Chapter Eight

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Embracing New Beginnings

The sun dipped below the Los Angeles skyline, painting the sky in soft pinks and oranges. The golden glow filtered through my window, casting long shadows across the living room. I sat cross-legged on the couch, Bella curled up beside me, her tiny breaths a calming rhythm against the stillness of the apartment. In my hand was Ryan's letter, its words both thrilling and mystifying.

A sharp knock at the door broke my reverie. I quickly tucked the letter under a pillow before calling out, "It's open!"

The door swung open, and Riley, my bold and unapologetically loud friend, burst into the room with her usual energy. "Girl, you better not be moping in here," she announced, her eyes scanning for signs of distress.

I laughed, her presence instantly lightening the room. "Not today, Riley. I'm actually doing alright."

Riley plopped down on the couch, kicking off her neon pink sneakers and settling in as if she owned the place. "Good. Now spill the tea. What's going on with you lately? You've been so mysterious!"

I sighed, knowing there was no use hiding anything from her. "Well, I did get something unexpected today," I confessed, pulling out the letter and handing it to her.

Riley's eyes widened as she scanned the paper. "No way. A real love letter? This is so old school!" She leaned in closer, examining the elegant script. "And from a British guy? Dang, Nyla, you're out here living in a Hallmark movie!"

I laughed at her dramatics. "I know, right? It's sweet, but it's also confusing. I have no idea what to make of it, or how he even found me."

Riley's face turned serious for a moment. "Do you think it's safe? I mean, he found your address somehow..."

"That's the weird part," I admitted. "Josie mentioned she might've accidentally mentioned it while chatting with him at the diner, but I still can't wrap my head around the fact that he actually wrote me a letter. Who does that?"

Riley waved her hand dismissively. "Forget the logistics for a second. Let's focus on the important part: is he hot?"

I chuckled, rolling my eyes. "You know that's not what matters."

"But it doesn't hurt, does it?" Riley teased, nudging me playfully. "Besides, you deserve something good after that disaster with Devin. And if this Brit turns out to be a prince—literally or figuratively—I say go for it."

I shook my head, amused at her enthusiasm. "I'm not getting my hopes up. I barely know him, and there's so much I don't understand about this situation."

Riley leaned back against the couch, her expression softening. "I get it. You don't want to rush into anything. But, Nyla, you've got to let yourself have a little fun. Not everything has to be so serious, you know?"

Her words hit home. After everything that had happened, I'd been hesitant to let anyone new into my life. But Riley was right—I couldn't let fear hold me back forever.

"Maybe you're right," I admitted, feeling a flicker of hope.

"Of course I'm right," Riley said confidently. "Now, enough about mysterious British men. Guess who just got promoted to manager at the gym?"

My eyes widened in surprise. "No way! Congrats, Riley! You totally deserve it."

"Thank you, thank you," she said, pretending to bow. "And speaking of the gym, there's a front desk position opening up. I could put in a good word for you if you're interested."

The offer caught me off guard. "Really? You think I'd be a good fit?"

Riley looked me straight in the eye. "Nyla, you're hardworking, reliable, and you've got that smile that makes people feel welcome. Of course, you'd be a good fit."

I felt a warmth spread in my chest at her words. "Thanks, Riley. I'll think about it. I really appreciate you looking out for me."

"Always, girl," she said, flashing a grin. "Now, I've got to jet. But remember—keep an open mind, okay? This could be the start of something really good."

As she stood to leave, I couldn't help but feel grateful for her. "Thanks, Riley. I needed this talk."

Riley waved me off. "What are friends for? Now, go cuddle Bella and think about that gym job. And maybe text Mr. Mysterious British Guy back."

I laughed, shaking my head as she left the apartment. After she was gone, I settled back onto the couch, Bella curling up beside me once more. I looked at the letter again, feeling a mix of anticipation and uncertainty.

Riley was right—maybe it was time to embrace the unexpected, to let go of the past and step into the unknown. After all, life was full of surprises, and this could very well be the beginning of a new adventure.

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