Chapter Fourteen

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Family Ties

Nyla's living room was filled with animated chatter as her family gathered to celebrate Naihaji's pregnancy. The cozy space, decorated with a mix of modern furniture and bohemian flair, reflected Nyla's eclectic taste. A vibrant area rug covered the hardwood floor, and lush potted plants added a touch of life to the room. Framed photos and art prints adorned the walls, adding warmth and character to the apartment.

Diane, Nyla's mother, sat comfortably on the deep teal sectional, her face beaming with joy. "Oh, Naihaji, I still can't believe it!" she exclaimed, tears of happiness in her eyes. "You're going to be a mother! It's truly wonderful news."

Naihaji's face glowed with happiness. "Thanks, Mom. Marcus is already planning everything—from the nursery decor to storytime routines," she laughed.

Nyla perched on the edge of the sofa, her heart swelling with pride for her sister. Amidst the happiness, a small part of her longed to share her own news about Ryan. She tried to speak up but found herself hesitating as the room's attention remained on Naihaji.

Nyielle, Nyla's younger sister, lounged on a nearby armchair, her fingers scrolling through her phone with a bored expression. "Yeah, yeah, it's great and all, but it's just a baby. Why's everyone making such a big deal?" she mumbled.

Diane shot Nyielle a stern look. "Show some respect, Nyielle. This is a huge moment for your sister."

Nyielle rolled her eyes dramatically. "I know, Mom. I was just saying."

Nyla tried once again to join the conversation. "Actually, I have some news too..."

But before she could continue, Naihaji's excitement bubbled over again. "Oh, Nyla, you should see the nursery ideas Marcus has! He's set on a baseball theme, of course."

"Sounds adorable, Naihaji," Nyla replied, forcing a smile while feeling a bit overshadowed. She exchanged a knowing glance with Nyielle, who offered a half-hearted shrug.

Diane, noticing Nyla's quiet demeanor, reached over to squeeze her hand. "How are things with you, Nyla? How's school going? Any luck on the job front?"

Nyla felt a rush of gratitude for her mother's attention. "School's good; I'm keeping up with my assignments. I'm still searching for a job, but I'm staying hopeful."

"You always land on your feet," Naihaji chimed in with an encouraging nod. "I know something great will come your way."

Nyielle, looking for an excuse to leave, stood up and mumbled, "Can I go now? I've got homework to do."

Diane sighed but relented. "Fine, but you're helping with dinner later."

"Fine, fine. And congrats, Naihaji," Nyielle added before giving her sister a quick hug and retreating to her room.

With Nyielle gone, Nyla felt more at ease. She took a deep breath, determined to finally share her news. "Actually, there's something I want to tell you all about," she began, her voice steady.

Diane and Naihaji turned their attention toward her, intrigued. "What is it, Nyla?" Naihaji asked, leaning forward.

Nyla smiled, her nerves slowly melting away. "I've been seeing someone. His name is Ryan, and he's really special to me."

Diane's eyes sparkled. "Oh, that's wonderful, Nyla! Tell us more about him."

Naihaji's surprise quickly turned into curiosity. "Ryan? You've never mentioned him before. How did you two meet?"

Nyla felt a wave of relief as she finally began to tell her story. "He came into the diner where I worked, and we just clicked. He's thoughtful, kind, and... he makes me feel happy again."

Naihaji's eyes softened. "He sounds amazing, Nyla. I'm thrilled for you."

"Thank you," Nyla replied, feeling supported by her family. "I think you'll really like him when you meet him."

Diane's expression was warm. "He seems like a good man. I'm so glad you found someone who makes you happy, sweetheart."

As the conversation continued, Nyla's initial anxiety dissolved. Her family's support, despite their quirks and occasional interruptions, was a source of strength. With Ryan in her life and her family's encouragement, Nyla felt ready to embrace whatever the future held, knowing she wouldn't be facing it alone.

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