Chapter Twenty

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A New Home

The day had finally arrived. Nyla stood in her now-empty one-bedroom apartment, taking one last look at the place that had been her sanctuary. The walls, once filled with photos and memories, were now bare. The familiar scent of lavender had faded, replaced by the sterile hint of fresh paint, ready for the next tenant.

Bella, her loyal corgi-husky mix, sniffed around curiously, sensing the change. Tilting her head, Bella seemed to ask, What's happening, Mom?

Nyla crouched down, rubbing Bella's ears. "It's going to be different, Bella. But I promise, you'll love it," she whispered, trying to reassure both her dog and herself.

This move wasn't just about leaving an apartment; it was about stepping into a new life. Every corner of this place held a story—late-night tears, early-morning laughs, and the moments that shaped her into who she was now. But as much as she cherished these memories, she knew it was time to embrace a future with Ryan.

A gentle knock on the door interrupted her thoughts. It was Ryan, looking effortlessly regal even in casual attire.

"Ready?" he asked, stepping inside.

Nyla nodded, feeling a mix of nostalgia and anticipation. "As ready as I'll ever be."

Ryan glanced around the empty space, his expression soft. "I know how much this place means to you. It's okay to feel torn about leaving."

Nyla sighed, her eyes lingering on the windows that had framed so many sunsets. "It's not just the place. It's everything it represents. I never imagined leaving it behind... especially for a palace."

Ryan moved closer, wrapping his arms around her. "You're not leaving it behind. You're carrying it with you—the memories, Bella, everything that made you who you are."

With one final look, Nyla took a deep breath. "Let's go."

Arriving at the royal palace felt surreal. The sprawling gardens and towering architecture were a stark contrast to her cozy LA apartment. As they drove through the gates, Nyla's anticipation grew.

Bella, initially hesitant, soon perked up at the sight of the vast green lawns and new scents. Her little tail wagged eagerly as she hopped out of the car, ready to explore.

Nyla laughed, watching Bella's excitement. "Looks like she's adapting faster than I am."

Ryan grinned, taking her hand. "I told you she'd love it here. And so will you."

Inside, the palace staff stood in line, awaiting their arrival. Nyla felt both awe and anxiety as she was introduced to the team that would now be part of her daily life. The head butler, Mr. Aldridge, stepped forward and bowed respectfully.

"Welcome, Your Highness," he said warmly. "We've prepared a special room for Bella, equipped with everything she might need."

Nyla's eyes widened. "A room? For Bella?"

Ryan chuckled. "Of course. She's royalty now too."

Following Mr. Aldridge, they arrived at a cozy room designed just for Bella. It featured plush cushions, toys, and a small, royal blue bed with her name embroidered on it.

Bella ran around, paws sliding across the polished floor as she explored her new space. Nyla couldn't help but smile.

"She's really going to be spoiled here," she said, glancing at Ryan.

He wrapped an arm around her waist. "So will you."

They continued their tour, arriving at their private quarters. The room was grand but inviting, with large windows that overlooked the palace gardens.

Nyla stood by the window, watching the sunset. Ryan approached from behind, resting his hands on her shoulders.

"How do you feel?" he asked softly.

Nyla took a deep breath. "Overwhelmed, but also... happy. It's all so new, but I think I'm ready."

Ryan kissed her temple gently. "We'll take it one step at a time, together."

Nyla turned to face him, her eyes filled with determination. "This is our home now, isn't it?"

Ryan nodded. "Yes, it is. And it's just the beginning."

As the evening light filled the room with a soft glow, Nyla felt a peace she hadn't expected. This was her life now—a blend of past comforts and present grandeur. With Bella by her side and Ryan's unwavering support, she was ready to embrace it all.

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