Chapter Seventeen

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Sisters' Bond

The warm, golden afternoon sun cast a soft glow across Nyla's Los Angeles apartment as she welcomed Naihaji and Nyielle inside. Though modest compared to her future royal residence, Nyla's one-bedroom space was filled with personal touches—family photos, mementos from past adventures, and cozy furnishings that made it truly feel like home.

Naihaji, her growing belly now more visible, carefully eased herself onto the plush teal sofa. Nyla handed her a glass of freshly squeezed juice, while Nyielle, in her typical teenage fashion, leaned against the kitchen counter, scrolling through her phone.

"You really need to baby-proof this place," Naihaji teased, resting a hand on her belly and grinning.

Nyla chuckled. "Starting the mom talk already? Don't worry, I'll be ready when the time comes."

Nyielle raised an eyebrow. "Is that a hint, big sis? Are we expecting royal babies soon?" Her tone was playful, but her curiosity was genuine.

Nyla blushed slightly, glancing at Naihaji, who gave her a knowing smile. "Ryan and I have talked about it," Nyla admitted. "But we're still taking it one step at a time. I want to understand this whole royal life before diving into motherhood."

Naihaji nodded with empathy. "I get it, Nyla. You're balancing a lot right now. Just remember, there's no rush. Marcus and I are still figuring it out too."

As the conversation shifted toward Naihaji's pregnancy, Nyla listened intently as her sister described the baby's room decor, the upcoming shower plans, and Marcus's growing excitement about fatherhood. Naihaji's happiness was infectious, and Nyla couldn't help but imagine her own family with Ryan—an exhilarating yet daunting thought.

Nyielle, still trying to keep up with her sisters' growing maturity, rolled her eyes but couldn't suppress a smile. "You two are such grown-ups now. I can barely keep up."

Nyla reached over and playfully ruffled her sister's hair. "And one day, you'll be the grown-up, Nyie. Just wait."

Suddenly, the mood turned more reflective. "You know," Naihaji began, her voice soft, "I always thought our lives would be simpler than this. Nyla with the royal lifestyle, me starting a family with Marcus, and Nyielle figuring out high school—it's all so different from what I imagined."

Nyla nodded slowly, feeling the weight of her unexpected journey. "It really is. But we're making it work, right? I mean, look at us. We're still here, supporting each other, no matter how different things have become."

Nyielle paused from her phone, her voice quieter than usual. "I know I act like I don't care sometimes, but... I really do look up to you both. It's just weird seeing you change, Nyla."

Nyla's heart softened at her sister's honesty. She stood, walking over to Nyielle and wrapping her in a warm hug. "I know it's a lot, Nyie. But no matter how much I change or where life takes me, I'll always be your sister."

The three sisters settled into reminiscing, sharing old memories—late-night talks, childhood games, and even the petty fights that now seemed laughable. The room filled with laughter, echoing with the shared history that would always bind them, regardless of Nyla's royal future.

Later that evening, as Naihaji and Nyielle prepared to leave, Nyla lingered by the doorway, watching them with a bittersweet smile. "I love you both so much. No matter what happens, you're always my first family."

Naihaji pulled her into a tight hug, whispering in her ear, "We love you too, Nyla. And we'll always be here, no matter how royal or busy you get."

Nyielle gave her a quick, shy hug before heading toward the elevator. "See you soon, royal sis. Don't forget us when you're all famous and stuff."

Nyla laughed, feeling a warm sense of reassurance. "Never," she promised.

As she closed the door behind them, a surge of gratitude filled her heart. The royal world might be complicated, but her sisters grounded her. They were a reminder of where she came from and who she truly was—a young woman with dreams, a heart full of love, and a family that would always have her back.

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