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George's POV

I just got out of the auditions for "My Love" everyone is talking about it so I'm pretty excited! The director seemed to like me so I'm not too worried about it.

Many people know my name which can be scary at times, but I know I'm safe with my 5 bodyguards surrounding me at all times! Sure it may be a little overwhelming, especially because they look like they're seven feet tall, but I know I'm safe so I don't really care.

I just called a cab to come pick me up. I always ask specifically for Darryl, he's nice and I know he won't hurt or try to take advantage of me. It's hard to find real people these days, it sucks but that's how the world works so I just deal with it.

I can see Darryl pulling up, so I let my men know they may leave now.

"Hi George!!" Darryl greets enthusiastically

"Hi Darryl! How are you this evening?"

"Awww I'm great, thanks for asking! What about you?" Darryl asks

"I'm fine! I just got out of auditions for the new movie "My Love"" I say excitedly

"Oh my god George, that's great! I heard it's supposed to be really good."

"Yeah the lines do seem nice! I just hope my love interest isn't a weirdo." I giggle

"Awh I'm sure it'll be fine! Who knows maybe you'll even get a girlfriend out of it."

"I don't see that happening" I giggle "I'm pretty sure my love interest is a guy, or at least that's what my lines said."

"Well then maybe you'll get a boyfriend!" Darryl giggles alongside me

✨short time skip :)✨

"Welp, here you are George! Have a good rest of your evening!" Darryl says as he pulls up to my house. "Let me know if you need anything!!" Darryl offers

"Of course Darryl! You have a nice evening too!" I get out of the cab and head over to my giant double doors. I don't know why I agreed to this house, it's just me and my maids.

I head upstairs to my room, I'm about to close my door when I see my little furry friend burst in.

"AHHHHH," My little kitten, Heiiro ran right in after my dog, Mei. "Ugh Heiiro, Mei, you startled me!"

I walked up to Heiiro, scooped him up, and went over to my bed to get comfy. Soon after I got comfortable, Mei came and cuddled up next to my legs. I put on a movie not really caring what it was, and drifted off to sleep.

Not even a minute after I dozed off I heard a loud ringing sound

"Ughhhh" I grunted and reached over for my phone, I looked at the caller and didn't recognize it.


"Hi, George! Sorry, I know it's late, but I thought I let you know that you are going to be acting in our new movie, "My Love!"

My Love (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now