Chapter Twenty-Nine

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The Final Countdown

The grand halls of the palace were alive with a flurry of activity. Every corner buzzed with anticipation, and the air was filled with the scents of fresh flowers, polished silverware, and the soft hum of excitement. Tomorrow would be a day unlike any other—Nyla and Ryan's wedding, an event that would change not only their lives but also the course of modern royal history.

Nyla sat at her ornate vanity in her private chambers, feeling the weight of the moment settle over her. The reflection in the mirror showed a mix of emotions: excitement, nervousness, and an overwhelming sense of responsibility. She reached for the letter Ryan had written to her that morning, a simple yet heartfelt note that ended with: "No matter what happens tomorrow, remember that it's just you and me—forever."

A knock at the door brought her back to reality. It was Josie, Treasure, and Riley on a group video call. The familiar faces and voices brought immediate comfort, a reminder that she still had her core group by her side.

"Hey, ladies!" Nyla greeted, her face breaking into a wide smile.

"Oh my gosh, Nyla!" Treasure squealed. "Can you believe it's finally here?"

"You're about to become royalty, for real!" Riley chimed in, her voice filled with excitement.

"Are you freaking out yet?" Josie teased, her eyes twinkling.

Nyla let out a nervous laugh. "You have no idea. I've got butterflies doing backflips right now."

"Girl, you're gonna kill it," Riley assured. "You've faced bigger challenges than this."

Treasure's eyes turned serious. "Nyla, just remember: this day is about you and Ryan. Don't let anyone or anything else get in the way of that."

"Thanks, you guys," Nyla replied, feeling the love through the screen. "I don't know what I'd do without you all."

Josie held up a glass of sparkling cider. "Here's to you, Nyla. To true love and new beginnings."

They clinked their virtual glasses together, laughter and love filling the moment. For the first time that day, Nyla felt her nerves ease. She knew she was ready for tomorrow.

Later that evening, as the palace settled into a calm stillness, there was a soft knock on Nyla's door.

"Come in," Nyla called, expecting one of the staff.

To her surprise, it was Queen Catherine.

"Good evening, Nyla," the Queen greeted, stepping inside with a warmth that caught Nyla off guard.

Nyla rose from her chair, unsure of the purpose of this unexpected visit. "Your Majesty, I—"

Queen Catherine waved off the formality. "Please, call me Catherine tonight. I wanted to have a private word with you before the big day."

Nyla nodded, feeling a mix of anticipation and gratitude. "Of course. I'm honored."

The Queen stepped closer, her gaze softening as she spoke. "Tomorrow will be a day of immense significance, not just for you and Ryan, but for this kingdom. You're stepping into a role that comes with many challenges. But I've seen your strength, Nyla, and I know you have the heart to handle it."

Nyla's throat tightened with emotion. "Thank you. I've felt the weight of this day for a while now, but I know I'm ready because of the support I've had—from Ryan, from my friends, and even from you."

Catherine's eyes shone with an unexpected vulnerability. "When I married into this family, I was terrified too. But I learned that the core of a successful royal union is the love you build together. Hold onto that, no matter what pressures you face."

Nyla took a deep breath, feeling the sincerity of the moment. "I will. I love Ryan with all my heart, and I'm ready to stand by his side."

The Queen offered a rare, genuine smile. "And you will make an exceptional queen one day."

The word hung in the air, and Nyla felt its weight. It wasn't just a title; it was a promise and a responsibility she was prepared to fulfill.

"Thank you, Catherine," Nyla said, her voice steady. "I won't let you down."

As the Queen left, Nyla turned to look out the window at the moonlit palace grounds. Tomorrow, everything would change. But in that moment, she felt a calm determination take hold. She was ready.

Nyla lay down on her plush bed, her hand resting gently on Bella's soft fur as the little dog curled up beside her. "Tomorrow, we begin a new chapter, Bella," she whispered. "Let's make it count."

And with that, Nyla closed her eyes, letting sleep carry her into the final hours before her royal wedding—a day that promised a future filled with love, hope, and new beginnings.

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