Chapter Twenty-Seven

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A Royal Compromise

The palace was unusually quiet the next morning—a brief calm before the whirlwind of wedding preparations resumed. Nyla woke up with a clear sense of determination. Today, she was determined to find a middle ground, finalizing the details that would make her and Ryan's wedding uniquely theirs while also respecting Queen Catherine's vision of a royal event.

In the royal sitting room, Nyla was greeted by Lady Alana, the Queen's efficient event planner. The elegant woman exuded professionalism, her clipboard in hand and demeanor focused.

"Good morning, Lady Alana," Nyla greeted warmly. "Are we ready to finalize some details?"

Lady Alana gave a polite nod. "Yes, Your Grace. We need to settle the bridal procession, floral arrangements, and, most importantly, the ceremony format."

Ryan entered soon after, sensing Nyla's anxious energy. He placed a comforting hand on her back. "We've got this, love. Just be yourself."

With a deep breath, Nyla laid out her hopes for the ceremony. "I'd like to incorporate elements from both of our backgrounds. For instance, I'd love to have a song that's meaningful to me played as I walk down the aisle, instead of the traditional royal music. I'd also like to include a reading from one of my favorite poets, reflecting my upbringing."

Lady Alana's professional facade faltered slightly, but she maintained her composure. "Your Grace, while a personal song is unconventional, it isn't entirely impossible. However, certain protocols..."

Just then, Queen Catherine entered the room, her presence commanding as always. "What seems to be the matter, Alana?"

Nyla gathered her courage and stepped forward. "Your Majesty, I want this wedding to represent my story too. I know it's a royal event, but it's also one of the most significant days of my life."

The Queen's eyes were unreadable as she studied Nyla's face. "I understand your wish to honor your past, Nyla. But you must also understand that there are traditions—centuries-old customs—that need to be respected."

Ryan interjected, his voice steady and respectful. "Mother, we're not trying to abandon traditions. We just want to add personal touches that symbolize Nyla and the life we're building together."

There was a pause, the air thick with anticipation. Queen Catherine's gaze softened, and for a moment, her regal demeanor gave way to a hint of warmth. "Very well. We can find a way to blend both traditions. Alana, let's allow for the special music Nyla mentioned, as well as the personal reading she wishes to include. The rest of the ceremony will adhere to royal customs."

Nyla's eyes widened with relief and gratitude. "Thank you, Your Majesty. It means so much to me."

Queen Catherine offered a small smile. "It's your day too, Nyla. And truthfully, I think some of your ideas might make the ceremony more heartfelt."

Nyla felt a wave of happiness wash over her as the last bit of tension lifted. Ryan leaned in with a wink. "See? I told you we'd make it work."

As the day progressed, Nyla found herself filled with a new sense of excitement. The compromises weren't just logistical; they were symbols of a future that honored both her past and her new role as part of the royal family.

Later that afternoon, Nyla's friends and family joined her for a pre-wedding tea party in the palace gardens. It was the perfect opportunity to share the good news about the ceremony changes.

"So, they're letting you play your own music?" Josie asked, her voice bubbling with excitement.

Nyla nodded, her face beaming. "Yes! And I get to include a reading from one of my favorite poets too."

Treasure leaned forward, her eyes bright with pride. "Girl, you're breaking royal traditions left and right. I love it."

Nyla laughed, feeling a new sense of confidence. "It's still a royal wedding, but it's going to be our royal wedding."

As the tea party continued, Nyla felt surrounded by warmth and love. This was the life she was building—one that bridged tradition and individuality, compromise and personal expression.

Sipping her tea, Nyla knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, she was ready to embrace her royal future—one meaningful compromise at a time.

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