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George's POV

Dream drove me home that night (I don't even know what time it is- so we're just going to say it's night now😂), we both already knew he would end up staying so it was fine. I led him to my grand doors excitedly, just wanting to cuddle with the blonde.

Once I opened the doors I was met with a... interesting Chloe, she looked like a mix of really pissed and excited.

"Chloe...? You okay?" I asked with a small awkward laugh, putting my hands behind my back as I shifted my weight onto one leg to the other, kind of cold.

Chloe crossed her arms, looking up at Dream. "Did you do it or not?" She asked, Dream looked terrified as he nodded heavily. "Great!!" She smiled, taking my hands as she looked at me, we are around the same height so she just looked at me dead in the eye, smiling happily. "Congratulations on not being single." She laughed and patted my head before pulling out and walking away.

I just furrowed my eyebrows at the weird conversation before taking a slow and cautious step into the warm manor, immediately being greeted by a... tiger cub? "Chloe.. come back." I raised an eyebrow, Dream coming in beside me.

Chloe just gave me an evil grin and ran away to the basement...she has it to herself.

I sighed and looked down at the adorable tiger cub, he is white with black stripes, he has blue eyes aswell. "Hi there." I said quietly with a soft smile, bending down to pet the cub-

I heard a growl, turning my head to see a black Jaguar who glared at him, taking quick steps towards the three. I hummed and stood up straight, pretending not to see Dream staring at my ass, instead letting the jaguar pick up the cub and go into a corner to clean the tiger cub.

I hummed, tilting my head slightly in confusion, mostly on why Dream was shamelessly staring at my ass... probably not caring if I caught him, which I have but he didn't know that. The other reason being why the jaguar thought he was a threat... he didn't do anything.

I just shrugged and grabbed Clay's hand, taking him up the stairs to cuddle. "Come on!" I smiled. "I wanna cuddle!" I giggled, the other following me up the stairs, getting about halfway before the blonde turned me around and smiled up at me, me being about two steps up which made me taller than Clay.

(From now on I'm going to finish the chapter in the third person- I keep accidentally writing in the third person and it's pissing me off- also, I'm probably going to use the name Dream from now on because it feels really weird calling him Clay...)

George giggled and looked down at Dream with a smile. "Hm?" He asked.

Dream smiled and gave him a soft kiss, George wrapping his arms around the blonde's neck before pulling away slowly, hearing an 'ew' come from the basement doors, George rolled his eyes and looked over at Chloe. "Go downstairs then." He huffed, Dream just picked him up and carried him to his room.

"Come on baby..." he whispered as he entered the brunettes room, slowly closing the room with his foot since he wasn't going to risk dropping the other. "Come on. Let's cuddle." He whispered, laying in the middle of George's giant bed.

George nodded and cuddled into Dream with a smile. "Night Dream." George hummed, kissing his cheek softly.

Dream smiled at him and kissed the top of his head. "Goodnight love." He whispered before closing his eyes, George soon followed as they both entered a deep sleep.

✨timeskip to the morning✨

Dream fluttered his heavy eyes open with a small and gentle yawn, noticing the boy atop him with a smile. He started to rub the boys back, deciding he'd wait a few more minutes to wake the boy. It's currently 7:35 he'd wait til... well about 10am, he didn't want to bother the pretty boy.

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