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George's POV for now but I'd like everyone to let me know what they prefer: third or first person. Lemme know, I can do either!! ☺️

Chloe dragged me down the basement stairs, setting me down on her bed. "George!" She shouted, eyes wide.

I tilted my head slightly, confused. "What's wrong...?" I asked quietly.

"PUFFY HAS KIDS!!" She threw her arms up, shouting loudly.

I stood from her bed in complete shock. "KIDS??" I shouted, voice just as loud.

Chloe scoffed and covered my mouth. "Shut up. She'll hear you." She hummed, looking around to make sure.

I stared at her deadpanned but didn't say anything, instead just letting myself fall back onto the bed, my knees touching while my legs were apart, slouching slightly as I put my hands in my lap and looked up at Chloe.

"Why didn't she tell us...?" I whined slightly, Puffy always told us everything.

Chloe shrugged. "She told me that she was too young when she got pregnant and tried to take care of her first child, but when she gave birth to the second it just became too much. She put them up for adoption, being forced by her mother because she was completely drained, still in school while also trying to take care of her children. Her first was eight when she gave him up, the second just being a baby, apparently the children got separated and she thinks her son is Dream." She explained, taking in a deep breath after all those words.

I stared at her in complete shock, leaning forward. "Dream? Her child?" He asked before thinking some more. "It's not my place to tell but Dream did mention stuff about his family... it would make sense, I mean- they even look alike!" He huffed, laying down on Chloes bed. "So what... how are we- no, how am I going to tell Dream?"

Chloe sat down by my feet. "You're just going to have to tell him." She hummed. "You do that while I try to find her other child: Dream's sister. After I do that we will get them to get one of those tests." She smiled.

I nodded, sighing. "Welp. I better go do that.." I cringed, shaking my head as I got off Chloe's bed. "See you later..." I yawned, waving lazily before walking up to the door and walking up the grand stairs to my room.

I swung the door open, walking into the room before closing the door again. "Okay- so... I've gotta tell you something... and I guess ask you something after." I said softly, sitting down next to Dream who was on my bed playing on his phone.

Dream turned his phone off and placed it in his pocket before opening his arms for me to cuddle him. "Tell me whatever you need!" He smiled, kissing the top of my head once I cuddled into his side, resting my head on the blondes collarbone.

I nodded. "Well- you see... Puffy is your mother, well... we think so anyway." I said quietly, looking up at the other waiting for a reaction.

Dream squinted. "My... what?" He asked, tensing slightly.

I sighed. "Don't be mad... please. Puffy said that you are her son- apparently. And if it's true you have a sister aswell..." I whispered, kissing Dreams cheek comfortingly. "We have to get a test done. Do you remember anything about your mother?" I asked softly.

Dream nodded slowly. "She- her name wasn't Puffy though." He said quietly, resting his head atop mine.

I nodded. "What was her name? Puffy is just a nickname..." I said quietly.

Dream hummed. "Cara."

✨Big time skip. About two weeks✨
(Also 3rd person POV)

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