Chapter 19

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"I swear I must of seen you before, have we met at a lake?" "I'm afraid not, I was never taught how to swim." "Maybe another ball?" "No, this is my first time at a ball." "Ugh, you're killing me here! I'll figure it out eventually!" Remus continued to ask questions and guess where he saw him before as Logan continued to act coy as they danced.
Logan was somewhat amazed that he was doing so well dancing, considering the only prior experience he had with ballroom dancing were stepping on his dads feet as a joke.
They twirled, spun and glided across the room as everyone watched in admiration... well... almost everyone, a certain step father and step brother's faces were stuck green with envy and red with rage at the mere thought of some one else wooing the prince.
The king and queen were particularly interested in the young couple.
"Dear, do you know who that is?" Asked the Queen "No, I've never seen him before in my life— wow... if I were a younger man I-" "You'd what?" the king stopped himself, biting down on his his tongue, thinking of the thing he could say that was least likely to get him sleeping on the royal sofa "Well I'd be younger, wouldn't I?".

"That's what I thought, let's go say hi." Replied the Queen.
The King and Queen walked over to the two as they slowly danced around and coughed to get their sons attention.
"Not now!" Remus aggressively whispered to his parents, they pushed their son out of the way and bowed to Logan.
Logan glanced at Remus who was face palming out of pure embarrassment.
"Good evening." Logan bowed "It's a pleasure to meet you your majesty.", "Likewise" said the Queen.

"So what kingdom are you from?" the king questioned, Logan didn't know how to respond, "Well uh-... you see-" "What about your family?" "Mah-my family?".
"Yeah like your dad, do we know him?!".
Logan's expression turned from surprised to saddened in an instant, thinking of both of his dads and that sorry excuse for a step father he had pained him, this was supposed to be an escape from reality but one simple question has turned it into a nightmare.
Logan's breathing became unsteady and he instinctively took a slow step back, he started stuttering out random sentence fragments "I- uhm- will you a-.... excuse me for a second-" and just like that he was dashing off, Remus got upset and yelled at his parents for scaring him off.
Logan quickly darted out of the ball room a pressed his back against a door, he took a couple deep breaths to collect his thoughts and closed his eyes.

"Hey!" Remus exclaimed, making Logan jump "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you.... sorry about my folks... they are pretty annoying." "No no no! They were fine, they were just asking me questions- I mean compared to my family they were saints.".
Remus tilted his head in bewilderment wondering what he could mean "I'd like to meet your family.".
Logan shook his head and panicked "No! You don't! You really really don't!" "Wow, they're that bad?" Inquired Remus, Logan just nodded.
"They did everything to make sure I didn't come here tonight, obviously it didn't work, but I really had to fight my way to get here." "That's terrible." "Yeah, so don't worry about your parents, I'm just over whelmed is all.".
Remus wrapped his arm around him "Well, since the parties making you anxious, maybe we should go somewhere private?" Logan blushed profusely, "Yeah... I'd like that a lot.".

"Honestly I didn't wanna stick around much either, I don't like balls-" Remus paused, analyzing what he just said and then snickered hysterically, Logan didn't know what was so funny but he was too enamored with Remus's dorky little giggle to worry too much about that.
The two walked hand and hand through an arch way and Logan looked around astonished by every little detail of the castle, the furniture was all so immaculate and the architecture so beautiful, he could totally understand why Roman and Patton were so desperate to marry into royalty when you could have all of this.
They entered one room that was covered wall to wall with different portraits, some of them royalty themselves and others of fantastical historical moments in Elphe's history.
"Woah! Is that the battle of Morlia?" Remus was pleasantly surprised "Yes actually!".
Logan rushed over to the portrait to admire it up close "Can I touch it?" He eagerly asked, to which Remus gestured to show that he could.
Gently touching the soft painted canvas felt like touching history, he had never been so close to something so old and so historical in his life, he almost wanted to cry.

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