm not called Wanheda for no reason."

"Clarke!" Octavia was now a deeper red and punched her former lover hard in the arm "You suck you do know that right?"

"Aww is that a blush I see?" Raven jumped in on the teasing as Octavia began to sip on her drink ignoring the comment having already been blushing even more. "Maddi and Aden, they are having a bonfire outside with Marshmellows if you two want to go to that." Raven stated and the kids merely nodded leaving the adults to talk not wanting to hear anymore sexual jokes. 

"So Wanheda have you decided who you are taking on the Clan tour?" Raven asked knowing she would be one to go as she was the advisor to the Wanheda.

"It'll be you, Finn, Monty, Maddi, Aden, Indra, Lexa. Aden and Maddi will be riding in the carriage the rest of us on horseback then there will be about twenty men with us."

"Octavia is staying in your place?" Raven asked.

"Yes, I am also taking Lexa, Indra, and Aden because since she will be my other second she will need to be introduced to the other clans."

"Introduce?" Indra asked "How long is this clan tour?"

"A week tops they hardly ever run longer than such." Clarke explained as they spend a certain amount of time in each clan before they reach the Capitol where all the clan leaders hold a feast. 

"What is the clan tour?" Lexa wanted to be prepared if she was about to be introduce to different leaders she needed to know the reason behind the clan tour as well. 

"It is basically for each clan to inform the other of any changes made or hordes moving closer, etc. I can go over it with you and Indra at a later time." Raven stated knowing Clarke would have to deal with other things before she can actually discuss the matter of the clan tour. 

"Wanheda," Octavia caught Clarke's attention who seemed to be gazing a bit to long at an unknowing Lexa "we should head to see what that message was about."

Clarke nodded as her daughter had returned"Maddi yu laik kom."

Maddi didn't look to happy about what her mom had just told her and Lexa figured that Clarke had told her to follow. "Sha, mother." Maddi bowed following behind her mother leaving Raven, Finn, Lincoln, Indra, and Aden "Do you not go with her?" Indra asked Raven a bit curiously.

"I will be called for by Clarke if the situation is dire but she also has Octavia who is helpful in the manner was well."

"So the council that was founded have been with Clarke since the beginning?" Lexa asked curiously needing to know or really wanting.

"Sha, Octavia and I have been with Clarke since Maddi, we've known her in the last life as we like to call it. The clan leaders came as we expanded into a big enough group to comfortably leave each other at a certain distance, Clarke is the youngest clan leader, along with the youngest council." Raven explained "It use to bother the other clans with our age and us having so much power but they basically had us on probabtion the first few months. When we showed them otherwise they let us be that was actually the reason for the Clan tour once a month is so that everyone is checked on."

"That's actually pretty smart I never thought about that being a reason behind it besides just reporting the neccassary things." Lexa nodded and looked over to Aden who was conversing with Lincoln about the Assassin Academy she over heard him wanting to enter into it. "So you, Octavia and Clarke were together before the apocalypse did you guys go to school together?"

"I grew up with Clarke and we met Octavia going into high school we are completely different people from then it almost surprises me how much we changed."

"Lemme guess trouble makers?" Indra asked at which Raven nodded "At least you guys enjoyed it before all this started but you all built a legacy that will follow each and everyone of you."

"What about you, Finn?"

"I was actually hurt and well trying to hunt," Finn shrugged "they were passing through on a clan tour when they found me and took me in. They didn't have too. I killed some of their people at the time who were out hunting but then Wanheda saved me from the wrath of the clans."

"Jus drein jus daun, would have gotten him killed." Raven looked at Finn "Wanheda would have killed him too; but she was changing her ways at the time and he was the example that she set." 

"Since then I've been indebt to Wanheda." Finn stated "Especially because if it hadn't been for her I'd be dead and I wouldn't have had time with Raven." Raven smiled kissing him on the lips if Octavia had been here she would have made vomiting noise but both Indra and Lexa looked at them. Lexa was happy that Clarke had sparred him because of the outcome that came from doing so although she wondered if that had made her look weak to the other clans.

"I think I will be turning in, Commander." Indra stated wanting a shower then extra sleep since she was sure that Lexa would have her out all day or they would be in meetings for most of it.

"I'll be joining as well. Goodnight Raven, Finn, and Lincoln."

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