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Clay's POV

We just arrived at the castle. "Let's get this over with."

I set off a gunshot so they were aware of what's happening. I got out of the car, along with these random people helping. There where a lot of them, hundreds.

A group of people went and knocked down the door, as soon as it hit the ground I ran in there. I wanted to save my sister. Even if it meant this.

"GET AWAY, NOW!" Someone shouted. Then I heard a bang, someone's ded

"DREAM NOW! COME NOW! HES PASSED OUT LETS GO!!!" Ranboo shouted, carrying the prince, running down the grand white staircase, filled with accents of gold.

I just nodded, taking the prince from him and running to the car. As soon as we got out someone blew the castle up. I don't think it was meant to go that far...

✨Time skip (in the movie)✨

We arrived back at the house, it was deep into the woods so no one would find it. I took a sharp turn before we got into the driveway so that I could go to my own "house". Schlatt gave me and Clark our own small huts so that I could train in peace, and Clark is a lady so yeah...or at least that's what he said, I'm pretty sure I was just annoying him. It's not like I can just escape either. He's got cameras everywhere and bodyguards surrounding the perimeter. Anyways, he made a room for prince George so that I could keep him there. I wasn't sure what schlatt wanted me to do with him but... ehh whatever. I'm just doing this to save my sister.

I parked the car in my small driveway before opening the driver's door and venturing to the passenger to get Prince George, he was still asleep.

I picked up the prince and carried him over to the door, taking my keys out of my pocket and unlocking the door. Once we got inside I carried the prince to his new room and settled him on the bed. I took off his shoes and that was that.

Just as I was about to leave his room I heard sirens. "Shit."

I quickly locked the door and boarded it up. As long as they don't find my hut everything will be okay! Clark is in her hut not too far. So she should be perfectly safe!

"Eh? What's going on...?" The prince let out

"Well you're being kidnapped! And the cops probably found schlatt!" I kept it short, simple, and true. I got the last board on the window.

"KIDNAPPED??" He backed into the wall and hit his head hard. I could hear the loud thump.

"Oh shit... are you okay??

"What do you think?" He growled

"Sorry... Can I see? I just want to make sure your head isn't damaged." I slowly sat down at the foot of the bed, with my left hand near him and my right holding the medical kit. (Magic)

"Pff, no! Don't touch me!" He slapped my left hand away from him.

"Look. I don't want to be here either! I'm doing this for my sister!! He is going to kill her if I don't kidnap you! And hey, if you let me help you I'll come back and help you escape. Deal?"

"I guess... but I want to ask questions! And I want you to answer them truthfully." The prince leaned forward, now sitting on his legs.

"Okay.. just let me patch up your head while you ask me questions. There has to at least be a bump there. It sounded like it hurt..."

The prince nodded his head as I scooted forward. "Um.. can you... lay your head ...down in my lap? I can't see when you're sitting up like that." I awkwardly asked. "It'sabitdarkinherebutifyouarentcomfortableiunderstandididjustkidnapyouandthatwouldbeweirdimsorry-

"Calm down! I will..." he carefully laid his head down in my lap.

George's POV (still acting)


"Calm down! I will..." I carefully laid my head down. The only reason I did this was because I knew he wasn't lying. He sounded genuine! And seemed really sweet. I could tell he didn't want to kidnap me just about as much as I didn't want to be kidnapped. He was doing it for his sister, I find that...really sweet.

(Stockholm syndrome am I right?)

The man- no, the boy grabbed the medical kit and started tending to my wounds. "So you said you wanted to ask questions?" He asked softly

"Uh... yeah, Well first, what's your name?" (I can't remember if he already told George his name so yeah-)

"C- Dream." He stuttered

"Oh! That's a pretty name!! Very unique. Well I'm George!" I smiled

He laughed slightly, "I know who you are silly."

"Oh... well true, It'd be a shame if you didn't know my name. Honestly it'd be quite unprofessional!" I giggled

"Well I wouldn't say I'm a professional." We laughed "you are my first kidnap."

"Really?? Wow. You must've worked your ass off. There are so many guards."

"You are getting quite comfortable with your kidnapper..." he smirked

Clay's POV

"You are getting quite comfortable with your kidnapper..." I smirked. I wasn't very surprised to be honest. George could get along with almost anyone, he is such a sweet and caring person. He saw the best out of everyone and wasn't afraid of anyone either. If he was mad at you it wasn't going to last long.

"CUT!!!" Technoblade shouted


Okay!! Sorry it wasn't super long. I've been so frickin busy I've barely been able to work on this book, and even when I can it's 2 in the morning and I barely get 15 minutes in before I fall asleep. I apologize!!

How are you all today? Get you some food and water! I'm proud of you!!

976 words!!

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