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Chloe/She-Devils POV

I slowly stood as everyone was starting to climb off the plane, it was about time I moved back home, after all it's pretty clear I wasn't wanted there anyways. I let out a sigh, I started to walk off the plane with help from one of the flight attendants. "I'm fine really, you don't need to help me Ma'am" I said softly, I didn't want to waste her time.

The flight attendant just shook her head and smiled at me "It's just until we can get your crutches, why were they put into the luggage area?" the woman asked, clearly not amused at what other flight attendants and people did. 

The woman has dark brown almost black hair, caramel skin while a pale, maybe cream colored splodge around her right eye. Her eyes were beautiful. The most vibrant green I've ever seen, they remind me of a rainforest, all the brightly coloured leaves and grass.

"I don't know, they just asked me for them after I sat down and I gave them to them." I mumbled and looked down at my feet while we walked towards the exit of the plane. One of my feet and legs was wrapped in a thick, white bandage with a cast over it, the other was covered with a stocking and a black knee high boot.

"Is someone coming to pick you up?" the woman known as Lucy asked. The name was imprinted on the badge attached to her uniform. If my gay mess of a mind wasn't in a panic of thoughts about seeing my brother after 3 years I would have called her hot. Not that she isn't- my mind just isn't in the right state for that."My older brother should be here to pick me up in five minutes or so." I responded quietly as we finally got off the plane and went inside the airport. It wasn't as busy as I thought it was, people and workers moved out of the way when we went to the baggage claim area, Lucy had grabbed my crutches and my suitcase, bringing them both over to me. "Ah! Arigato gozaimasu!" I bowed in my chair.

"Lie lie" she responded before handing me my crutches. "Would you like me to wait with you?" Lucy asked, her almost black hair now tied up in a bun atop her head.

"Ah, no thank you, you've already helped me alot!" I laughed awkwardly, I wasn't surprised she knew Japanese, I'm actually pretty glad I didn't make the conversation awkward with my thank you. Lucy just nodded, handed me a piece of paper with a wink and walked away. Did she just give me her number..?

Pulled my phone out of my pocket going into my messaging app to text my brother.

She Devil
Hey big brother!
My flight landed,
Just wanna know if I'm getting
a cab or if your coming
To pick me up

After I sent out the text I stood, using one crutch to stand while grabbing the handle of my suitcase and the the top of my other crutch, pulling it under my arm, grabbing the uplifted handle of my suitcase and somehow making it out to the main entry point, I walked outside and sat down on a bench.

My phone went off the moment I had sat down and put everything out of the way. I pulled it out, seeing two text's one from 'Cheater' and the other from my brother. I opened the one from my brother.

Big Brother
Hey Chlo!
I'll come pick you up,
In all honesty I don't trust these
Americans, their windows slide UPWARDS!
She Devil
They WHAT!?
That's horrifying!
Okay! I'll see you soon big brother!
I'm at the main entry point.
Big Brother
Okay I'll see you soon-
Wait, Chloe I can't drive,
How did I forget I was colourblind?

She devil
Because your dumb.
Don't worry Big brother,
I'll get a cab, no harm done.
Big Brother
But I don't trust strangers
With you.. But if its the
Only option..
She devil
If you're that worried why don't
you send Puffy or some one that's
A close friend to pick me up or something?

Big Brother
I'LL ask Clay!
Give me a sex
She devil

Big Brother
I didn't mean to-
She devil
Big brother please keep that
part of your life private.Big Brother
Clay yes.
She devil
Cool! Is Clay your boyfriend?

Big Brother
No, we are not dating.
Not a chance.
She devil
I don't believe you.

I laugh quietly looking down at my phone screen, even though I couldn't see his face I could tell he was flustered, after a second he responded again. I'll probably have to tell him beforehand that I have a broken leg..

Big Brother
Of course you don't.

She devil
Also, don't mind the fact
I can't really walk.

Okay, that came out wrong, I started to mentaly panic when I saw he was typing, it's too late to delete the text and resend it with a better display of words. I'm meant to be a writer. Why didn't I use some complex writing style to explain to him the fact I have a broken leg?

He's probably gonna be mad, I'm gonna probably die from this, never show my face in public again.
Big Brother

I was right, I'm gonna die, this is it, I'm dead.

She devil
First, I'm a teenager
Secondly, It's not because of THAT
And thirdly, when did you get
So god dang dirty minded?
Big Brother

Thank god-

This bitch just ignored my question- I huffed and rubbed my temples looking at the sky, my stomach growling. I could go for some KFC right now, what? I love chicken.

She devil
I got into a fight of sorts with my ex

Big Brother
You and Alex broke up?

She devil
I'd rather not talk about it over
Text george..
Big Brother

Okay, Clay and i'll be there to pick you
Up soon!

She devil
I'll see you soon
Love you!

Big Brother
Love you too!

I smiled down at my phone before turning it off and putting it back in my pocket, now I just had to wait for my brother and his boyfriend to pick me up. Just when I was about to pull a book out of my suitcase, my phone started to ring. I sighed and pulled it out looking at the caller's ID 'Cheater'.


Okay before I say anything this chapter was wrote by the amazing cloverwolf44 !!

Chloe was her idea so give her all the credit!!

Go get yourself a cookie, you deserve it!!

1133 words (including the a/n)

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