Chapter Twelve

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A Chance Encounter

Nyla adjusted her blouse nervously as she waited in the lobby of a busy Los Angeles gym. Riley, her energetic friend and a manager here, had put in a good word, recommending Nyla for the front desk assistant position. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to regain her footing after being let go from Tony's Grill.

As the door to the interview room finally swung open, Nyla took a deep breath, her heart pounding. The interviewer, a stern-looking woman with sharp glasses, barely glanced up from her notes. Nyla forced herself to exude confidence, emphasizing her strong communication skills and experience in customer service. But the questions came rapid-fire, leaving little room for Nyla to expand or showcase her enthusiasm.

The interviewer's gaze occasionally drifted to the clock, and the distance between them seemed to widen with each question. Nyla tried to stay upbeat, but the lack of engagement made her stomach sink.

When the interview finally ended, Nyla mustered her warmest smile. "Thank you for your time," she said, her voice sincere.

The woman offered a curt nod, and Nyla left the room, finding Riley waiting nearby with anticipation etched on her face.

"Well? How did it go?" Riley asked, her eyes filled with hope.

Nyla's shoulders slumped slightly. "It wasn't great, Riles. She seemed checked out, and I just couldn't get into a rhythm."

Riley looped her arm through Nyla's, her expression a mix of sympathy and resolve. "I'm sorry, Ny. But don't let it get to you. You're a catch, and any place would be lucky to have you."

Nyla managed a small, grateful smile. "Thanks, Riley. I just really wanted this one. It felt like a fresh start, you know?"

Riley nodded thoughtfully. "I get it. But hey, let's not dwell on it. We've got the whole day ahead—let's hit the mall! A little retail therapy always helps."

As they stepped into the lively atmosphere of the mall, Nyla felt a flicker of relief. It was filled with laughter, bright displays, and the comforting hum of everyday life—just the distraction she needed.

"Enough about interviews," Riley declared, nudging Nyla playfully. "What's happening with Mr. British Charm?"

Nyla blushed at the mention of Ryan. "It's been nice. We've had some long talks, and it feels...natural. He's easy to be around."

"Ooh, Nyla's got a crush!" Riley teased, wiggling her eyebrows. "Admit it—there are butterflies, right?"

Nyla laughed, warmth spreading through her chest. "Okay, maybe a few. It's just surprising how comfortable it feels, considering we barely know each other."

"That's good," Riley said, her voice softening with sincerity. "After everything you've been through, it's nice to see you happy again."

Nyla's heart swelled with gratitude. "Thanks, Riles. You always know how to cheer me up."

"That's what besties are for," Riley declared with a grin. "Now, let's find something cute—maybe for your next date with Prince Charming?"

The two wandered through the stores, joking about outfits, trying on hats, and indulging in ice cream. It felt like a carefree afternoon, a reminder of the simplicity Nyla longed for.

As they passed a chic boutique, Riley suddenly stopped, her eyes widening. "Oh! I almost forgot," she said, grabbing Nyla's arm. "Treasure's pet salon is having an event tomorrow, and she wants you to stop by. She said she has something special for Bella."

Nyla's face brightened at the mention of Treasure. "That sounds perfect. Bella could use a little pampering, and I could use a catch-up with Tre."

"Exactly," Riley said with a wink. "You need a break too. And who knows? Maybe there'll be more than just pet shampoo waiting for you."

They both laughed, the morning's disappointment fading in the wake of friendship and shared joy. As the day came to an end, Nyla felt a renewed sense of hope. Despite setbacks, she still had her friends, and a budding romance that made the uncertainty a little more bearable.

The path ahead was unclear, but with Riley and her circle of friends by her side, Nyla felt ready to face whatever came her way—one step, one laugh, and one unexpected connection at a time.

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