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Hi lovelies! How are you?
Small usage of swears I put an asterisk on it though! Stay safe!

George's POV

Today I'm making it my responsibility to get to know all the actors in "My Love"! It's kinda embarrassing to not even get the chance to meet a person, and then before you know it, the director is making the two of you make out. So today I got all my friends in the movie, to meet up in real life! It took some persuasion, especially because their actors their all busy, but I don't think they wanna make out with me before they even know who I am ...heh...

Any who, long story short we're meeting at this cute little cafe tomorrow for brunch, so now I'm sitting here in my giant walk-in closet looking for something to wear.


I fell off my stool I was standing on.

"Puffy? Oh my god you scared me!"

"Oh, sorry about that George, are you okay?"

I got up off the floor. "Yeah I'm fine! What did you need?"

"Oh! Yeah right, dinners ready! Your favorite, apple and pear soup! She smiled but then it slowly faded. "George, are you okay? I've kinda been knocking on the door for like 15 minutes..." She explained slowly

"YeahI'm alright I just don't have anything to wear for tomorrow..."

"..." Puffy went silent

"George, you have an entire walk in closet full of clothes that you picked out" she laughed

"Yeah, I know but... it doesn't... it doesn't- feel right.." I laughed awkwardly

"What do you mean? Do you not like your clothes?" She asked carefully, she was always kinda like my second mother.

"Puffy, no. I don't."

"What do you wanna wear sweetheart?" She asked "I'll take you in the morning and we can get rid of all the clothes you don't want!"

I giggled "Puffy I'd really appreciate that!"

She laughed. "Okay! But we can do that in the morning. Why don't you go eat your soup, and all run you a bath, yeah?"

"Okay! Thank you so much Puffy, I love you!" I gave her a warm hug, and a big smile, and skipped over to the kitchen where my soup was cooling down.

✨Time skip!✨

I just got out of the warm bubble bath Puffy had filled up. I felt so much better! I went and got on my pjs, and brushed my teeth, before hopping into bed and cuddling up with Heiiro and Mei, soon after we got comfy I turned on a movie and drifted off into I nice peaceful sleep.

Clay's POV

I auditioned for the movie yesterday, and got a call last night saying I got the part! I am so ecstatic! I was going to be in a big movie, with big people! I started overthinking but quickly shut those thoughts out.

I waltzed over to the kitchen where Nick was making breakfast. Nick is my best friend, we do everything together. He's even my roommate!

"Hi, Clay! Did you get into the movie?"

I hadn't had the chance to tell Nick about the call yet, it was pretty late when they called, so I didn't want to bother him. "Yeah I did! They called last night."

"Oh my f***ing hell, Clay that's amazing! I'm so proud of you! You've come so far." He cheered

"Thank you Nick-" my phone started ringing so I picked it up.

"Hello?" I answered

"Uh- hi..! Um I am acting in "My Love" and was wondering if you'd like to meet up for brunch tomorrow? Everyone else is! If so, I'll text you the details." A timid British voice said from the other line.

"Oh, yeah sure! Just text me the location and I'll be there!" I tried to make my voice sound as soft, and friendly as possible, since he was obviously nervous.

"Oh... uh, okay yeah, bye!" He hung up

I laughed and looked down to see patches rubbing up against my leg.

"Awh you hungry girl?" I scooped her up, then reached for her food and poured it in her bowl, on the kitchen island.

"Who was that?" Nick asked while putting some burnt eggs on a plate

"Oh, some British dude asking to meet up for brunch tomorrow." I answered

Nick gave me a weird questioning look

"No! I'm not that stupid! He's acting in "My Love" and wanted to get to know the other actors" I face palmed

"Word it better next time idiot" Nick laughed


So sorry the chapters are short! Again it's my first book, and I'm also doing multiple chapters a day, so I figured you guys wouldn't mind!

Have a good day/night! Drink water! And I'll see you all later! Bye bye!

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