Chapter Twenty-Five

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A New Friendship

Nyla stood beside Ryan in the grand hall of the palace, her heart brimming with anticipation. Today was special—she was about to meet Jordan Calloway, Ryan's best friend since childhood and one of the most important people in his life.

As the heavy oak doors swung open, a tall, charismatic man strode in, his smile warm and genuine. Jordan was striking, with a caramel complexion, sharp features, and eyes filled with both kindness and mischief. Despite the regal surroundings, he carried a casual confidence that made him immediately approachable.

"Nyla, this is Jordan," Ryan said, introducing them with a wide grin. "He's more like a brother to me than a friend."

Jordan extended his hand with enthusiasm. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Nyla. Ryan hasn't stopped talking about you."

Nyla laughed, shaking his hand warmly. "Likewise, Jordan. I've heard plenty about you, too."

They settled into the elegant drawing room, where the atmosphere quickly shifted from formal to relaxed. Jordan's presence was lighthearted, making Nyla feel at ease despite the opulent setting.

"So, how's royal life treating you?" Jordan asked with a playful glint in his eyes.

Nyla let out a mock sigh. "It's definitely been an adjustment. The protocols, the expectations—it's all new territory for me. But Ryan's been a great guide."

Ryan beamed at her, his voice full of admiration. "You're doing an incredible job, Nyla. You've taken on everything with grace."

Jordan nodded in agreement. "Ryan's right. It's not easy stepping into this world, but you seem to be handling it well. And if you ever need a break from the royal madness, I'm your guy. We can go sailing or check out local pubs incognito—just like the old days."

Nyla's eyes lit up at the thought. "That sounds perfect. I could definitely use a dose of normalcy from time to time."

As their conversation drifted into lighter topics, Jordan suddenly turned serious—albeit with a hint of mischief. "So, when's the big day? The whole country is dying to know about the royal wedding."

Nyla blushed slightly, while Ryan chuckled beside her. "We're working on it," Ryan replied. "We want it to be a meaningful celebration, but it's important that it feels true to us, too."

Nyla nodded. "There's a lot to consider. We want to respect the traditions, meet the public's expectations, and still make sure my family from Los Angeles feels included."

Jordan leaned forward, his voice sincere. "You two will figure it out. Just remember, the day is about your love. Everything else is just details."

Ryan reached for Nyla's hand, giving it a comforting squeeze. "Jordan's right. We'll make it work, no matter the size or scale. It will be perfect because it's ours."

Nyla felt a wave of relief at their words. "Thank you, both of you. The planning feels overwhelming, but I know we'll get there together."

Jordan grinned, his tone teasing. "And you know I'll be there every step of the way. Your unofficial wedding planner. Just don't expect me to pick out the floral arrangements."

They all burst into laughter, the looming stress of wedding planning lifting momentarily.

As the evening approached, Ryan proposed a toast. "To new friendships, old bonds, and an unforgettable wedding ahead," he said, raising his glass.

"To love and laughter," Jordan added, his eyes twinkling.

"To creating our own happily ever after," Nyla concluded, feeling a mix of excitement and anticipation.

In that moment, Nyla realized she was not only building a future with Ryan but also forming a new, genuine bond with Jordan. With Ryan's love and Jordan's unwavering support, she felt ready to embrace this next chapter—planning a wedding that would bridge two worlds, two families, and two hearts.

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