Chapter Sixteen

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A Celebration of Love

The evening air was filled with the scent of grilled food and joyful laughter as Nyla stepped into the backyard of her childhood home. Twinkling fairy lights cast a warm, magical glow over the space, and the buzz of happy chatter and clinking glasses created an atmosphere of love and celebration. It was Nyla and Ryan's engagement party, with friends and family gathered to honor this momentous step.

Diane, Nyla's mother, was the first to greet her with open arms. "Oh, Nyla, just look at you!" she exclaimed, her voice brimming with emotion. Pulling Nyla into a tight embrace, her eyes shone with pride. "I always knew this day would come, but seeing you like this... it's everything I ever hoped for."

"Thank you, Mom," Nyla whispered, feeling her mother's love wrap around her like a warm blanket. "I couldn't have done this without you."

Diane pulled back, her gaze tender. "I adore Ryan. He's a true gentleman, and it's clear how much he loves you."

"He really is," Nyla agreed, her heart swelling with warmth. "I'm so lucky."

Naihaji, Nyla's older sister, rushed over, her belly just starting to show. "Let me see that ring again!" she teased, grabbing Nyla's hand to admire the sparkling diamond. "It's stunning! I still can't believe my little sister is about to become a princess!"

Nyla chuckled, touched by her sister's enthusiasm. "Well, believe it," she said, her eyes gleaming with happiness.

Naihaji's voice softened, and she pulled Nyla into a hug. "I'm really happy for you, Nyla. You deserve this more than anyone."

Before Nyla could respond, her younger sister, Nyielle, chimed in from the side. "Yeah, yeah, it's all romantic and stuff," she teased, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "But don't forget, you're still my dorky sister."

Laughter erupted from everyone, even Diane. "You'll always be our Nyla," she said, giving Nyla an affectionate nudge. "Royalty or not."

Meanwhile, Josie, Treasure, and Riley were busy at a nearby table filled with finger foods, bouquets, and a cake that read, To Love and New Beginnings. Josie waved Nyla over with a broad smile.

"Do you like it?" Josie asked, her eyes shining with anticipation. "We wanted it to be as special as you are."

Nyla felt a lump rise in her throat. "I love it, Josie. Thank you so much. You've all been my rock throughout this journey."

Treasure nudged Nyla playfully. "Of course we have! Now go find your man. He's been looking for you."

Nyla scanned the crowd and spotted Ryan near the makeshift dance floor, engaged in a conversation with guests. The moment he saw Nyla, his face lit up.

"There you are," he said, wrapping his arms around her. "I was starting to wonder when my fiancée would join me."

"Sorry," Nyla teased back. "I got caught up in family stuff."

Ryan pulled her closer, his gaze warm and adoring. "I love seeing you like this—happy, surrounded by the people you care about."

As the music shifted to a slower song, Ryan led Nyla onto the dance floor. They swayed gently, their movements synchronized, as if they were the only two people in the world.

"You know," Ryan murmured, his voice low, "no matter what comes our way, moments like this make me certain we'll be okay."

Nyla rested her head on his chest, feeling a deep sense of peace. "I feel the same way. We can face anything, as long as we're together."

The evening continued with heartfelt speeches, toasts, and plenty of laughter. Standing beside Ryan, surrounded by friends and family, Nyla felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude. This was the life she had always dreamed of—one filled with love, support, and endless new beginnings.

As the night drew to a close, Diane approached them with a warm, proud smile. "Nyla, Ryan," she said, her voice rich with emotion, "tonight is just the beginning. I'm so proud of you both, and I know your future will be as bright as these stars."

Nyla and Ryan looked up at the twinkling sky above. "To our future," Nyla whispered, raising her glass.

"To our love," Ryan added, clinking his glass gently against hers.

They sealed the moment with a tender kiss under the stars. For Nyla, this was more than just an engagement—it was a promise of forever.

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