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Someone just voted for literally all my chapters, and commented. I didn't think I could get so happy- anyways, I have so many different book ideas but I wanna finish this first. So if you enjoy this make sure to stick around, I have a lot of ideas! And hopefully they will be more thought out than this..

Also I've decided to be nice, it's been 10 chapters and I feel like I need more lovey dovey shit- be thankful. Fluff!

George's POV

Clay just finished his scene for the day, honestly I wasn't expecting him to be so good.. now that I'm actually thinking that I sound like a bitch-

"George...? You good?" Clay asked

I snapped out of my bitchy thoughts, "Yeah I'm fine!" I smiled

"Do you still wanna hang out after this? Or should I just take you home? No pressure!"

"I would love to hang out after this!" I jumped up and down excited on what he had in plan

Clay's POV

George was jumping up and down, excited. He's so cute- what? Anyways, I had planned to take George to get McDonald's and then go to the park!

George's POV

"Sooooo..." I dragged out the o, "What do you have planned Dreamy..?" I giggled

"You sir will find out when we get there!" He grinned

"Ugh fine, let's go!!" I grasped his hand and dragged him out the creepy looking set.

Dreams POV

George grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door and to my car, he jumped up and down excitedly as I unlocked his car door.

"Here you go my prince!" I bowed dramatically and reached my hand out for him to grab as I opened the car door

"Ah thank you sir Dream!" He grabbed my hand and sat down as dramatically as possible

I shut the door and burst out laughing, clutching my stomach.

George rolled the window down "HEY! Stop laughing and drive!" He ordered

"I-" I cut myself off with a wheeze, "I can't-"

George reached over and smacked me across the face, obviously not enough to hurt but enough to make a slapping noise.

Of course that made me laugh even harder and I actually couldn't even breathe at this point. George was laughing too and his laugh was very contagious.

This went on for a few more seconds before George realized I needed to calm down to breathe

"Clay-" (totally did not just accidentally write gream) George cut himself off with a giggle "stop you need to calm down." He opened the car door and rubbed my back. "Try and calm down, you're going to like die or something-" he slapped a hand over his mouth trying not to break out laughing.

"I can't-" he hugged me, still rubbing my back as I slowly started calming down, tears running down both our faces. "Okay I think I'm okay now!" I was still giggling but I could breathe finally

"Okay! Go get in the car!!" He jumped back in laughing about how stupid that was.

George's POV

I don't think I've laughed that hard in my life, although I'm a little concerned for Clay. He sounded like a tea kettle or some shit.

Clay made his way over to the drivers side, he opened the door and hopped in

My Love (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now