Chapter Eleven

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A Visit to Treasure's Haven

The morning sun peeked through the blinds, casting a soft glow over my one-bedroom apartment. Bella was already awake, her tiny paws tapping impatiently on the floor. Today felt different—special. We were finally heading to Treasure's pet salon, a place Bella loved as much as I did.

"Ready, girl?" I asked as I grabbed her leash. Her happy yips and wagging tail answered for her, and I couldn't help but smile.

When we arrived at Treasure's Pet Paradise, the familiar scent of dog shampoo and treats filled the air, mixed with the playful barks of happy pups. The salon was buzzing—small dogs were getting groomed while larger breeds lounged in a playpen, tails wagging wildly. The bold, pet-themed decor reflected Treasure's personality: vibrant, playful, and unapologetically herself.

"Hey, stranger!" Treasure's voice rang out above the lively chaos, and I spotted her behind the counter, looking as fabulous as ever.

"Hey, Tre!" I called back, walking over with Bella nearly dragging me. I leaned in for a hug, her warm embrace reminding me how much I'd missed her.

"It's been way too long," Treasure said as we pulled back, her smile wide.

"I know," I admitted. "Life's been a whirlwind lately, and I needed a dose of my two favorite girls: you and Bella."

Her expression softened with a knowing look. "I heard about the job situation, Ny. You okay?"

I hesitated before answering, trying to keep my voice steady. "Yeah, I'm managing. It's been tough, but I'll bounce back. You know me."

"Damn right you will," Treasure said with a firm nod. "You always do. And remember, this place is like home—always open to you and Bella."

As Bella was whisked away by one of Treasure's staff for her pampering session, we found a quiet corner, taking a moment to sit and catch up amid the salon's bustle.

"So," Treasure began, eyes gleaming with curiosity, "what's the deal with that mystery man you've been talking to? And don't even try to be vague."

A blush crept up my cheeks at the mention of Ryan. "It's...complicated," I confessed, fidgeting with the edge of my jacket.

Treasure leaned in, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "Complicated in a good way or a bad way?"

"Good, I think," I said with a small smile. "Ryan's been sweet—really sweet. But I'm still trying to figure him out. It's hard to let my guard down after Devin."

Treasure's eyes flared at Devin's name. "Please, we do not speak of that mess in here," she said, waving her hand as if to clear the air. "Ryan sounds like a fresh start. But remember, Ny, don't let him rush you into anything. Make sure it's real."

I nodded, her words grounding me. "You're right. He's different, but I have to be careful. I can't let my past shape everything, but I can't forget it either."

Treasure reached over, squeezing my hand. "You deserve love, Nyla. Real love—the kind that doesn't leave you doubting your worth. If Ryan's the one, you'll know. And if he's not, well, I've got a backup plan involving wine and cheesy rom-coms."

I laughed, feeling the heaviness inside me lift. "Thank you, Tre. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"You won't have to find out," she said with a playful grin. "I've got your back, always."

The morning slipped by as we traded stories about recent life events and gossiped about the salon's more eccentric clients. Treasure's laughter was infectious, and the familiarity of it all wrapped around me like a warm blanket.

When Bella emerged from her grooming session, looking freshly fluffed and impossibly proud, I couldn't help but smile wider. This place, these people—this was home.

As we made our way to the door, Treasure called after us, "Don't be a stranger, Ny. You and Bella always bring sunshine to this place."

"Promise we'll be back soon," I assured her, feeling a rush of gratitude.

Walking out with Bella prancing beside me, I felt a sense of renewal. Despite the challenges ahead, I knew that no matter where life took me, I had friends like Treasure who made everything feel a little less daunting—and that was more than enough.

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