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Hi! How are you today?
There are some strong languages but they have asterisks. Stay safe! ❤️

George's POV

Puffy came barging into my room this morning to wake me up.

"GEORGE! TODAY WE GET TO GO SHOPPING!" She shouted "Oh. My. God. We're going to get you all these cute skirts and hoodies! My god George you are going to look so beautiful! Not that you don't already, but you know what I'm talking about." I had already told her the style I wanted to try.

"Ughhh, can't we go later? I want more sleep." Currently, it was 8am and I was not happy about it.

"Not unless you want to be late for brunch. We have five hours till you have to leave. Oh also, I rented out the whole mall! So we don't have to worry about anyone." She explained

"Ugh fine. I'll be down in a bit."

✨Time skip✨

We are on our way to the mall. Puffy said she rented out the whole mall for us, so we shouldn't have to worry about anyone following us.

"We're here!!!" Puffy sang

Omg that reminded me of "Your Heart Sang" omg I'm going to cry.

We got out of the car Puffy drove us in, and headed in. Puffy kinda just dragged me everywhere, because she knew where to find the stuff I wanted.

"Here, here, here, here!" Puffy chanted

"Okay, okay Puffy, I get it!" I giggled

She led me into a store I couldn't see the name of, and dragged me over to the skirts.

"Okay here look!" She instructed

I picked out quite a few skirts! I was actually really excited, but also pretty nervous that people would dislike me, or hate on me...I shut those thoughts out as Puffy paid and we went to the next store.

✨Time skip✨

It was about 9:30, and we went into the last store for today! We had already basically gotten myself a whole new wardrobe! Puffy and I bought new shirts, hoodies, tank tops, shorts, pants, skirts, necklaces, rings, chains, other jewelry, shoes, makeup, anything I could ever want is in my wardrobe!

Puffy had wanted to get me a special outfit to wear for brunch so I agreed. She had me sit down while she picked it out, so I'm currently sitting here on my phone, waiting.

"Here, George!" Puffy handed me a bag, which I grabbed "Go try it on and see if you like it!"

We headed into the women's changing room, we didn't really care to look, because no one was here, and Puffy is literally like a mother to me so it didn't matter.

I headed into one of the rooms and got changed, I didn't even bother to look in the mirror I was so excited!

"H-how do I look...?" I asked kinda nervous

"Oh my god, George! You look beautiful hun! Oh my god we're getting that!" She decided

✨Time skip✨

I just got home and decided I should probably go get ready, since I went to the mall in my pajamas. It's now 11:00 and I had to be there at 1pm. I headed into the bathroom, and hopped in the shower. After I was finished I put on my new outfit, I already got half ready this morning so I didn't have to brush my teeth.

I went downstairs where Puffy was waiting. "Hi, Puffy! Figured maybe you could entertain me while I'm waiting?" It was 11:45 now so I still had about an hour till I had to leave.

"Yes! Of course George! But I think something is missing from your outfit..." She thought for a moment. Follow me." She smiled

I nervously followed Puffy. I was confused because I put on everything she picked out for me. What did she have in mind?

Puffy led me to her room and sat me down on the chair in front of her vanity.

"Okay George, I need you to hold real still for me." I nodded and let her do whatever she wanted.

Puffy was putting some weird cold thing on my face. I was so confused, what was she doing?

It was a little later, and she told me to close my eyes so I did. I felt a weird powder? I don't know how to explain it. Then after that I felt a cold triangle thing on my tear duct? I don't  know, I'm confused. Then I felt a cold line on my upper lash line and my lower lash line.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked

She giggled. "You'll see!"

She turned me around after a few minutes, and I looked in the mirror. She did my makeup, of course. How did I not think of that? Looking at it now it made my outfit look a lot better!

"Wow this does look better..." I whispered

"Mhm. Now go! Shoo, you're gonna be late!!" She yelped.

"Oh! Yeah right. I- uh thank you Puffy!!"

I ran downstairs and out my big double doors where Darryl was waiting in the cab.

"Hi, Darryl! Uh- *insert address name* go! Now, hurry!! It's a little cafe!" I hurried, stumbling on my words.

"Oh! Okay!" Darryl drove us over there

✨Time skip✨

Clay's POV


I headed into the little cafe we were supposed to be meeting at, I spotted the table with other actors and headed over.

"Hey! My name is Clay! You guys are acting in "My Love", right?"

"Yup! That'd be us!" A enthusiastic British voice answered "Are you acting in it?"

An extremely tall man face palmed. "Tommy, do you really think he would ask us that if he wasn't acting in it?" The tall man argued

While they argued I just stood there awkwardly

"Shut the f**k up your scaring him!" A loud Irish voice boomed

"Heh... Umm, come sit next to me!" A colorful boy with fluffy brown hair said. "George should be here in a bit, and then we'll order!"

I smiled, nodded and sat down next to the colorful boy.

"Oh my names Karl by the way!"

✨Time skip✨

We are all sitting and talking, having fun while we wait for this "George" guy.

Suddenly the door burst open, there stood a small boy, fluffy brown hair, beautiful dark brown eyes, I could get lost in them forever. He is wearing a short blue skirt and an oversized white hoodie, his shoes are white and had little butterflies painted on. He has a lot of butterfly jewelry on too! He is so pretty... w-wait what-

"I AM SO SORRY I'M LATE!" He yelled

My Love (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now