Chapter Three

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Crossing Boundaries

The familiar aroma of coffee and bacon filled Tony's Grill the next morning. As I cleared tables and delivered orders, I found myself glancing at the booth where Ryan had sat the previous two days. Part of me hoped he'd show up, while the more sensible part of me tried to focus on work.

By midday, the diner was packed, the usual lunch crowd filling the booths. I was too busy serving customers to notice when someone quietly slipped into Ryan's usual spot. It wasn't until I turned around with a coffee pot in hand that I saw him.

"Hey," Ryan greeted, his smile warm but his gaze intense.

I couldn't help but smile back. "You're making this a habit."

"Guilty," he admitted with a slight grin. "But I had to come back. The pancakes were calling me."

I poured him a fresh cup of coffee. "Well, we're glad to have our regulars. What's it gonna be today?"

"Surprise me," he said, his eyes twinkling with playful anticipation.

"Alright," I teased, scribbling down a quick order. "But don't blame me if you don't like it."

He chuckled, leaning back in his seat. "I doubt that'll be a problem."

As I moved around the diner, I felt his gaze following me, but it wasn't unsettling. There was something comforting about his presence. When his order was ready, I brought it over—a special omelet with a side of hash browns.

"Hope you're feeling adventurous today," I said, setting the plate in front of him.

Ryan looked genuinely pleased. "You're full of surprises, Nyla."

I shrugged with a grin. "Gotta keep things interesting."

Just as I was about to walk away, Ryan stopped me. "Hey, do you have a break soon? It'd be nice to chat for a bit."

I glanced at the clock and realized my break was just minutes away. "I actually do. I'll be back in a few."

As I headed to the back, anticipation mingled with nervousness. Why was I so drawn to him? Was it the way he seemed genuinely interested in me? Or maybe it was the rare feeling of being seen.

When I returned, I slid into the booth across from Ryan. "So, what did you want to talk about?"

He took a sip of his coffee, his expression thoughtful. "I'm just curious about you, Nyla. What's your story?"

I hesitated, unsure of how much to share. "Well, it's not that interesting, really. Just your average LA girl. I work, I take care of Bella, and I try to make it through each day."

Ryan's gaze softened. "Bella—your dog, right? I remember you mentioned her."

"Yeah," I said, a small smile forming. "She's a handful, but she's my best friend."

"Sounds like you two have a good thing going," he remarked.

"We do," I said, feeling a sense of warmth. "She's the one constant in my life."

Ryan nodded, as if he understood more than he let on. "Sometimes, it's the simple things that matter the most."

There was a pause between us, but it wasn't awkward. It was the kind of silence that felt comfortable, where words weren't necessary.

"So," I asked, breaking the silence, "what's your story? Why do you keep coming back here?"

Ryan's eyes flickered with a hint of vulnerability. "I suppose I'm drawn to the normalcy of it all. My life can get... complicated, and this place feels like an escape."

"Complicated how?" I pressed gently, sensing there was more behind his words.

He seemed to weigh his response carefully. "Let's just say I have responsibilities that keep me on my toes. But for now, I'd rather focus on getting to know you."

His sincerity took me by surprise, and for a brief moment, I felt exposed. I wasn't used to someone being so genuinely interested in me, especially someone who seemed as worldly as Ryan.

As I prepared to return to work, Ryan reached across the table and handed me a small, folded note. "I'd like to take you out sometime—if you're open to it."

My heart raced as I took the note. "I'll think about it," I said with a teasing smile.

"Good enough for me," he replied, flashing a grin that was becoming all too familiar.

Throughout the rest of my shift, I found myself glancing at the note, curiosity battling caution. Part of me wanted to say yes, while another part urged me to tread carefully. I barely knew him, yet I couldn't deny the magnetic pull I felt.

After work, I picked Bella up from Treasure's pet salon. Treasure was waiting with a wide grin. "So, how was your day?" she asked, her voice laced with curiosity.

I couldn't help but smile. "Eventful, to say the least."

Treasure's eyes lit up. "Did that guy come back?"

I nodded. "He did. And he asked me out."

Treasure squealed. "Nyla, this could be something big! You have to say yes."

I bit my lip, feeling excitement mixed with uncertainty. "I know, but... I don't want to rush into anything."

Treasure's expression softened. "I get it. But sometimes, you just have to take a leap of faith."

As I walked back to my apartment with Bella, I mulled over Treasure's words. Maybe she was right—maybe it was time to take a chance.

When I got home, I unfolded Ryan's note. It was simple yet sincere:

"Dinner this Friday? Same place, same time. Let me know. -Ryan"

A smile spread across my face. Maybe, just maybe, this was the start of something real.

Grabbing my phone, I quickly typed out a response.

"Yes, I'd love to."

I hit send before I could overthink it. Sometimes, the heart knows what the mind tries to deny. And as Bella curled up beside me on the couch, I felt a sense of hope that had been missing for a long time.

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